Published at 28th of June 2024 05:58:24 AM

Chapter 62: Tanya

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Chapter 62: Tanya

A building unit that had almost no presence in the game, now had a significant role here, something Su Chen had not anticipated.

Only those who have truly fought in battles would know the importance of a repair yard. Without it, relying solely on engineers, it would be impossible to repair those tanks and planes.

One repair yard was not enough, so Su Chen established three repair yards for safety. Unlike in the game, one repair yard could accommodate up to five units for repair at the same time, whereas in the game, there was only one.

Watching the repair yards repairing tanks and planes, Su Chen stopped paying attention and continued to look at the interface in his mind.

He did not know if it was System's twisted sense of humor, but the interface in his mind was exactly the same as the Red Alert interface he had played before. The right side was divided into four areas, the first being various building units, where he could choose various styles without being limited to any particular faction.

For example, the power plant, he could choose the Allied style or the Yuri style, whichever he liked.

Relative to others, Su Chen still preferred the Allied style, as most of the buildings in his base were in the Allied style. Of course, it could not be denied that other factions had their unique features.

"Hmm, these gray areas below represent the buildings I cannot construct yet. It's a pity that if I could build Yuri's cloning center, for every Soldier I build, I could get an extra one. Killing two birds with one stone, how great." Su Chen thought.

"And this shipyard, there's no river nearby, where can I build it?" Su Chen rolled his eyes.

He knew that once a shipyard was built, it was the ruler of the seas. From ordinary destroyers to powerful aircraft carriers, they could all be built. No matter how strong the Mutant Beast was in the sea, a fleet of aircraft carriers could easily crush them!

Of course, it was just a thought for now. He had not even finished dealing with the ground, how could he think so far ahead?

"Darn it, why can't I build a nuclear reactor? Do I have to wait until level 7 permission?" Su Chen found that his most anticipated nuclear reactor was still unable to be built, which was quite frustrating.

With a nuclear reactor, those power plants could be laid off. One nuclear reactor was equivalent to a large number of power plants, and their power generation levels were not even in the same league.

As for some of Yuri's building units, Su Chen looked at them and frowned.This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

"System, are the slaves in Yuri's slave mine also built?"

"Yes, like Soldiers, they are Bio-engineered soldiers, but they are not as good as Soldiers. Slaves do not have high intelligence and can only mine."

Apart from this, the slave mine itself was also a weird building. It could move on its own and search for the nearest ore deposit.

Many people played Red Alert just for Tanya!

If Tanya was a super unit, then her achievements would definitely be high. If not, could Tanya be mass-produced?

The thought of having a lot of Tanyas made Su Chen's scalp tingle.

Finally, Su Chen saw Tanya's icon on the interface, a golden-haired beauty, and he immediately chose to build her.

"Tanya's construction requires four hours. Do you want to use energy to erase the time?" System asked.

Without waiting for System to finish, Su Chen shouted, "Use energy to erase the time, hurry up."

System did not speak and directly erased the construction time. Su Chen ran over excitedly. The construction time was four hours, which was unacceptable even for a super unit.

As the barracks opened, a golden-haired woman wearing a sports vest, shorts, and carrying two pistols walked out.

"Tanya Adams, reporting to the Commander."

Unlike the previous two super units, Tanya already had her own name, and she did not need Su Chen to give her one.

"Good." Su Chen was very excited. He carefully looked at Tanya, and she did not disappoint him. As expected, she was the popular female character from Red Alert, and her heroic and cool posture alone was enough to make people admire her.

At the same time, Su Chen noticed that after building Tanya, her icon dimmed, indicating that Tanya could only have one.

"Wait a minute, why is her strength at level one, not at my current Sixth Order peak?" Su Chen found this problem.

"Tanya is a super unit that Red Alert already has. Naturally, her strength is in the same level as a regular Soldier. The first two super units you built were created accidentally, which is why they were born with the strongest power." System explained.

"I understand. This means that only the super units obtained by paying to draw cards have privileges, and the ones given by System do not have any privileges."

System: "..."

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