Published at 28th of June 2024 05:58:08 AM

Chapter 72: Divine Weapon from the Sky!

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Chapter 72: Divine Weapon from the Sky!

Through the radar interface, Su Chen saw that the only Sixth Order Mutant Beast had drool dripping from its mouth, and he was stunned.

"What the hell, are you the boss of these Mutant Beasts? What's up with drooling like that?"

Su Chen's mouth twitched. He suspected that if there were no other Mutant Beasts around, this leopard would have eaten the roasted Mutant Beast on the ground emitting a fragrant aroma by itself.

He thought for a moment, realizing that Mutant Beasts usually ate raw food, and they probably had never tasted cooked food. No wonder they drooled at the sight of roasted meat without any seasoning. It was truly pathetic.

The flame thrower was useless against the Sixth Order Mutant Beast, and the Prism Tower and Magnetic Coils were also insufficient. Only super units could deal with it.nôvel binz was the first platform to present this chapter.

The Snow White Leopard suddenly froze. It was not the time to salivate. It had to kill these humans with their fiery weapons and destroy the buildings emitting strange beams, or else its subordinates would be finished.

The Snow White Leopard dodged all attacks with agility and arrived at the wall, ready to take out the soldiers. Just as its claw was about to land on the neck of a Soldier, suddenly, the Snow White Leopard found that it could not move its body.

"What...what's going on?" The Snow White Leopard was shocked. It had never encountered such a situation before. It had lost control of its own body. What kind of ability was this?

The Snow White Leopard was aware of Transcendent Abilities possessed by humans, but it had never encountered such an unreasonable ability before.

With just a word, it directly controlled its body. Who could it reason with?

Who could possess the ability to control others besides Yuri?

Yuri appeared on the wall and looked at the Snow White Leopard calmly. In an instant, the Snow White Leopard felt fear fill its heart. This person before its eyes was like a demon king!

Yuri controlled the strongest Snow White Leopard, while Tanya rushed into the midst of the beast horde to begin her slaughter.

Tanya's abilities were well-balanced, making her the most comfortable in this situation.

Tanya's dual pistols fired continuously, with each bullet causing one Mutant Beast to die. Meanwhile, her agile figure weaved through the beast horde, and not a single Mutant Beast could touch her.

As the peak of the Sixth Order, Tanya's strength easily overwhelmed these Mutant Beasts.

"The problem lies in the 'annihilate all' part, which means not a single Mutant Beast can be left alive. It seems like we need to plan this carefully."

At this time, Gathering Place 161, the next Gathering Place after Leng Yuwei's, was under attack. It was rare to see contiguous Gathering Places like this.

The Gathering Place was filled with screams, blood, and corpses. Mutant Beasts charged at humans, as if they hadn't eaten meat in a long time.

"Mommy, Mommy!" a little girl cried out from under the bed. She had just seen her mother walk out of the room to let her live, only to be eaten by a Mutant Beast on the spot.

She could never forget that scene.

She could only tightly cover her mouth and hope that the Mutant Beasts wouldn't find her.

If it were that easy to avoid Mutant Beasts, then history wouldn't have seen so many deaths.

A boar-like Mutant Beast walked into the room, sniffing around with its nose. It slowly approached the bed, and the little girl was so scared that she tightly covered her mouth and didn't make a sound.

Just when the little girl thought she was done for, there suddenly came the screams of Mutant Beasts outside, not just one, but many!

At the same time, a gunshot rang out, and the boar fell to the ground with a bullet hole in its head.

"Come out, little girl, you're safe now." A deep voice rang out, and a man in a strange military uniform walked over, extending a hand to the little girl.

The little girl had never felt so safe before. She reached out her hand and held the Soldier's hand.

Not only here, but the same thing was happening in other Gathering Places. Groups of Soldiers suddenly appeared out of nowhere, catching the Mutant Beasts off guard.

Many Mutant Beasts in the Gathering Places were killed instantly. If it were just Soldiers, that would've been one thing, but Su Chen had also put many special units into these teams.

These special units had various unique abilities, and there wasn't a weak one among them!

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