Published at 28th of June 2024 05:45:36 AM

Chapter 467: The Eight Trigrams Ghost Emperor

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Chapter 467: The Eight Trigrams Ghost Emperor

"But I never expected that, after I finally reached the Ninth Rank of the Ghost Clan, I learned some news. She became the concubine of the Ghost Emperor..."

"Wait!" Su Chen hastily interrupted him, asking with curiosity, "She became a concubine, so do you want me to rescue her from the Ghost Emperor?"

This was the best answer Su Chen could come up with, but unfortunately, he guessed wrong.

"No, at that time, I went to find the Ghost Emperor, wanting to take her away from him. The Ghost Emperor was powerful, but I wasn't weak either. We battled for three days and three nights. I was severely wounded and on the brink of death, and the Ghost Emperor didn't fare much better. Fortunately, he hadn't reached the Small Galaxy level at that time, at most, he had just crossed halfway. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been a match for him."

"At that time, neither of us could move. If there had been an outsider present, we wouldn't have stood a chance. Later, none of us expected that she would appear here. When she saw her, the Ghost Emperor was very excited and ordered her to kill me. She seemed to recognize me, hesitating."

"In that situation, I expressed my love for her, but..."

Painful agony appeared on Wang Chun's face, a heart-wrenching expression. "In the end, she still attacked me. She decisively stabbed a dagger into my chest, and then she left with the Ghost Emperor. However, she couldn't have imagined that I used my last bit of power to shift my heart slightly, so her dagger didn't hit my heart."

"The reason the Ghost Emperor of the Ghost Clan hasn't appeared all this time is probably because he's still recuperating. I managed to recover just recently using a special method, and he can't be much faster than me! Since then, I haven't heard any news about her. I worry that she might be under the control of the Ghost Emperor. As a Ghost Emperor, he absolutely cannot let the Ghost Clan see how miserable he is."

"I have only one dream, and that is to confront her in front of the Ghost Emperor, smash his head, and make her understand that I am the strongest in the Ghost Clan, and she can only belong to me!"

The story was so intense that Su Chen almost wanted to shed a few tears and pretend to cry.

"I understand now. So, this is a story of a loyal dog that ended up with nothing in the end?"

Wang Chun didn't know what a loyal dog meant since Yan Yun Star's Humans hadn't invented such a fashionable term.

Su Chen was speechless. He had thought Wang Chun was a heroic figure who could contend with the Ghost Emperor. It sounded impressive, but in the end, it was all for a woman. It nearly got himself killed, yet his first reaction was still to pursue that woman. Wasn't this the definition of a loyal dog?

If it weren't for the mission, Su Chen really wanted to slap him right then and there. He had brought shame to the Ghost Clan!

Su Chen had encountered plenty of loyal dogs among Humans, but a loyal dog of the Ghost Clan? This was definitely the first!

Su Chen directly transmitted the intermediate Ghost Patterns fusion technology to Yun Ru, who felt a slight headache but gained a new skill.

"Wow, this is an interesting technique, Commander, you actually have it?" Yun Ru's first question was about this.

Su Chen's face darkened. "Don't waste time; get to the point."

"Alright, I've looked at the intermediate Ghost Patterns fusion technology. It can only be applied to ordinary soldiers, and it can slightly enhance the physical fitness of the soldiers in critical situations. Very practical."

With Yun Ru's confirmation, Su Chen felt relieved.

"Then let's start using it on ordinary soldiers. Oh, and you can allocate a few spots for the Restoration Army. Let Hewlett decide on this matter."

If you want the horse to run fast, you must provide it with good fodder.

In Su Chen's eyes, Hewlett was like a horse, and one Restoration Army wasn't enough. He needed to sweeten the deal.

The intermediate Ghost Patterns fusion technology was a sweetener and a deterrent.

Just think about it; if Red Alert Base had already figured out how to use Ghost Patterns on Humans, what other cards might they have hidden? Who knew?

If Hewlett couldn't figure this out, Su Chen wondered if it was time to replace him as a Prince.

Not long after, Hewlett received a message instructing him to select ten soldiers to undergo Ghost Patterns implantation surgery at the Base.

Hewlett was dumbfounded when he heard about Ghost Patterns implantation. Had Red Alert Base figured out how to use Ghost Patterns on Humans? Wasn't this technology supposed to be impossible to develop?

Hewlett was full of questions, but no one was providing answers.

"It looks like Red Alert Base still has many secrets yet to be uncovered. I need to continue hiding and make sure that Commander there ignores my existence," Hewlett thought. (To be continued...)

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