Published at 28th of June 2024 05:58:19 AM

Chapter 65: Omen

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Chapter 65: Omen

When Su Chen opened the last interface, the massive amount of Tanks flooded his vision.

One could say that in his eyes, there were only Tanks!

"Phantom Tanks, Prism Tanks, Apocalypse Tanks, hehehe." Su Chen let out a silly laugh.

His favorite Tanks were these three types. The Phantom Tank had a built-in camouflage ability, able to turn into a tree at any time and place, making it impossible to detect even up close.

The Prism Tank was a mobile version of the Prism Tower. As the number of Prism Tanks increased, the power of the beams they emitted became stronger and had a scattering effect.

Lastly, the Apocalypse Tank could take on anything, two words, invincible!

Of course, these were all Su Chen's imagination. In reality, while the Apocalypse Tank was strong, it had not reached the level of invincibility.

However, as a Tank, the Apocalypse Tank could take on planes in the air and tanks on the ground. Besides not being able to swim, it had almost no weaknesses.

If one had to say, then there was only one weakness, speed.

The speed of a regular Tank was decent, but the Apocalypse Tank's bulky size made it much slower than a regular Tank. However, this could not hide the Apocalypse Tank's strength.

Without saying anything else, if a row of Apocalypse Tanks charged during a siege, who could stop them?

"No need to talk, build all three types of Tanks."

Su Chen was very excited, but System's words directly extinguished his thoughts: "Master, you don't have much energy left. You can't build all three types of Tanks."

"What? The energy is gone so quickly, what about my hundreds of thousands of energy?"

When Su Chen checked, he realized that he didn't have much energy left. Building a few Tanks was still possible, but the key was that he wanted to build a large number of Tanks, which was impossible.

"Build one of each type of Tank first. No, build all the remaining units. I want to try them one by one and see which one is the most useful."

Su Chen only then realized that what was about to happen, if it weren't for Leng Yuwei telling him, he would have been foolishly waiting until January for winter.

"Fortunately, every time we go out to hunt Mutant Beasts, I have the Soldiers pack up the Mutant Beast corpses and bring them back. The dried Mutant Beast meat stored in the base can probably sustain everyone for two or three months. This is not enough. We must store more food."

Su Chen didn't hesitate and immediately summoned his four super units and told them about the situation.

"According to the Commander, we must set out now, hunt more Mutant Beasts, and store more food. Based on my memory, there are only large groups of Mutant Beasts in some distant places. The Mutant Beasts nearby have basically been cleared by us," Ju Ling said first.

"In order to quickly bring back the Mutant Beast corpses, we need the fastest speed, so we need a large air transport unit," Tanya reminded.

"You mean the Kirov Airship?" Su Chen raised his eyebrows.

There are many air units in Red Alert, but there are not many that are large in size. The Kirov Airship is one of them.

"That's right," Tanya nodded.

"The Kirov Airship has a large transport capacity, but the speed is too slow and not very suitable. It's better to use armed Helicopters," Ju Ling argued.

Guangtou Qiang was foolish and didn't say anything. Yuri had a cold and stern expression and also didn't say anything. Only Ju Ling and Tanya spoke.

Both of them insisted on their own views, but according to what they said, both options had advantages and disadvantages, and Su Chen was a bit hesitant.

At this moment, Yuri spoke up, "Commander, since we need to transport a large number of Mutant Beast corpses, why not let the armed Helicopters and Kirov Airship set out at the same time?"

Finally, Su Chen adopted Yuri's suggestion and let all the Helicopters in the base and the newly built Kirov Airship set out to bring back all the Mutant Beast corpses that the Soldiers had killed and turn them into dried meat!

Facing the upcoming winter, Su Chen didn't dare to be careless. The main base needed to stock up, and the Sub-base was the same. Moreover, since the Sub-base was established relatively late, there were quite a lot of Mutant Beasts in that area, so there was no need to worry about running out of stock.

"Two people need to go to the Sub-base to stay there. Who is ready to go?"

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