Published at 28th of June 2024 05:58:44 AM

Chapter 49: Red Alert Soldier VS Transcendent

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Chapter 49: Red Alert Soldier VS Transcendent

A war broke out, and under Su Chen's command, all combat units were pressed forward, putting great pressure on the city gate.

After all, the design of Base City was originally intended to defend against Mutant Beasts, and almost no consideration was given to defending against human weapons. This was the first time such an attack on Base City had occurred.

The Grizzly tank's cannon targeted various defensive cannons on the city walls of Base City. Almost every time a cannon fired, a defensive cannon was destroyed, which made the City Defenders feel heartbroken.

The armed helicopters launched missiles, causing explosions on the city walls. No one could withstand the power of the armed helicopters' missiles, unless the opponent was a Fourth-order Transcendent.

Only the Multi-functional Infantry Vehicle did not move, hanging behind the tank troops, ready to defend against the opponent's air units.

For a time, the city gate was actually suppressed.

The City Defenders knew that if their city gate was breached, even if they killed these people in the end, their position would not be guaranteed, and their fate would be very miserable.

Fortunately, these people did not know that the purpose of these Army troops was to welcome Su Chen. Otherwise, they would definitely concentrate all their strength to capture Su Chen.

The city gate was on the verge of collapse, and it seemed that City Defender received some orders. He suddenly gritted his teeth and issued an order that seemed like a death sentence to his subordinates around him: "Let all the Transcendents go out of the city to intercept the enemy. We must not let them enter the city!"

The City Defender knew that if his city gate was breached, even if he killed these people in the end, his position would not be guaranteed, and his fate would be very miserable.

As the only City Defender who had been breached by others for decades, he would be recorded in history, but of course, it would be in a negative way.

To defend the city gate, he could only issue this order.

Only Transcendents could stop the enemy's Soldiers and tank troops. As for the helicopter troops, Base City's anti-aircraft forces would naturally deal with them.

Once the City-wide Alarm was launched, any Transcendent of Base City must unconditionally accept all kinds of orders, even if the order was to send them to their deaths!

Soon, the Transcendents in the surrounding area were gathered, including Su Chen and others.

In the eyes of the people at Tianyu Auction House, they were robbers who stole auction items, but in the eyes of the City Defender, they were all Transcendents of Base City and naturally had to obey orders.Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

Seeing that their own Fifth-order Transcendents were so powerful that they completely ignored the cannon shells, the Transcendents behind them were like they were injected with chicken blood, holding their weapons tightly and rushing forward.

Their target was the team of one thousand Soldiers. They believed that as long as there was a Fifth-order Transcendent leading the way, what could a thousand Soldiers do?

No one thought that all of those one thousand Soldiers were Transcendents!

Hundreds of Transcendents showed their abilities. Some suddenly grew in size, some became very fast, and some even attached their strength to their bullets, making their bullets incredibly powerful.

This was the power of Transcendents. Apart from some Transcendents who did not have extraordinary abilities, those who had extraordinary abilities shone brightly and rushed forward.

In this era, the power of firearms was enormous, but Transcendents could not be ignored.

Su Chen knew that to truly create chaos, he had to engage in close combat. Both sides had been shooting at each other, but they could never get close enough.

So Su Chen withdrew his soldiers' deployment and ordered the Red Alert soldiers to launch an assault.

Finally, the two teams collided. As soon as they made contact, the Transcendents in Base City were stunned.

They thought they could easily take down the enemy soldiers, but in just one encounter, they lost dozens of people while the other side only lost a few!

This contrast made the City Defender's face turn pale.

Just now, he was about to kill a soldier, but the soldier barely dodged, and two other soldiers rushed over to fight him together.

All of these soldiers were Third-order Peak in strength, and their various abilities were well-balanced. This meant that when three of them teamed up, they could fight on par with a Fifth-order Early City Defender.

Only the fat man at Fifth-order Peak was more troublesome. His strength was too powerful, and the Third-order Peak soldiers could hardly stop him. But for the Commander's orders, they were willing to use their lives to block him!

No one noticed that the Red Alert soldiers seemed unable to see Su Chen and the others. They each found a Transcendent around them and charged over, as if they were fighting for their lives. Su Chen and the others easily made it to the back of the Red Alert soldiers.

No one below noticed this, but the officer on the city wall noticed this unusual scene.

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