Published at 28th of June 2024 05:45:49 AM

Chapter 459: Trouble with the Restoration Army!

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Chapter 459: Trouble with the Restoration Army!

Libra's situation was somewhat complicated. Su Chen had once asked the System if it could unify Libra's personality, and the System told him that it was basically impossible unless he had complete control of Soulpower.

Even if his Psychic abilities reached the highest level, he couldn't merge or separate Libra's personalities. In essence, both personalities were one person, and if they were separated too easily, Libra would die.

Over time, Su Chen noticed that Libra's first personality's presence was diminishing while the second personality's time increased. Fortunately, both personalities obeyed Su Chen's commands, or else he would have a headache.

Libra's first personality was obedient, but the second personality was not. She constantly wanted Su Chen to let her go out and kill enemies, but Su Chen wouldn't allow Libra to leave freely. It was too dangerous!

The danger here wasn't from external threats, but from Libra herself.

Libra controlled Psychic powers, and they were highly destructive. Once let loose, she would be uncontrollable, like a wild horse.

In Libra's eyes, anyone except those from the Red Alert Base and Earth was an enemy.

Su Chen had asked Yun Ru about Libra's current situation, but Yun Ru had no good solution. The only suggestion she had was to let Libra go out and kill, which would satisfy the second personality, allowing the first personality to exist longer.

After thinking it over, Su Chen made a decision he would let Libra go out alone!

Libra was thrilled with this decision, as she finally gained the authority to go out alone, and it was a direct order from Commander; no one could disobey it.

The remaining Super Soldiers, Yun Ru didn't mind, but Ju Ling and Tanya were against it.

"Commander, you know Libra's situation. It's too dangerous to let her go out," Tanya said.

"I agree with Tanya this time. Libra's personalities frequently switch, and while the first personality is okay, once the second one appears, we don't know what she might do outside. Commander, please reconsider," Ju Ling's expression was serious.Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

They considered Libra a comrade and didn't want to see her go down a dangerous path without supervision. Nobody knew what the second personality of Libra would do when unsupervised. She might wipe out an entire tribe of the Ghost Clan or even a city of humans.

He carefully concealed his ambitions, unaware that his desires had already been exposed, and Su Chen simply didn't bother to acknowledge them.

With each Ghost Clan tribe they defeated, Hewlett rescued many humans. The losses in Restoration Army were quickly replenished, and the new recruits only had one task: to familiarize themselves with Red Alert Weapons.

Prince Hewlett forgot one crucial thing the combat effectiveness of Restoration Army depended on Red Alert Base's Weapons. Without these Weapons, they were nothing.

In his excitement, Hewlett forgot about this fact and focused solely on expanding Restoration Army. He imagined himself wearing the crown of a king!

Suddenly, an urgent voice reached his ears, "Prince, something's wrong!"

Hewlett's daydream was interrupted, and he looked uneasy, saying, "What's wrong? I'm doing quite well now!"

"No, Prince, something's wrong with our Restoration Army!"

Hearing that Restoration Army was in trouble, Hewlett finally snapped out of his trance. He was nervous; Restoration Army was his only source of confidence, and he couldn't afford for it to fail.

"What happened?" Hewlett glared at the soldier.

The soldier gulped and said, "We thought this Ghost Clan was just a normal small tribe, but when we entered, suddenly 30,000 Ghost Clan members appeared, catching us off guard. At least 20,000 of our soldiers are trapped inside!"

This news was a shock to Hewlett. His total Restoration Army soldiers were less than 100,000, and losing 20,000 of them was a massive blow.

"Rescue them quickly!"

"Prince, we are currently under siege; we can't rescue them," the soldier said with a bitter smile.

Hewlett, at a loss for what to do, thought of one person who could help in this situation Commander. (To be continued...)

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