Published at 28th of June 2024 05:45:58 AM

Chapter 453: War Weapons

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Chapter 453: War Weapons

Su Jiu rubbed his chin, mimicking a gesture he had learned from Commander.

"Is the Ghost Clan army coming now to compete with us for business?"

Su Jiu hadn't forgotten that in this world, the Ghost Clan had always had its eyes on humans. And their current goal was to conquer the city ahead. If the Ghost Clan arrived now, they would become competitors in this endeavor, which couldn't be allowed!

The city had to be theirs, as per Commander's orders!

Su Jiu was about to order the army to advance quickly and seize the city before the Ghost Clan arrived. However, he quickly thought about what Commander would do in this situation.

Su Jiu closed his eyes and carefully remembered Commander's actions when he had followed him closely in the past.

If it were Commander facing this situation, he definitely wouldn't waste his own power. Commander valued every one of his subordinates and wouldn't easily let them die.

Moreover, there was a great opportunity right in front of them. How could they waste it?

"Send a message back to them, tell them to hold on, and we will provide them with support," Su Jiu said.

Even though the soldiers looked puzzled, they didn't say anything and immediately carried out his orders.

In the Red Alert Base, no one could defy orders from higher-ups, especially since every Red Alert Soldier had confidence in their own abilities. Even if they encountered eighth-order powerhouses, the only thing on their minds was to fight!

Soon, the message reached the city, and Li Jing received the news with great joy. "This is truly a blessing. With the support of the external forces, even the Ghost God Army won't be able to breach the city!"

Li Jing hadn't even considered the possibility of the other side reneging on their promise. In his view, both sides were human forces, and it was only natural for them to help each other.

With his spirits high, Li Jing immediately issued orders for the troops to mobilize and block the Ghost God Army as far away from the city as possible, ensuring they wouldn't get anywhere near it!

The human army marched out of the city gates, their expressions serious and even somewhat resigned.

They had heard of the reputation of the Ghost God Army, a force of ten thousand that had defeated a hundred thousand. How could they possibly contend with that?

They all knew that their loved ones lived in the city, and if they gave up, the city would truly have no hope left.

"Are we marching to our deaths?" one soldier whispered to his friend.

"My lord, currently, we are at a disadvantage. We can only hold out for a short time. Should we deploy the War Weapons?" the aide asked.

Every city had its own War Weapons, formidable weapons on the battlefield that played crucial roles.

Li Jing contemplated, genuinely wanting to use the reinforcements. War Weapons consumed Crystals and were troublesome to repair after the battle, and Li Jing's principle was to conserve resources whenever possible.

"Contact the reinforcements and have them deploy the War Weapons," Li Jing eventually decided.

It didn't take long for the aide to return, his face carrying a hint of anger, which gave Li Jing an uneasy feeling.

"My lord, the liaison officer from the reinforcements told me they plan to wait for a critical moment to intervene and won't do so now."

"What?" Li Jing wasn't naive; he instantly understood that the reinforcements might want both sides, Humans and the Ghost Clan, to weaken each other, leaving them to benefit.

Li Jing took a deep breath. He knew he couldn't rely on the reinforcements; he had to rely on himself now.

"Deploy the War Weapons; we must stop the Ghost God Army at all costs!"


With heavy footsteps, massive War Weapons came into play.

The appearance of these War Weapons surprised Su Chen. Weren't these just large black iron spheres? Indeed, the War Weapons were nothing more than these huge iron spheres, with surfaces so smooth they could reflect light.

If it weren't for the stunned and envious expressions on the other soldiers' faces, Su Chen might have thought they were joking.


Dozens of iron spheres appeared from the city gates, lined up in front of them. At that moment, the soldiers received orders and retreated from both sides.


Li Jing shouted, and instantly, countless spikes emerged on the surface of these iron spheres, with electricity flickering on them. Then, the iron spheres rolled forward.

"Wow, this weapon is fantastic! When can I design one?" Su Chen immediately took a liking to this weapon. With the technology from the Red Alert Base, he believed these iron spheres could truly shine. (To be continued...)

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