Published at 28th of June 2024 05:45:50 AM

Chapter 458: FirstClass Ghost King

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Chapter 458: First-Class Ghost King

Su Chen couldn't believe his luck with someone like Li Jing, who actually wanted his people to stay. What was going on?

However, currently, the System's mission only required him to control ten cities. With that in mind, Su Jiu could easily stay here while other places would have different units responsible.

"Su Jiu, from now on, you'll stay here to guard Shaling City."

"Yes, Commander."

Li Jing was delighted to have a peak eighth-order expert like Su Jiu guarding the city. Shaling City wouldn't have to worry about Ghost Clan invasions.

With the second city under their control, the next step was naturally to take control of more cities. Su Chen delegated all of this to his subordinates, effectively becoming a hands-off leader.

Nine Red Alert Soldiers, excluding Su Yi, were dispatched by Su Chen to execute the task of controlling cities. Due to distance limitations, it was not possible to control so many cities in a short time.

Su Chen was unaware of the significant impact the downfall of the Ghost God Army had on the Ghost Clan.

In a large Ghost Clan stronghold, some eighth-order Ghost Clan members were having a meeting. Ghost Clan had never used the concept of meetings before; they had learned it from humans.

In the past, only the strongest among the Ghost Clan could speak during meetings, while others were mere attendants. But now, it was different; at least the kings of other Ghost Clan tribes could speak. This was a significant advancement for the Ghost Clan.

"Twenty thousand Ghost God Army soldiers dead?"

A heavy voice emerged from the mouth of the top-ranking Ghost Clan member sitting at the head of the table. He appeared to be a mighty Ghost Clan, with bulging muscles that exuded an imposing aura.

He was the top-ranking king within this large stronghold, belonging to the Ghost Clan's first-class Ghost Kings!

Hearing the displeasure in the first-class Ghost King's tone, the lower-ranking Ghost Kings in attendance trembled. One of them hastily said, "Your Highness, the accuracy of this information needs to be verified. We all know the strength of the Ghost God Army; it's impossible for them to be completely annihilated. This might be false information deliberately spread by humans."

"Yes, yes," echoed the other Ghost Kings.


He knelt down without hesitation, not daring to raise his head. "Commander, I apologize. I will immediately notify the Restoration Army to prepare for action."

The tapping of Su Chen's fingers stopped, and his indifferent voice reached Hewlett's ears, sending a bone-chilling shiver down his spine. "Hewlett, I don't want there to be a next time."

"I understand, Commander."

It wasn't until Hewlett left the room that he felt the sweat soaking his back. The pressure moments ago had nearly pushed him to the brink of collapse.

This incident made him realize that until he became a king, he would always be a pawn in someone else's game.

Hewlett knew very well that he wasn't the only prince on this planet, but deep inside, he couldn't help but resent Su Chen.

At that moment, a voice entered Su Chen's mind. "Commander, that person just harbored feelings of resentment towards you. Should I eliminate him?"

The voice belonged to Libra, the strongest psychic ability user in the vicinity. She could sense the thoughts of everyone around her, including weaklings like Hewlett.

Hewlett had been filled with fear and respect for Su Chen in the past, but perhaps Su Chen's recent kindness had made him forget his true identity, leading to feelings of resentment, which Libra considered a sign of great disrespect.

Those who showed disrespect to Commander had only one fate!

"No need. He still has some value. If he makes any suspicious moves, we can use psychic control on him."

Psychic control was effective, but Su Chen didn't want to rely on it all the time. It wasn't always useful against enemies who were resistant to psychic powers, like the Ghost Clan.

Su Chen was well aware that Red Alert Base needed to develop comprehensively. Focusing solely on the development of psychic technology was not the best choice. If they encountered enemies who were highly resistant to psychic powers, Red Alert Base would be at a significant disadvantage.

"Very well, Commander. Are there any other enemies you'd like me to deal with? I'd love to witness the enemies slowly tormented by psychic powers; it's a beautiful sight, isn't it?" A strange voice chimed in.

Su Chen slapped his forehead. Libra's second personality had appeared again. (To be continued)

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