Published at 28th of June 2024 05:45:55 AM

Chapter 455: Su Jiu's Appearance

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Chapter 455: Su Jiu's Appearance

The Ghost God Army launched a massive attack, and the Human army was retreating steadily. They had backed up against the city wall, and their backs were against the wall!

"Why hasn't the Lord of the city given the order to retreat? Does he want to see us all die here?" a soldier couldn't help but shout in a low voice.

"Be cautious! The Lord of the city may have his own reasons. We just need to do our part," another soldier cautioned.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

It wasn't just one soldier who thought this way; many soldiers believed they had been abandoned by the Lord of the city. Their morale was low, and they could only watch as the Ghost God Army approached.

Even the fierce cannon fire from the city walls couldn't stop the advance of the Ghost God Army. Their physique was incredibly strong, and when they gathered together, they seemed to form a defensive shield that could withstand the cannon fire.

"It's impossible. Since when did the Ghost Clan have this kind of power?"

Humans, who were witnessing this situation for the first time, were horrified. In the past, the Ghost Clan had only relied on their bodies to resist Human attacks. This was the first time they had seen them use other means.

If all Ghost Clan had this ability, Humans would lose their biggest advantage!

This was not a small matter, and Li Jing's face changed when he saw it. "Is this a unique ability of the Ghost God Army, or has the entire Ghost Clan developed the ability for all Ghost Clan members to use?"

Li Jing felt fear in his heart. If the Ghost God Army could so easily reveal this power, it seemed they would spare no effort in dealing with him and the city. They had a clear intent to kill!

"Fortunately, there are reinforcements nearby. I just hope they can match the Ghost God Army," Li Jing worried.

His only hope was that among these reinforcements, there was an eighth-order expert. With their cooperation, they might be able to resist the eighth-order experts of the Ghost God Army.

Just when the Human army was in despair, they saw a large number of flying weapons appear in the sky.

"These fighter jets are definitely not from our city, which means... reinforcements?"

The soldiers were overjoyed. The appearance of reinforcements gave them hope. Regardless of whether these reinforcements were strong or weak, it was at least a glimmer of hope.

Soon, they witnessed the formidable strength of the reinforcements.

A large number of missiles were launched from the fighter jets, targeting various units of the Ghost God Army below.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

He was the ninth Red Alert Soldier, one of the few units named by the Commander!

So far, only a few units had been named by the Commander, and despite the presence of many other units, the Commander had never given them names. This was their honor and motivation.

"All Snipers and Virus Snipers, take aim and shoot. Do not allow any harm to our own people," Su Jiu ordered. The Snipers and Virus Snipers seated in the helicopters began to take aim.

They wouldn't easily open fire because doing so would indicate that one of their comrades was in danger.

One Red Alert Soldier lifted an AK-47 and opened fire on the Ghost Clan. Unfortunately, this type of firearm, despite its power, had one drawback: it lacked accuracy.

While he was firing, the Ghost Clan had already charged up, covered in blood, determined to kill the Red Alert Soldier. They were fierce.

The Red Alert Soldier remained calm and drew his knife, preparing for close combat. As Red Alert Soldiers, they were not afraid of close combat.

Red Alert Soldiers had previously engaged in combat tests with Beastmen, and even the most ordinary Red Alert Soldier could withstand Beastmen for ten minutes!

The Ghost Clan's large sword came crashing down heavily, but the Red Alert Soldier was prepared to resist with his knife. There was no room for him to evade.

In that split second, a bullet shot through a gap in the Ghost Clan's armor, instantly killing the Ghost Clan member.

The Red Alert Soldier showed no surprise and continued to engage in battle. The deceased Ghost Clan's body turned into a puddle of green liquid, staining the nearby Ghost Clan members green.

This was the power of toxin!

Since they were called Virus Snipers, their bullets naturally contained potent toxins that could afflict enemies with a deadly poison, rendering them combat ineffective.

However, the Ghost Clan had a robust physique, and unless killed outright, the toxin couldn't kill them.

"Yuri Clones and Libra replicants, use Psychic control!"

With Su Jiu's command, some of the Ghost God Army soldiers suddenly found themselves swinging their swords at their own comrades!

Watching their bewildered comrades die, these Ghost Clan members were on the verge of madness. (To be continued...)

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