Published at 28th of June 2024 05:58:13 AM

Chapter 69: Unpaid and Paid

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Chapter 69: Unpaid and Paid

After a series of operations, Su Chen discovered an important flaw: the reconnaissance plane had no attack power, which meant that the transformed robot also had no attack power.

At most, it could only use its own strength to punch and kill an ordinary person, making it a weakling.

"Damn it, why does the transformation ability appear on a reconnaissance plane?" Su Chen was annoyed.

If the transformation ability appeared on the Tianqi Tank or Kirov Airship, he could be sure that their combat power would be stronger.

He had just asked the System and knew that this kind of transformation ability was very rare. The probability of brushing this attribute on other units was very small.

"Forget it, since it has stealth ability, the safety of the reconnaissance plane has improved a lot. Let it fly around and help me light up the map."

Su Chen gave up control of the reconnaissance plane and let it return to its previous automatic mode. However, this time he set some reminders. Once it encountered Base City, he would know, and then Su Chen would come to Base City again.

Little did Su Chen know that the Base City bigwigs he had played with were now furious.

"You bunch of useless people! The Fighter Jet failed to destroy the reconnaissance plane. Are you all eating shit?" The bigwig's face turned blue with anger.

He had not considered that even the Fighter Jet had failed to take action. After all, the reconnaissance plane and the Fighter Jet were completely incomparable.

In this situation, the reconnaissance plane was allowed to escape. Would the bigwig not be angry?

A middle-aged man with sparse hair kept wiping the sweat from his face. When the bigwig stopped, he whispered, "Minister, according to the pilot, the missile they launched did not destroy the reconnaissance plane. The reconnaissance plane suddenly accelerated and had a speed no less than the Fighter Jet. They chased it for a while before returning..."


The bigwig threw the ashtray on his desk and smashed the middle-aged man's head, causing blood to flow. However, the middle-aged man did not even think about stopping the bleeding. Instead, he knelt down and begged for mercy.

He knew that with a single word from the bigwig, he would be finished, even though he was a third-order Transcendent.

In this world, human life was the cheapest.

For the bigwigs, there were plenty of people who wanted to be their lackeys, and he was not the only one.

"You tell me that a reconnaissance plane can't even be destroyed by a missile, and its speed is comparable to that of a Fighter Jet. Do you think I'm stupid?" The bigwig was so angry that he wanted to kick the man to death.

Zhang Tao felt speechless. This guy's flattery was becoming shameless.

Leng Yuwei remained silent, observing the scene and thinking about some things.

"How many people do you think will die this winter?" she said.

That sentence silenced Luo Hang and Zhang Tao. They both knew that many people died every year during winter. Not everyone could store a large amount of food before the winter arrived.

No food meant death.

They had survived until now because of their Transcendent status.

For ordinary people, surviving a winter was extremely difficult.

"Big Sis, should we..."

Just as Luo Hang was about to say something, Leng Yuwei interrupted him. "I know what you're going to say, but have you thought about why he should sacrifice the lives of these Soldiers to provide meat for those ordinary people, all because of your request?"

Luo Hang forced a bitter smile. Yes, he had been too naive.

Who was he, and who was Su Chen? What made him think that Su Chen would agree to his request?

It seemed like a casual remark, asking Su Chen to help those ordinary people. But considering the sheer number of ordinary people in the vicinity, even if Su Chen used up the entire base's food supply, how many people could he really help?

"Big Sis, I was wrong," Luo Hang lowered his head.

"No, you weren't."


Luo Hang lifted his head in surprise. What did Big Sis mean?

"Saving people is never wrong. However, your approach was wrong. Expecting Su Chen to help those ordinary people without compensation is absolutely impossible. But what if there was compensation?"

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