Published at 28th of June 2024 05:58:29 AM

Chapter 58: Spendthrift Women

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Chapter 58: Spendthrift Women

This mission gave Su Chen a headache. The enemy at the Sixth Order peak, whether it was a Mutant Beast or a human, was not easy to deal with.

Ju Ling was able to kill a Sixth Order early stage Mutant Beast with one move, but that did not mean she could handle a Sixth Order peak Mutant Beast. These were two different things.

The Sixth Order was a big watershed, with the weakest being the Sixth Order early stage. At this level, one could easily deal with four or five Fifth-order Peak existences, but if there were more than five, the Sixth Order early stage might not be able to kill them.

But for the Sixth Order peak level, no matter how many Fifth-order Peak existences there were, they could not kill a Sixth Order peak. The strength of a Sixth Order peak far exceeded that of a Sixth Order early stage.

This was the terror of the Sixth Order peak.

Su Chen wanted to take down the enemy at the Sixth Order peak, but unless he had a large number of super units, he could not possibly be a match for a Sixth Order peak with ordinary soldiers.

"How can this mission be completed?" Su Chen was struggling.

Soon, Su Chen stopped struggling as Su Yi contacted him: "Commander, there is something I need to report to you."

"What is it? Did Leng Yuwei kill another Mutant Beast group? Or does she want to deal with more Mutant Beast groups?" Su Chen was indifferent.

He had known that Leng Yuwei had come back these days, but he had not seen her. He had not continued to pay attention to her affairs, as Su Yi had been secretly protecting her.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi contacted him this time.

Su Yi's voice was a bit strange: "It's not about that. It's about Miss Leng absorbing Energy Crystals."

Leng Yuwei and the others could get an unlimited amount of Energy Crystals in the base. These Energy Crystals were naturally obtained by Red Alert soldiers hunting Mutant Beasts, with the majority being first and second-order Energy Crystals, and third-order Energy Crystals being relatively rare.

These Energy Crystals were enough for the three of them to consume, but this time Su Yi found him and mentioned the Energy Crystals, which made Su Chen a little strange.

"What's wrong with the Energy Crystals?"

At first, Su Chen used Energy Crystals to exchange for energy points, but since the base could obtain energy on its own, he had not used Energy Crystals to exchange for energy points. Now, the Energy Crystals in the base had accumulated to almost a small warehouse.The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

"What's wrong? Red Rose also has times when she doesn't dare to speak?" Su Chen laughed.

Leng Yuwei raised her eyebrows and looked at Su Chen, her voice carrying a hint of coldness. "Just now, I just wanted to say that I haven't been fully absorbing Energy Crystals these days. Otherwise, your inventory might not be enough."

"What?" Su Chen was stunned by Leng Yuwei's words.

If she didn't absorb them with full force, his Energy Crystal reserves had been reduced by so much. If she did, would his Energy Crystal reserves be empty in less than a week?

He really suspected that Leng Yuwei was not human. Even Mutant Beasts aren't so exaggerating, right?

She was really a spendthrift!

Of course, Su Chen didn't dare to say this in front of Leng Yuwei. He was afraid that this woman would really fight him.

"Energy Crystals are just small things. When I control Base City, I will have as many as I want." Su Chen waved his hand, very generous.

He knew that Base City must have had a lot of reserves over the years. If he got a Base City, wouldn't those Energy Crystals be his?

Energy Crystals were just small things. His main goal now was to find a Sixth Order peak target. His preferred target was naturally Mutant Beasts. The Sixth Order peak Transcendents in Base City had not yet attacked him and could not be considered his enemies. He would not kill people casually.

But it was not easy to find a Sixth Order peak Mutant Beast. If Sixth Order peak Mutant Beasts were everywhere, the situation for humans would really be dangerous.

"I haven't found a Sixth Order peak Mutant Beast within a radius of 500 kilometers. Do I have to go further to find one? Even if I find one, how can I lead a large army there from such a far distance?" Su Chen was a little headache.

Just then, Su Chen heard the alarm from the System: "Alert, Invader is invading the Sub-base. Please give orders, Commander."

"What? Who is so blind to dare to invade my Sub-base?" Su Chen frowned and immediately enlarged the image of the Invader. Then he saw a Half-Beast.

"Isn't this the Half-Beast that escaped last time? You have some guts to invade my Sub-base. It seems that if I don't give you a profound lesson this time, you won't know what your father's name is!"

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