Published at 28th of June 2024 05:59:44 AM

Chapter 7: Greed Leads to Death

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Chapter 7: Greed Leads to Death

According to Su Chen's knowledge, Guangtou Qiang was not far from here, even if walking, it would only take about ten minutes.

As Su Chen walked, he saw the true face of the Gathering Place. It was really a refugee camp, with a strange smell everywhere. Most people were thin and yellow, and there were hardly any fat on people.

Su Chen saw a person eating food. Was it really food? It was a long black thing that the person was biting hard, looking satisfied.The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

"What is that?" Su Chen asked.

Su Yi came up and said, "Commander, that thing should be the intestine of some kind of Mutant Beast, and it looks like it has been dried in the wind."

Before the apocalypse, few people would have been willing to eat such things, but here, it was the food that countless people fought for.

Su Chen felt a little heavy-hearted. The earth had mutated, Mutant Beasts threatened human safety, and most of the world was now occupied by Mutant Beasts. Only one in ten places where humans lived remained.

"When I have enough strength, I will definitely kill these Mutant Beasts and make humans the masters of the earth again!" Su Chen thought fiercely.

After about ten minutes of walking, Su Chen suddenly stopped, not because he had found anything, but because Su Yi told him that there was an ambush ahead.

Su Yi was the strongest of all the soldiers, with enhanced vigilance. If he said so, it meant that there really was an ambush ahead.

"Can we take them down?" Su Chen asked.

"No problem," Su Yi gave a positive answer.

The next second, Su Yi led four people to sneak past quietly, leaving four soldiers to protect Su Chen. Even in battle outside, protecting the commander was still their top priority.

Su Chen could see the situation ahead through the eyes of any soldier. This was a privilege he had discovered not long ago, so he stood here, able to see Su Yi's field of vision in his eyes. It was a strange feeling.

Su Yi's movements were very stealthy. If Su Chen couldn't share his vision, he probably wouldn't have noticed Su Yi's presence.

Su Chen didn't find any signs of lying from A'Biao, so he understood that Guangtou Qiang might have used him to get rid of A'Biao.

"He's really ruthless. Since he thinks so, I'll fulfill his wish." Su Chen's voice had just fallen, and Su Yi's dagger had pierced A'Biao's heart, killing him instantly.

As Su Chen took a step forward, he heard the system's voice: "Kill a First-tier Peak Transcendent and get 100 energy points."

Su Chen had a thought. There was a way to get energy points, but why didn't he get any when he killed someone before?

Soon, he noticed the word "Transcendent." So, it meant that only killing Transcendents could get energy points, and killing ordinary people wouldn't work?

For Su Chen, this was good news. He couldn't kill people for no reason, but it was okay to kill some hostile Transcendents.

Leng Yuwei had only walked halfway when she heard the news. Su Chen's group had killed the people who ambushed them at no cost, and now they were approaching Guangtou Qiang's location.

"Guangtou Qiang, come out," Su Chen shouted in front of a wooden house that was obviously larger and more beautiful than the others.

Soon, Guangtou Qiang came out with his henchmen. Seeing Su Chen's young appearance, he said disdainfully, "Kid, this is not a place for you to act recklessly. Take off your things and get out naked, or..."

Su Chen interrupted him directly, "Stop talking nonsense. If you want to fight, let's fight. I have things to do."

Guangtou Qiang felt challenged by Su Chen's words. If he didn't fear Su Chen's background, why else would he let them go?

At this point, if he didn't do anything, who in the Gathering Place would listen to him in the future?

At the same time, Guangtou Qiang's heart was full of greed. He could tell that these people were wealthy. If he killed them, he would make a fortune.

How could Su Chen not see the greed in Guangtou Qiang's eyes? This was intentional. As the saying goes, greed leads to death. Many people couldn't restrain their greed, and their end was often tragic.

Su Chen was already calculating how many energy points he could get after killing these people.

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