Published at 28th of June 2024 05:58:07 AM

Chapter 73: We Charge for Our Services

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Chapter 73: We Charge for Our Services

The magnetic infantry strutted arrogantly down the street. When a Mutant Beast charged towards them, one of the soldiers merely waved his hand, unleashing a magnetic pulse that disintegrated the creature, reducing it to a pile of organic matter.

That's how powerful the magnetic infantry with their magnetic pulse were.

The radiation engineers didn't immediately inject their large syringes into the ground this time, as it could cause accidental harm. Instead, they held the syringes up and fired at the Mutant Beasts. If the radiation touched the beasts, they turned green and died on the spot.

The SEAL team was responsible for rescuing people who were about to be eaten by Mutant Beasts. Their movements were swift, and their guns were often capable of one-shot kills. They were even stronger than the soldiers!

The sniper climbed to the highest point of the Gathering Place, gun in hand, and with a single shot, he could kill any Mutant Beast that tried to escape.

Two rocket soldiers flew overhead, surveying the situation and trying to rescue people trapped by Mutant Beasts while preventing the beasts from escaping.

All the other different types of soldiers were also playing their roles, and although each type of soldier numbered only one or two, their combined fighting power was unimaginable.

The arrival of the soldiers suddenly filled the people of the Gathering Place with hope. They never imagined that someone would come to rescue them at this time.

"Don't be afraid, everyone! Our reinforcements have arrived!" shouted the one-eyed leader of the Gathering Place, who seemed to be in charge.

The people, who were previously in despair, looked towards the direction where the leader was pointing and saw some people dressed in strange attire hunting Mutant Beasts. Their pressure was greatly reduced.

They instinctively regarded these people as reinforcements from Base City, without realizing that they were not from Base City.

With the arrival of reinforcements, the people of the Gathering Place began to unleash their full strength. Transcendents rushed into the Mutant Beasts, engaging in fierce battles, while ordinary people provided cover fire with their guns. At this moment, no one could fight alone; it was a battle that would determine whether they would live or die.

The Mutant Beast leader attacking the Gathering Place was a fourth-level Mutant Beast. It noticed that humans had come with reinforcements, who were powerful at that. It didn't back down but had the remaining Mutant Beasts attack, determined to break through the Gathering Place!

The incident quickly spread to Base City, and they immediately understood that those Soldiers were definitely from Military Base. They were so angry that they gritted their teeth.

Their people were actually rescued by Military Base, which was simply slapping them in the face!

"No, we must give Military Base a taste of their own medicine. They're looking for mineral deposits, right? Let's give them a big gift!"

Su Chen learned the locations of three mineral deposits. When the Soldiers brought back various resources, he set up three slave mines. Originally, he didn't like using these mines, but other types of buildings were not mobile except for slave mines.

To build an ore refinery in another location, you must first establish a sub-base using an MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle), otherwise, it cannot be built. Only slave mines can exempt this requirement because they are mobile.

Of course, the slave mines themselves have no attack power. He must send some Soldiers to protect them and send out some mining vehicles to speed up the mining process.

"Well, it's not possible to use Chrono Miners in this situation. It seems that we can only use armed mining vehicles, which at least have some counterattack capabilities."

Su Chen didn't hesitate and directly produced three slave mines and thirty armed mining vehicles, and equipped each team with a large number of units and tanks and planes, which could almost be described as a small army.

Without this kind of strength, Su Chen was worried that he wouldn't even be able to defeat the Mutant Beasts in the mines.

Just in case, Su Chen equipped each team with a Fifth-order Peak Soldier. In case of any high-level Mutant Beasts, the Fifth-order Peak Soldier could still handle it.

"For now, there shouldn't be any problems."

Su Chen was ready to continue developing secretly, he felt that he still needed to be stronger to deal with Base City more securely.

In less than half a day, Su Chen received a message that his three teams had gone to the location of the mineral deposits and were ambushed!

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