Published at 28th of June 2024 05:58:27 AM

Chapter 59: Nothing is Impossible to the Willing Heart

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Chapter 59: Nothing is Impossible to the Willing Heart

Previously, Half-Beast played dead and escaped, which made Ju Ling feel guilty. But now, with a bold heart, he has actually found the location of Sub-base and wants revenge?

Su Chen immediately ordered Ju Ling to take action. This time, they must catch Half-Beast and not let this opportunity slip away.

Upon receiving the order, Ju Ling left Sub-base and stood on the wall, looking into the distance.

As a long-range attack super unit, Ju Ling's vision was greatly enhanced, and her eyes were like telescopes.

In Ju Ling's eyes, Half-Beast's movements were clear, and he probably thought his actions were concealed.

Ju Ling did not immediately take action. She had to make sure Half-Beast had no chance to escape, so she had to wait for him to approach.

Under Ju Ling's control, the surrounding Sentry Cannons did not attack, and the soldiers hid themselves, making the area quiet.

Half-Beast quietly came to the edge of the grass. The distance from the base wall was less than a kilometer, which was only a matter of seconds for Half-Beast.

Although Half-Beast was not very intelligent, he held a grudge and had been tracking the scent of the woman who betrayed him. He waited until his injuries had healed before preparing to attack.

Half-Beast hid in the grass without any movement, and Ju Ling did the same. They waited until late at night when Half-Beast finally made a move!

Half-Beast was fast, and he seemed even faster in the dark. He ran straight towards Sub-base, his eyes emitting a faint red light.

Just as Half-Beast was about to break into Sub-base, a gunshot rang out, and Soul Slayer's bullet hit Half-Beast's body.

However, Half-Beast managed to avoid a fatal hit and only suffered minor injuries.

Half-Beast breathed heavily, and his injuries seemed to have exposed his hiding place.

This gunshot seemed to be a signal, and the soldiers who had been hiding suddenly appeared, firing their weapons at Half-Beast.

The Sentry Cannons also joined the battle, but their attacks had no effect on Half-Beast due to his strong defense. Only Ju Ling's weapons could harm him.

Su Chen suddenly realized. No wonder Ju Ling, with her strength, didn't have a hundred percent chance. But this opportunity is too rare, he absolutely cannot let Half-Beast escape.

If he leaves the radar range, he really won't be able to find him.

Thinking of this, Su Chen immediately came up with an idea, which is to airlift Guangtou Qiang over!

Using an armed helicopter for transportation is too slow. This is a distance of one thousand kilometers. By the time Guangtou Qiang arrives, the battle will have ended long ago.

So besides the armed helicopter, does Su Chen have any other airborne units?

The answer is, of course!

The Blackhawk fighter, a unit that can be built when appearing at the airfield, has never been used by Su Chen.

The Blackhawk fighter has high attack power, but its defense is not good. Basically, as long as it touches a missile, it will be destroyed in seconds.

In addition, the Blackhawk fighter is expensive to build, so Su Chen has never used it.

But this time is different. Half-Beast is related to whether he can complete the 6th level task, so he must send Guangtou Qiang over to increase the success rate. The only choice is the Blackhawk fighter.

The Blackhawk fighter is very fast, much faster than the armed helicopter. Even if it is a distance of one thousand kilometers, with the speed of the Blackhawk fighter, it is believed that it can arrive soon.

Even so, the Blackhawk fighter needs at least two hours to reach the Sub-base. During this time, Ju Ling must stop Half-Beast and not let him escape.

"Please rest assured, Commander. This time I will definitely not let him escape!" Ju Ling said solemnly.

Last time, when Half-Beast escaped, Ju Ling was ashamed. If he escapes again this time, she will probably feel too embarrassed to face the Commander.

There are still two hours left until Guangtou Qiang arrives.

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