Published at 28th of June 2024 05:58:02 AM

Chapter 76: Controller

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Chapter 76: Controller

In the center of Wangchang City stood a massive building where only Controllers were qualified to enter, making it the heart of Wangchang City. For the past year, due to the Controller's closed-door practice, nobody dared to approach the building. Powerful Transcendents guarded the area, ready to kill anyone who dared to intrude.

News of the Controller's emergence spread quickly throughout Base City, and people excitedly shared the news with others. It meant that the Controller's strength had improved, possibly even breaking through to the Seventh Order peak. For the people of Base City, this was good news as the stronger the Controller, the safer they would feel. If their Controller were to break through to the Eighth Order, they would be too excited to sleep.

In a magnificent hall, a dignified young man sat on a noble throne while a group of people, either heads of clans or Transcendents of the Fifth Order, stood below him.

"Salute the Controller!" everyone bowed, showing respect for the Controller.This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

"Has anything significant happened in the past year?" the Controller asked casually, not thinking that anything earth-shattering could happen in just a year. If there were countless Mutant Beasts attacking Base City, he believed that others would have awakened him long before he emerged from closed-door practice.

The people below exchanged glances, and eventually, the head of the Qi family stepped forward and respectfully said, "Controller, there has indeed been a major event recently. About 200 kilometers away from Wangchang City, near a coal mine, a Military Base has appeared. The owner of the base has a strong hatred for Wangchang City and has kidnapped my son from the beginning..."

After telling the story, the head of the Qi family looked apprehensively at the Controller. If the Controller refused to help him, he doubted he would ever be able to save his son.

Another clan head spoke up, "Controller, the Military Base poses a significant threat to our Base City. We have tried to incorporate them, but they have ignored our goodwill. Traitors who do not care about human safety and intend to cause strife among humans should not exist in this world!"

All the clan heads stepped forward and spoke, almost all saying that the Military Base must be eliminated!

"Stop!" The Controller waved his hand, and everyone immediately fell silent. In Base City, the Controller had supreme power.

"Father, is what they say true?" The Controller looked down at the person in front of him, who was the head of the Wang family.

"Damn it, this guy came out of closed-door practice too fast. If it was just one more month, my Commander authority would definitely be upgraded to level 7, and then I could upgrade all four super soldiers to Seventh Order peak. What is a Seventh Order peak Transcendent then?"

Su Chen forced himself to calm down. He knew that being anxious was useless at this time.

"What do I have that can deal with a Seventh Order peak Transcendent? Kirov Airship? Apocalypse Tank?"

Su Chen quickly shook his head. These things are okay for dealing with ordinary Transcendents, but not for a Seventh Order peak Transcendent.

Unless he had hundreds of Apocalypse Tanks, all of which were at the Third Order level, then he would have a little confidence.

After all, according to the System, the attack power of a Third Order Apocalypse Tank has reached the level of a Seventh Order, which is enough to threaten a Seventh Order Transcendent. If one hundred Third Order Apocalypse Tanks attacked, that scene would be beautiful.

But when he thought about the amount of energy needed, Su Chen felt that he couldn't handle it. It was too much.

"Energy, energy, if I had so much energy, I would have killed this guy a long time ago! Wait a minute, killed him?"

Suddenly, Su Chen thought of something. This was his last hope. If this thing was useless, he could only consider selling the base and running away.

This base cost him a huge price to build. Rebuilding one would require who knows how much. Thinking of this, Su Chen closed his eyes."

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