Published at 28th of June 2024 05:58:17 AM

Chapter 66: Why is it so provocative?

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Chapter 66: Why is it so provocative?

The four of them glanced at each other, and in the end, Ju Ling and Guangtou Qiang went over. Ju Ling, as the deputy commander of the Sub-base, had some experience and had worked together with Guangtou Qiang before, so the two of them went over.

With everyone assigned, Su Chen suddenly found himself with nothing to do.

Looking at the large dark areas on the radar, he remembered that there were many ways to light up the map in Red Alert.

The simplest way was to build a Spy satellite. With this, he could see everything in the dark areas, and there would be nowhere he couldn't see.

Unfortunately, he lacked a Spy satellite at the moment, so that method was out.

The second method was to call in paratroopers to land in the dark areas. This way, he could see the situation around the paratroopers, which was also a viable option.

Of course, he had an even better method, which was to build reconnaissance planes and send them to fly into the dark areas. As long as the planes weren't shot down, they could fly until they crashed.

The places the planes flew over would be displayed on the map, and they wouldn't be covered by the dark areas again, unlike the situation with the paratroopers.

The thought of finally being able to light up the map filled Su Chen with excitement.Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

"System, build 10 reconnaissance planes for me and send them in 10 different directions!"

Soon, 10 reconnaissance planes were built, and they flew in the directions Su Chen commanded. He watched as the planes lit up the map.

For reconnaissance planes, a distance of 500 kilometers would take several hours to cover, and their speed was much slower than that of the Black Hawk fighter jets.

However, Su Chen forgot one thing: there were flying Mutant Beasts in the sky. He hadn't encountered any before, but that didn't mean they didn't exist.

One of the planes seemed to have flown into the territory of a group of mutated sparrows and was chased and destroyed by them.

"That place should be remembered. There are so many mutated sparrows there, and my anti-aircraft infantry have been itching for a fight." Su Chen silently noted the location, eating delicious Mutant Beast jerky and waiting for the planes to fly out of the radar's range.

Finally, after several hours, Su Chen saw that the remaining nine planes had reached the edge of the radar and had flown out of its range into the dark areas.

"Not bad, they've finally made it to the edge. I hope they find something good."

As a Base City, having an anti-aircraft system was essential. Following City Defender's orders, a dozen Soldiers arrived at a manually operated cannon platform. The cannon was aimed at the sky, and they began to fire!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several massive cannon shells shot into the sky, targeting the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

Although these cannons were manually operated, they had auxiliary targeting devices, making it possible for an ordinary person to operate them.

The hit rate of these anti-aircraft cannons was quite high.

Just when they thought they could hit the reconnaissance plane, they suddenly noticed that the aircraft accelerated and evaded their cannon fire.

The reconnaissance plane circled in the air, transforming into an S-shape at one moment and a B-shape the next, causing the faces of those watching to turn red.

"What the hell! How dare a drone mock us? Brothers, bring it down!"

These Soldiers had gone crazy. When had they ever been mocked by a drone? If they didn't shoot down the drone today, how could they hold their heads up in front of their comrades in the future?

Countless cannon shells flew into the sky. Every time it seemed like they were about to hit the reconnaissance plane, it suddenly dodged, performing incredibly agile maneuvers.

"Damn it..."

These people cursed. When had they ever seen such a tricky reconnaissance plane?

"Something's not right. This definitely isn't an unmanned reconnaissance plane. Someone is controlling it!" Someone noticed something was amiss.

"That's impossible. There's definitely nobody up there. My eyesight is excellent."

"There's nobody, so why is it so agile?"


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