Published at 28th of June 2024 05:58:34 AM

Chapter 55: HalfBeast

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Chapter 55: Half-Beast

Ju Ling, with her exceptional eyesight, clearly saw the appearance of this thing.

"Half-beast?" Ju Ling was surprised.

The thing she saw had the upper body of a human, but the lower body of a wolf. However, the eyes of this half-beast were filled with bloodlust and madness, without a trace of reason.

This was definitely not an ordinary half-beast. Ju Ling's bullets were able to kill a Sixth Order early-stage Mutant Beast, but when they hit this half-beast, only a blood hole appeared, and the half-beast's speed did not decrease at all.

The half-beast's sharp claws eventually grabbed onto a Soldier, who let out a muffled groan. The Soldier then swung a dagger at the half-beast's body, but the dagger, which could deal with a Third Order Mutant Beast, couldn't even scratch the half-beast's skin.

"Create distance and shoot!"

Ju Ling ordered, and a Soldier carried the injured Soldier out while the others took out their firearms and fired continuously.

The half-beast was fast, but clearly not faster than bullets. A large number of bullets hit its body, but strangely, these bullets were unable to penetrate its surface defense.

"What is this half-beast? Could it be the result of previous research here? There is no energy fluctuation on the half-beast's body, which means it is using pure physical strength." Ju Ling couldn't believe it.

With just physical strength, this combat power was equivalent to Sixth Order, especially its body defense, which was even stronger than Sixth Order.

At least her bullets could kill a Sixth Order Mutant Beast in seconds, but they couldn't even kill this half-beast.

Da da da...

Countless bullets poured out, and the sparks from the bullets illuminated the area brightly. The Soldiers could see that the bullets were indeed unable to harm the half-beast, but they seemed to make it feel pain.

Taking advantage of the half-beast's carelessness, Ju Ling fired again, this time aiming at one of its legs!

The bullet hit instantly, and the half-beast knelt down, missing a leg and becoming a target.

Su Chen almost spurted out his water. Three hundred years ago, are you kidding me?

But Ju Ling wouldn't deceive him on this matter, which means it's true.

Three hundred years ago, even the predecessor country of this land probably couldn't have built such a high-tech underground structure. If he remembered correctly, that era was still a dynasty with an emperor.

So you're telling me that in the era of the emperor, there was already such a high-tech underground structure?

Su Chen pinched his nose and felt that his knowledge of history was collapsing. Could this also be due to parallel worlds?

"Three hundred years ago, were the researchers still dressed in ancient costumes?" Su Chen laughed.

"Regarding this point, I found in some of their records that their appearance is similar to that of people today, and there are people of all skin colors."

Su Chen couldn't figure out how an underground research facility that started three hundred years ago could only be discovered by his people today. He was only able to find this place because of the radar. Without it, he wouldn't have been able to find it.

"Carefully check there, there are no other dangers, and send someone to guard there first. Bring the half-beast back for research."

"Yes, Commander."

Ju Ling and the soldiers checked every place and found no problems before returning to the surface.

"Take him back." Ju Ling waved her hand, and four soldiers made a simple stretcher to carry the half-beast back.

In that instant, the half-beast , who should have been half-dead, suddenly jumped up and ran into the forest.

Ju Ling reacted the fastest, and her firearm was instantly in her hand, aimed at the half-orc and fired a shot. The half-beast let out a scream, but he managed to run away despite the pain.

Ju Ling's face looked a bit ugly. Her firearm couldn't achieve continuous firing and needed a few seconds of buffering time. Just a few seconds, and the half-beast had disappeared.

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