Published at 28th of June 2024 05:45:15 AM

Chapter 478: A Group of Lunatics

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Chapter 478: A Group of Lunatics

Alice's figure appeared next to Su Chen. She waved her small hand, and a bright beam of light shot out from her hand, landing on the city wall.

In the next moment, a visible light screen formed, starting from the city wall and slowly moving towards the interior of the City.

"Big Brother, according to the technical description, it will take another 13 minutes and 47 seconds for City to be fully scanned," Alice said with a mischievous smile.

Su Chen thought for a moment. A complete scan of the City in less than fourteen minutes was indeed impressive technology.

After all, even Spy satellites could only fix their gaze on a specific location, while this technology could create a three-dimensional image after scanning, displaying all traces of living objects, and even their movements.

Unfortunately, this technology could only maintain the three-dimensional image for one hour.

"Yun Ru, I have a task for you. Improve the Scanning Simulation Imaging Technology for me, preferably with a longer duration," Su Chen instructed.

"Commander, this technology is too easy; it's not challenging at all," Yun Ru casually replied.

"Oh, is that so? Then give me one week to upgrade the Psychic technology to version 6.0!" Su Chen chuckled. "I can't let you continue researching Psychic technology; I might really throw up."

Yun Ru panicked upon hearing Su Chen's words. "Commander, I was wrong! I'll start improving it right away. Please don't make me keep researching Psychic technology; I'm about to vomit."

Su Chen couldn't help but smirk. Over the past few days, Yun Ru had been researching Psychic technology day in and day out, and it had been a struggle to upgrade it to version 5.0. It had almost driven her to the brink of exhaustion.

Even if Yun Ru loved research, studying the same technology for such a long time was not sustainable. It was essential to switch to a different field to break the monotony.

With Yun Ru's assignment clear, Su Chen once again turned his attention to the City.

Since the Scanning Simulation Imaging Technology required some time, Su Chen decided to have his subordinates enter various parts of the City in pairs.

Additionally, Su Chen borrowed the eyes of a Red Alert soldier, allowing him to see the scenes observed by that soldier.

At first glance, Su Chen's expression turned grim. Even though he had received reports, he hadn't expected the situation to be so intense.

Su Chen didn't order the soldiers to bring them out. Instead, he provided them with a swift end. He believed it was better to die outright than to live in such a state.

"Someone regularly delivers food to them, indicating that there are still survivors here. This person is likely the true Controller of this City. Find them and bring them here!"

Su Chen's gaze turned cold. He could kill, but he couldn't tolerate humans being treated in this manner. He never forgot that he, too, was a member of the human race.

The actions of this individual had crossed Su Chen's bottom line!

Back on Earth, he hadn't witnessed such a scene in person. He never expected to see it on Yan Yun Star.

Yet, even after the Red Alert soldiers searched many places, they still couldn't find the Controller. At that moment, Alice's voice sounded, "Commander, the three-dimensional image of the City is ready. I'll project it now."

Su Chen's vision blurred, and a scaled-down three-dimensional image appeared before him. It displayed the entire layout of the City and the surviving humans inside.

Su Chen saw that there were fewer than ten thousand surviving humans in the entire City. Considering the City's massive size, it should have had no fewer than fifty million inhabitants!

What kind of process could turn such a large City into one with fewer than ten thousand residents?

Su Chen initially believed it was similar to Earth, driven by manipulation and persuasion, but now it seemed there was more to the story.

With their location pinpointed, Su Chen directed the soldiers to aim for the area with the most people and charge forward.

That location happened to be the central part of the City, a magnificent Grand Hall, which appeared to be where the City Lord resided.

Leading the charge were the Beastmen, who smashed through the Grand Hall's doors. As they entered, they were confronted by a group of people with red eyes, resembling wild beasts!

"Go, my pets, devour them," a sinister voice echoed in the Grand Hall.

Following the voice, a group of starving... lunatics rushed forward.

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