Published at 28th of June 2024 05:58:01 AM

Chapter 77: Iron Curtain Device

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Chapter 77: Iron Curtain Device

"System, I want to claim the reward from my previous mission."

Su Chen had completed a mission that granted him the random use of a superweapon, which included powerful weapons such as the nuclear missile silo and Weather Control Device. He believed that even a Seventh Order Transcendent at the peak of their power would be crippled or killed by the effects of these two weapons.The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

"A disabled Seventh Order Transcendent wouldn't stand a chance against my super soldiers," he thought.

"What kind of draw would you like, master?" the System asked.

"Just a simple one, a roulette wheel," Su Chen replied.

The next second, a roulette wheel appeared in Su Chen's mind, with six areas, each representing a superweapon.

"Let's begin."

The roulette wheel spun at a fast pace, and Su Chen couldn't see the text on it.


The roulette wheel gradually slowed down and the pointer eventually stopped on a particular area.

When Su Chen saw the name of the area, his face twitched. Why did he have to get this one?

The Iron Curtain Device was a powerful weapon that could make units in a certain range invincible for at least 0 seconds. This meant they could do whatever they wanted during that time. However, Su Chen remembered that the device had some restrictions. It only worked on tanks and buildings, not on aircraft or infantry units. It was practically useless.

("0 seconds" means that the invincibility effect of the Iron Curtain device is instantaneous. It means that as soon as the device is activated, the units within its range become invincible for an extremely short period of time, which is practically equivalent to being invincible for no time at all. However, even this brief moment of invincibility can be used to launch a surprise attack or to protect units from enemy fire.)

Just then, the System spoke up. "Master, please do not confuse the game's restrictions with the System's capabilities. There are no restrictions here. As long as the unit belongs to the master's army, the Iron Curtain Device can be used on them."

Su Chen's eyes lit up. "That's amazing!"

In just a moment, Su Chen thought of many ways to use this weapon against his opponent. With 0 seconds of invincibility, he couldn't waste this opportunity. It could be their trump card to defeat their opponent.

"System, just to confirm, the invincibility time is 0 seconds, right?"

Ju Ling's bullets couldn't even break through the enemy's defense!

Su Chen, who saw this scene through the Radar, was shocked. Was this how powerful a Seventh Order Transcendent at its peak could be?

The attacks of the two super soldiers couldn't even touch the enemy's clothes. This made Su Chen frown. If they couldn't even break through the defense, how could they fight?

Su Chen appeared calm on the surface, as if he was winning the game.

Along the way, Ju Ling's bullets and Yuri's psychic control kept harassing Controller, consuming a lot of his energy.

Finally, Controller arrived one hundred meters away from them and saw Su Chen and his team.

"Are you the owner of the Military Base?" Controller spoke, his voice indifferent, as if he didn't care about Su Chen's identity.

"You must be the Controller of Wangchang City. I didn't expect the Controller to be so young. It's really surprising," Su Chen said with a smirk.

Controller didn't speak. If they were talking about age, Su Chen was even younger than him. That was what puzzled him.

The Military Base could be said to have been discovered accidentally, but he noticed something. All four people with Su Chen were Sixth Order Transcendents at their peak, which was unbelievable.

Even in Base City, there were only one or two people who reached the peak of the Sixth Order. Why did the other side have four?

Due to the System's influence, Controller couldn't detect Su Chen's true strength. He didn't think Su Chen was that strong. If he was a Seventh Order Transcendent, he could easily enter a Base City and become a Deputy Controller with great power. There was no need to be the owner of some Military Base.

"Military Base, merge with Wangchang City, and I can give you the power of Deputy Controller."

Su Chen didn't expect that at this point, the other side still wanted to recruit him. Did he think that he cared about the position of a Deputy Controller?

"What I want is not the position of a Deputy Controller, but... your position!"

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, Controller made the first move. He was stubborn and deserved to die!

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