Published at 28th of June 2024 05:57:55 AM

Chapter 81: Bad News

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Chapter 81: Bad News

After a day had passed, the people in Base City were feeling uneasy. They thought that if Controller was going to deal with Military Base, it should have been resolved quickly. But so much time had passed, and they still hadn't seen Controller return. Could something unexpected have happened?

As soon as this theory was proposed, others shot it down. "Controller has reached the pinnacle of Seventh Order. Even among the human elite, he is one of the top fifty. How could something unexpected happen to him?"

The next day, those who had made these claims were quiet. Two days had passed, and their claims no longer held water. However, they still didn't think that anything serious had happened to Controller. At most, he had discovered something else and had gone to investigate.

On the third day, the heads of the ten major families were starting to panic. They knew that Controller had gone to deal with Military Base, but three days had passed, and he still hadn't returned. Did this mean that Controller was really in trouble?

"It's impossible. My son is the pinnacle of Seventh Order Controller. Who could hurt him? There aren't any Mutant Beasts around here that are stronger than Seventh Order. There's no way anything could threaten my son," the head of the Wang family exclaimed. But he couldn't hide the worry on his face.

He wasn't just worried about his son. The safety of a Controller was crucial for the survival of Base City. Without a Controller, the city would be defenseless against Mutant Beasts stronger than Seventh Order. The existence of a Controller was a deterrent, and without one, Base City would lose its backbone. Eventually, it could collapse on its own.

So far, none of the 100 Base Cities around the world had ever experienced a Controller disappearing. He didn't want Wangchang City to be the first example.

"Send people to investigate near Military Base. See if there are any signs of Controller," the heads of the families ordered.

In the end, they sent people out. They easily found the route that Controller had taken. After all, when Controller went to Military Base, there was no attempt to hide his tracks. They followed the trail and eventually found the place where Controller and Su Chen had fought.

When they found some scattered fragments on the ground, they fell silent.

"Why do I feel like this clothing belongs to Controller?"

"Shut up! If you say another word, I'll kill you!"

As the captain of these people, he was now very anxious. Without his subordinates' reminder, he could see that the owner of these fragments was their Controller.

After all, Controller's clothing was very distinctive. Only Controller in the entire Base City was qualified to wear it, and everyone had seen it. How could he not know?

"My father will definitely be able to save me as long as I endure and bear it." Qi Jiang encouraged himself, and then he saw the huge octopus carcass in the center of the party.

To be honest, this was the first time Qi Jiang had seen such a large Mutant Beast. Just from the scent emitting from the body, he felt like he couldn't breathe.

" a Seventh Order Mutant Beast?" Qi Jiang widened his eyes.

He had never eaten pork, but he had seen pigs run. As a Young Master of the Qi family, he had a much higher level of knowledge than ordinary people. He recognized it as a Seventh Order Mutant Beast at once. After all, he had seen a Seventh Order Transcendent Controller before. Although the scent was not as strong as the Controller's, it was undoubtedly a Seventh Order Mutant Beast.

This base actually had the strength to kill a Seventh Order Mutant Beast!

This fact made Qi Jiang a little dazed. When someone gave him a grilled octopus skewer, he still hadn't come back to his senses.

Being able to kill a Seventh Order Mutant Beast meant that this strength could potentially be on par with a Controller. This was not good news for him.

Qi Jiang took a bite of the skewer subconsciously, and suddenly he was shocked. This taste...he had never tasted it before!

"This is the meat of that Mutant Beast? It doesn't look like a Mutant Beast on land. Could it be a Mutant Beast from the sea? But where did they get sea Mutant Beasts here?" Qi Jiang couldn't figure it out.

On this day, the whole base was excited, but there was no such good news for Base City.

After the results of the investigation team were reported back, the heads of the ten major families fell silent.

"My son, my son!" The head of the Wang family cried. His son was the pride of his life. He had reached the pinnacle of Seventh Order at such a young age and was a Controller. He believed that his son would one day become an Eighth Order Transcendent, or even the strongest human.

However, today, all his dreams were shattered. After NDA testing confirmed that the fragments on the ground were indeed his son's, he realized that his son, Base City's Controller, had died.

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