Published at 28th of June 2024 05:58:05 AM

Chapter 74: Don't Underestimate Me!

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Chapter 74: Don't Underestimate Me!

"Commander, we've been ambushed. The enemy has a Sixth Order initial Transcendent leading them, and there are many other Transcendents. We've lost a third of our soldiers. At this rate, it won't be long before our entire team is wiped out."

Su Chen could hear the urgency in the Soldier's voice as he contacted him. It seemed that he was currently fighting against the enemy's Sixth Order initial Transcendent.Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

A Fifth-order Peak Soldier can at most hold their own against a Sixth Order initial Transcendent, but defeating them is quite difficult.

After all, who could become a Sixth Order Transcendent if they were foolish?

Not just one, but the communication from two other Soldiers was similar, with only the level of losses being different.

The most serious was a team that had been ambushed and lost half their combat strength in one attack. If it weren't for the Fifth-order Peak Soldiers still remaining, they would have been defeated long ago.

"Base City! I didn't come looking for you, and yet you dare to provoke me! Don't underestimate me!" Su Chen was furious.

He knew that this was a warning from Base City to him. Ordinary people would probably have to accept such a situation, especially since sending reinforcements at such a distance would be too late.

As long as the battle wasn't evenly matched, it would often end quickly.

If Base City sent an ambush, they must have put forth a significant amount of combat power, and ordinary reinforcements would not be enough.

"Tanya, Yuri, it's your turn to go out now."

"What about the other team, Commander?" Tanya asked curiously.

"I'll take care of that team myself."

"No! Commander, how can you take such a risk? I cannot agree!" Tanya immediately refused.

"Commander, please calm down. You cannot go out and take such a risk so easily," Yuri also disagreed.

The Commander was everything to them. If the Commander got into trouble, they would all be finished, and every Red Alert unit knew this.

"You seem to be underestimating me. Have you forgotten that my strength is at the same level as yours?" Su Chen smirked.

"That may be true, but your combat power cannot match any of ours. I cannot agree to you taking such a risk," Tanya insisted.

Su Chen's expression changed. "Tanya, this is an order from the Commander. There can be no objections!"

Su Chen was decisive and wanted to quickly get to the battlefield. Walking was definitely not an option, and the Tank was a bit slow, so the only option was to use a Helicopter.

Three hundred armed Helicopters departed, divided into three directions, heading to three battlefields. This was the second confrontation between Base City and the base.

The last time, the base won. What about this time?

The armed Helicopters were very fast. When they arrived at the battlefield, there were not many Red Alert Soldiers left. But even if they were completely defeated, they would still protect the most important slave mine. Without it, they wouldn't be able to mine even if they went to the mining site.

No one spoke among the Red Alert Soldiers. They were all silently killing the enemy. They didn't need language to boost morale. As Red Alert Soldiers, they would die with their enemies!

A Red Alert Soldier was approached by the enemy, so he threw away his weapons and engaged in close combat with the opponent. However, the opponent turned out to be a Fifth-order Transcendent, far surpassing him in strength. With one chance, the Red Alert Soldier suddenly got close to the opponent, pulled out a Grenade from his body, and wanted to die together with the opponent.

"Dream on if you want to die with me!" The Fifth-order Transcendent sensed the situation and sneered, kicking the Soldier away.

Normally, the Red Alert Soldier would be done for, and the Fifth-order Transcendent would not be harmed at all.

But suddenly, a phantom flashed by and appeared in front of the Fifth-order Transcendent, saying, "Here, take this."

The Fifth-order Transcendent instinctively took it, and when he looked down, his eyes widened. It was a Grenade!


The Grenade exploded. No one thought that a Fifth-order Transcendent could be killed by one Grenade, but when they looked over, there was no trace of the Fifth-order Transcendent, only debris on the ground.

"This can't be. How could a Grenade kill a Fifth-order Transcendent?" someone couldn't believe it.

Normally, it was indeed impossible, but what if a Fifth-order Transcendent was controlled and unable to use their own body's power?

A Fifth-order Transcendent unable to use their power was at most equivalent to a Third-order Transcendent. A Grenade could definitely kill them.

"Commander... why are you here?" The Red Alert Soldier who was saved saw that it was Commander, and almost called him by name in excitement. If the enemy heard it, the Commander would be in danger.

"You are all my people. I won't allow anyone to bully you!" Su Chen waved his hand, and suddenly the Transcendents who were fighting with the Soldiers turned against their former comrades and killed many of them on the spot.

"Traitors!" someone who was stabbed screamed in agony.

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