Published at 28th of June 2024 05:57:50 AM

Chapter 84: War Weapon Kirov Airship!

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Chapter 84: War Weapon Kirov Airship!

The mutations of the mutants caught Su Chen's attention, and he decided to send a team to capture these mutants.

"Hmm, what kind of team should I send? A massive army tactic or a tank strategy?" Su Chen was indecisive.

He had too many options now, and any team he sent would be able to complete the mission.

In the end, he decided to deploy the Kirov Airship!

After all, as a war weapon, the Kirov Airship's only role when it first appeared was as a transport ship, which was a waste of its name.

This time, the Kirov Airship would show everyone that it was the most powerful in terms of firepower!

Five Kirov Airships departed from Su Chen's base, and the immense size of the airships caught the attention of the miners who were mining outside. They just sighed and continued to mine, impressed by the strength of the base.

Qi Jiang glanced at the Kirov Airship in the sky. He was now calm and composed, even if the base produced a spaceship, he would no longer be surprised. He knew he could never leave the base in his lifetime.The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

The Kirov Airship was powerful, but its only flaw was its slow speed.

To be safe, Su Chen sent out some armed helicopters and rocket paratroopers as escorts to protect the Kirov Airship.

After two or three hours, the Kirov Airship finally arrived at the city ruins where the mutants were. Su Chen had been monitoring the situation of the mutants, and after they completed their promotion, they did not leave. The leading mutant was doing something to consolidate its position.

"Is this a primitive tribe?" Su Chen chuckled.

Soon, the mutants noticed that the sky was even darker than before due to the snowfall, and then they looked up to see countless black dots falling from the sky. They didn't know what it was, but if they still had human memory, they would probably know that these were bombs.

Boom, boom, boom...

A series of explosions sounded like the crack of a whip, and the mutants had probably never tasted the flavor of bombs before. Now they had had enough.

After a few days, one of the engineers came to Su Chen's command room to report on their research.

"Commander, after our research, we have confirmed that these mutants had only recently acquired intelligence. However, we cannot be sure if this is the same situation for mutants in other areas. Mutants can only communicate through simple means. Anything more complex, and they cannot understand its meaning."

"As for how mutants increase their strength, after multiple verifications, we finally got a result. It was an entity, we don't know if it was human or a Mutant Beast, that told them about it. The entity claimed to have experimented with them for the first time yesterday."

Su Chen squinted. Someone told the mutants how to increase their strength?

Human? The possibility was slim. After all, humans themselves did not know that mutants could acquire strength, so how could anyone have told them beforehand?

It was more likely to be a Mutant Beast. Like humans, the Mutant Beasts' internal structure was not monolithic, and there was competition among them as well.

If a higher-level Mutant Beast failed in competition and knew about the mutants' situation, it might hope to make the mutants stronger and stir up trouble. This possibility existed.

Su Chen was somewhat helpless. If he had known about this earlier, he could have monitored the light spots entering the city ruins every day earlier. In that case, he would have known who had told the mutants how to upgrade.

"Wait a minute. What if that person is still in the city ruins? Even if they are not, won't they return to the ruins to see what's happening?" Su Chen immediately notified Tanya and Yuri to monitor any living organisms entering the city ruins.

However, before that person appeared, Su Chen faced another problem.

"You mean our Energy Crystals won't last until the end of winter?" Su Chen stared at Leng Yuwei in disbelief.

Even someone as tough as Leng Yuwei, the Iron Blood Rose, blushed a little.

Recently, she had noticed that her appetite had increased again, and after calculating, if she continued to eat like this, the Energy Crystals in the base would not be enough until the end of winter.

Once they ran out of Energy Crystals, she felt that she would starve to death.

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