Published at 28th of June 2024 05:58:46 AM

Chapter 47: I'm not here to fight

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Chapter 47: I'm not here to fight

The people in Base City were confused. Why was there a city-wide alarm? It had been a long time since the last time they heard such a high-level alarm, which was during the Mutant Beast attack over a decade ago. Could it be that the Mutant Beasts were attacking again?

The elderly who had experienced the previous attack were all pale-faced. Base City was not as large as it is now back then. It was at most a large gathering place. If it weren't for the people's bravery and sacrifice in fighting against the Mutant Beasts, Base City would not have been what it is today.

When the fat man heard the alarm, his body trembled, and a hint of fear flashed in his eyes. "How is it possible? Mutant Beasts attacking now?"

He knew that every time Base City's safety was at risk, all the Transcendents in the city would accept orders unconditionally and fight for Base City. If someone refused to fight, they would be found and killed on the spot to deter others.

Especially as a strong Transcendent, they must lead the charge and be at the forefront. This is the biggest reason why humans have survived until now.

The fat man was a peak Fifth Order Transcendent and was considered a high-level member of Base City. Apart from the only Seventh Order Transcendent controller, there were not many Sixth Order Transcendents in Base City. In other words, his strength could rank in the top 15 of Base City.

He would definitely have to be on the front line when the time came, which was the last thing he wanted to see.

Not only the fat man, but the heads of those big families were also scared when they heard the alarm. They hurriedly asked what the reason was for the city-wide alarm.

"Master, our people have found a large army heading towards Base City. They are not from any known Base City formations. Please issue orders, Master."

These heads of families were stunned. A large army were heading towards Base City, and they were not from any other Base City. What was going on?

Suddenly, they realized that this army was likely from that Military Base.

"Good, we haven't settled the score from last time. They still have the guts to come over. Do they think Wangchang City is easy to bully?" One of the heads of families was angry.

The most powerful thing about a Base City was not its offensive capability, but its defensive capability. After all, if the defense was too weak, Base City would not have been able to exist for so long.

"Quickly investigate what kind of army they have deployed."

Due to the appearance of the city-wide alarm, Su Chen's matter seemed to become insignificant for a while.

"Brother Su Chen, could it be that those armies outside are yours..." Luo Hang heard the voices of the people around him and immediately thought of this.

Su Chen praised Luo Hang with a glance. This guy's brain was really agile. "Yes, before we set off for the auction house, I contacted them and sent troops to welcome us."

Luo Hang wiped his cold sweat. Brother Chen, your welcome and the one I know are not the same thing, right?

Isn't this not a welcome but an active declaration of war?

Facing Su Chen's troops, Base City did not dare to neglect and immediately sent people over to find out their intentions. If there was a possibility of negotiation, that would be the best.

However, as soon as this matter was over, these big shots would definitely not let go of that Military Base. They could not allow anyone who did not follow their orders to act against them. Such people were traitors to humanity!

A man dressed like a foreign gentleman drove a car and shouted from a hundred meters away, "I am the negotiator sent by Base City. Are you from the Military Base? Please send out your Commander to speak."

Soon, a figure walked out, and it was Su San.

Su Chen, Su Yi and Su Er were in Base City, so Su San was the only one who could represent them. However, since Su Chen could communicate with Su San in real-time, Su San's words were equivalent to Su Chen's words.

"I am the Commander. Tell the people in Base City to open the city gates. I am here to participate in the Tianyu Auction House, not to fight," Su San lied without batting an eyelid.

The negotiator on the other side almost couldn't help but spray him in the face. You're just here to participate in an auction, but you brought such a big show. Do you think I'm stupid?

This kind of posture, do you believe that you're not here to fight?

Not to mention anything else, just the mobilization of these armies was a terrifying expense of oil. Unfortunately, he didn't know that these things didn't consume oil but energy, which was very cheap.

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