Published at 28th of June 2024 05:58:26 AM

Chapter 60: HalfBeast Transformation!

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Chapter 60: Half-Beast Transformation!

After enduring a bombardment, Half-Beast's body only had a few small wounds on the surface, and these wounds were healing at a visible rate.

Ju Ling's expression changed as she noticed that Half-Beast's recovery speed was even stronger than before.

Despite this, Ju Ling did not stop attacking with her firearms, which was the only attack that Half-Beast could not dodge.

In terms of melee ability and overall strength, Ju Ling might not necessarily be Half-Beast's match, but in this Sub-base, Ju Ling did not need to engage in close combat with Half-Beast. She could simply use her long-range weapons to slowly wear down Half-Beast's stamina.

She did not believe that Half-Beast's stamina was limitless. As long as she gradually depleted it, she had more than an 80% chance of defeating Half-Beast when Guangtou Qiang arrived.

One Guangtou Qiang brought a 50% chance of victory, indicating that Guangtou Qiang was very important. As a melee-based super unit, Guangtou Qiang's existence was the perfect complement to Ju Ling.

One ranged, one melee, a perfect combination.

If it weren't for Half-Beast's appearance, it would have taken who knows how long for the two of them to unite in battle.

Half-Beast roared and charged into the group of Soldiers, ready to wreak havoc despite being hit by bullets.

At that moment, all the Soldiers were deployed, and a small circle of fortresses appeared around them. At the same time, an invisible force greatly enhanced their attack and defense.

Red Alert Soldiers do not fear!

They crouched in place, took out their large firearms, and fired at Half-Beast.

Half-Beast slapped a Red Alert Soldier, but surprisingly, the hit did not kill the Soldier. He was angry and prepared to strike again, but Ju Ling's bullets came and directly injured Half-Beast's hand.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the injured Soldier decisively deactivated the deployment effect and retreated.

How could Ju Ling watch her Soldiers be killed?

Whenever a Soldier was in mortal danger, Ju Ling's bullets would fly from an unexpected direction and injure Half-Beast, allowing the Soldier to retreat and heal.This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

Ju Ling's expression became serious. Her bullets were able to create a large hole in Half-Beast's body before, but now they could only injure a small area. If it weren't for Half-Beast protecting some of his weak points, Ju Ling would have killed him with a single shot.

Fortunately, Ju Ling's bullets were still able to hit the werewolf, limiting some of its speed.

The werewolf realized that Ju Ling was its biggest threat and turned its bloodthirsty gaze towards her.


The werewolf disappeared from sight and Ju Ling could see that it was quickly moving towards her. She knew that sniping the werewolf was no longer an option.

"It looks like I'll have to engage in close combat. The werewolf has strong defense, but its attack power shouldn't exceed mine. There's still hope." Ju Ling took out her dagger, preparing to fight the werewolf up close.

But when she actually made contact with the werewolf, she realized that she had underestimated its strength.

If Half-Beast's attack power was relatively weak, then the werewolf's current state had already surpassed Ju Ling's level.

Su Chen saw on the radar that Ju Ling was already struggling in her fight against the werewolf, finding it difficult to defend herself.

He looked over at Guangtou Qiang's situation and realized that it would take another five minutes for him to arrive. That meant Ju Ling had to hold on for five more minutes.

"Damn it, it's just five minutes. I don't believe we can't do it!" Su Chen furrowed his brow, trying to think of a way to help Ju Ling. He was worried that she wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer.

At this moment, Su Chen's Red Alert system appeared, "Master, don't worry. As long as you use a core to strengthen a Sub-base, all units in that Sub-base will receive a boost. The buildings and defense units will receive the greatest boost, while the combat units won't exceed your Commander level, but their strength will still increase."

Su Chen's eyes lit up. He had no idea that the core had this effect.

Without hesitation, Su Chen used the core to strengthen the Sub-base.

Suddenly, Ju Ling felt her strength increase.

"What's going on? Did the Commander do this?" Ju Ling wondered subconsciously. But in this battle, she knew she couldn't think too much and began to fight back.

The sudden increase in strength didn't allow Ju Ling to surpass the werewolf immediately, but it did help her withstand its attacks. For Ju Ling, that was the most important thing.

After a few minutes of fighting, Ju Ling noticed that the werewolf seemed to be considering retreat. She guessed that the transformation couldn't be sustained for long and knew that she couldn't let the werewolf escape.

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