Published at 28th of June 2024 05:45:09 AM

Chapter 482: Do You Want to Live a Good Life?

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Su Chen was very interested in this Parasitic Species, so he called Yun Ru over to prepare for research.

Seeing the look in Yun Ru's eyes, the Parasitic Species suddenly trembled. It was the fear of being targeted by a predator.

"Don't slice me up! I don't have any slices to give you, believe me, it's true!" To prove itself, the Parasitic Species' right hand transformed like putty, constantly changing into various shapes.

Su Chen chuckled inwardly but maintained a serious expression on his face. "When are you going to die?"

"Probably in about half an hour. After I die, I guess no one will know about the existence of our Parasitic Species anymore." It sounded despondent.

They had drifted through the universe in search of a pure land suitable for their survival. The planet they originally inhabited had reached its final end, and if they didn't leave, they would be buried with their planet.

Unexpectedly, they encountered various dangers along the way, and the billions of Parasitic Species were reduced to just one.

"Is there any way to keep you alive? Dead specimens are not useful." Yun Ru asked anxiously.

The Parasitic Species trembled. Why did that question sound so strange?

"There is only one way for me to continue living," the Parasitic Species said in a deep tone.

After waiting for a while and realizing no one responded, it continued helplessly, "If I can fuse with another intelligent being within half an hour, then I can survive."

Su Chen stroked his chin. "If that's the case, doesn't it make your race meaningless?"

"Of course not. Only the first fusion with an intelligent being can bring us the greatest help. If we fuse with a second one, we become slaves and lose all sovereignty."

"Really?" Su Chen still doubted.

"Of course it's true!"

"Alright, Tanya, bring a death row inmate here. Prepare to inject them with Ghost Clan blood. I want to witness this experiment myself."

Don't think that everyone in the Red Alert Base's City will obediently follow orders. There will always be people who want to challenge the authority of the Red Alert Base. Once they are caught, they are all sentenced to death!New n0vel chapters are published on

Just when Lisa was idle, a Red Alert soldier found her and said the Commander wanted to see her.

Lisa's spirits lifted. Has the Commander finally thought of me?

With a nervous mood, she went to the Command Room, and the first person she saw sitting in the top position was Commander Su Chen. She respectfully greeted, "Greetings, Commander."

"Hmm, how have you been during this period?" Su Chen casually asked.

"Very well, I've never felt so fulfilled before!"

Su Chen glanced at her. "Since you feel that way, I'll keep you in your room from now on..."

"No, Commander, I was wrong. I'm not doing well. I've been in my room every day, and I'm really going crazy," Lisa shouted. She didn't think the Commander was lying.

Thinking about living every day in her room in the future, she felt it would be better to be dead.

"Oh, so you haven't been doing well. Do you want to live a good life?"

Lisa froze. What does this mean? Does it mean the Commander is planning to let her go out?

She knew the Commander didn't let her go out for a reason, which was to prevent her from talking too much outside, especially about Earth's information.

After all, if the people of Yan Yun Star knew that there was a living planet in the not-so-distant universe, they would probably give up Yan Yun Star and choose to migrate.

She was well aware that the reason why the people of Yan Yun Star were able to hold on for so long was that they hadn't found a second living planet. Over the years, Yan Yun Star had sent out many warships, but none of them had discovered the existence of a living planet.

If she hadn't accidentally learned about Earth's existence, things probably wouldn't have turned out the way they did.

"I want to, of course!" Lisa said without hesitation.

"Good. There will be a human experiment later. Come with me and give me your opinion."

Lisa's expression suddenly became fearful. A human experiment, could it be... (To be continued)

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