Published at 28th of June 2024 05:45:51 AM

Chapter 457: The Astute Lord of the City

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Chapter 457: The Astute Lord of the City

Li Jing felt like his heart had stopped beating. What the hell are you doing?

Can't you see that I've been humbling myself? Are you still acting so arrogant?

Li Jing had never felt so inclined to tear someone apart limb from limb. This guy was practically leading him to his death!

Damn it!

His trusted subordinate seemed quite pleased with himself, thinking that his display would surely impress the Lord of the City, securing his future as the CEO and winning the hearts of beautiful women, ultimately reaching the pinnacle of life.

However, he never expected that the Lord of the City was already contemplating how to dismember him.

What Li Jing feared most was that if the Lord decided to kill him in a fit of anger, he would have nowhere to run.

He discreetly glanced at Su Jiu and was surprised to find that Su Jiu had no expression on his face. What was going on?

Could this be the demeanor of a true boss?

Just when Li Jing was feeling anxious, Su Jiu spoke, "You're quite impressive. From now on, you will be the Vanguard Captain of Shaling City, responsible for the first line of defense against the Ghost Clan. You must stand at the forefront."

Li Jing: "???"

"Did you not hear what I said clearly? Only the Lord of the City has the authority to give orders. You are just..."

This time, Li Jing didn't wait for his trusted subordinate to finish speaking; he simply slapped him, sending him flying. He explained with a sweat-soaked face, "My Lord, what he said earlier has nothing to do with me. I sincerely hope that you will assume the position of the Lord of the City, and I believe that this is what everyone in Shaling City wants."The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Seemingly feeling that a few words were not enough, Li Jing shouted to the surrounding soldiers, "Is this what you all want?"

"Red Alert Base."

Li Jing racked his brain but couldn't recall any mention of such a base on the top 100 rankings. How was this possible? If a base wasn't on the top 100 rankings, how could it have such a formidable force?

If he had known that these forces were just an ordinary unit within Red Alert Base and had recently wiped out a base on the top 100 rankings, he would have been astounded. In his eyes, any base on the top 100 rankings was among the strongest. Even if Red Alert Base wasn't on the list, Li Jing believed that it deserved a spot.

"May I have the honor of meeting Commander, sir?" Li Jing asked cautiously.

Su Jiu glanced at Li Jing, and that look made Li Jing feel as if a mountain were pressing down on him. He had trouble catching his breath for a moment. Fortunately, the feeling quickly disappeared, and Li Jing knew it wasn't an illusion. The other person's strength far surpassed his own, and if Su Jiu wished, Li Jing would die in an instant.

After a moment, Su Jiu spoke, "The Commander agrees to meet with you because you understand the situation."

Li Jing was overjoyed, and a semi-transparent interface appeared in front of him. He saw a younger man than Su Jiu, with eyes as deep as the night sky, making it impossible for him to discern the man's true nature.

"Are you Li Jing, the Lord of Shaling City?" the man asked. Despite having no change in tone, Li Jing felt as if he were facing a king.

"Commander, I am no longer the Lord. Only you can assume the position of the Lord of Shaling City," Li Jing humbly replied. This was a conclusion he had reached over many years; in the face of someone much stronger, it was not shameful to be humble.

Even without using psychic powers, Su Chen could tell that Li Jing was sincere. It was hard to believe that an eighth-order expert like him would be so subservient. How did he reach this level of cultivation?

"If your ears are functioning properly, then you heard me correctly. You will continue to be the Lord of Shaling City, but in name only. You must obey my orders. Do you understand?" Su Jiu's intentions were clear: Li Jing would be a puppet Lord.

If it were someone else, they might refuse outright, but Li Jing no longer wanted to be the Lord. With such a solid backing, he wouldn't give up this opportunity.

"I understand, Commander. Will Su Jiu remain here in the future?" Li Jing asked hopefully.

Others might wish for Su Jiu to leave, but Li Jing genuinely hoped that Su Jiu would stay. Even if Su Jiu monitored him, he didn't mind. With Su Jiu around, he felt safe. (To be continued...)

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