Published at 28th of June 2024 05:57:53 AM

Chapter 82: I Want Them to Accompany the Funeral!

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Chapter 82: I Want Them to Accompany the Funeral!

News of Controller's fall spread throughout Base City like wildfire.

The people of Base City were now in a panic, as Controller was the backbone of their society. Without Controller, what would become of them if the Seventh Order Mutant Beasts attacked? They might not be able to hold them off.

Once the Mutant Beasts grew to the level of Seventh Order, their numbers would be overwhelming. Base City might be able to withstand one or two attacks, but in the long run, they would not be able to survive.

Unless a Seventh Order Transcendent appeared immediately and became the new Controller, they were in grave danger.

"Wang, now is not the time to mourn. Base City cannot survive without a Seventh Order Transcendent. We have only one option now: to invest all our resources into the existing Sixth Order peak Transcendents and see if they can become Seventh Order Transcendents in the shortest possible time. Only then can our Base City stabilize," said someone to Wang, the head of the Wang family.

How could Wang not know this? But his son had just died, and he was furious and vengeful. "Summon all our troops. I want them to accompany the funeral!" he roared like a wild beast.

The other family heads could not agree. Even if they assembled their armies, they might not be a match for Military Base. If they lost their last army, who could stop Military Base? Base City might have to change hands soon.

One family head suggested, "Why don't we contact nearby Base Cities and unite to take down Military Base?"

Immediately, someone objected, "No, if the Controller of that Base City finds out that our Base City lacks a Controller, he might temporarily move in here and have temporary authority. We won't know who will have the final say."

When Base City was established, the human strongmen drew up an agreement that if a Base City lacked a Controller of Seventh Order or higher, the Controller of the nearest Base City could temporarily move in and have temporary authority until a new Seventh Order Transcendent appeared, and then they would leave.

However, such a situation had never occurred before. This was the first time.

The more Sub-bases Su Chen had, the faster his energy would grow. The only problem was, where should he build the third Sub-base?

"I have the Army and the Air Force. Now I need a Navy. Should I build the third Sub-base near the sea or a large river?" Su Chen considered many options, but the possibility of the coast was small since the location was not close to the sea. However, if he remembered correctly, there was a long river to the south in his world. He wondered if it was the same in this world.

"In that case, do I have to send paratroopers to investigate?"

After thinking about it, Su Chen finally decided to send paratroopers. Unlike the lottery, he could now land the paratroopers himself by building one Soldier and paying some energy.

When the paratroopers arrived, they would appear directly above the designated location and begin to descend.

Su Chen built 10 Soldiers at once, divided them into ten batches, and placed them in ten different locations in the south. He didn't believe that the ten groups of paratroopers couldn't find the big river.

While Su Chen was waiting for the results of the paratroopers, Tanya's voice rang out, "Commander, there's something going on."

"What's going on?" Su Chen was puzzled. The Controller was dead, what else could happen?

"Commander, please look at the Radar interface."

A screen appeared in front of Su Chen, and he frowned when he looked at it.

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