Published at 28th of June 2024 05:57:47 AM

Chapter 86: Comparing Quantity with Me? Heh heh

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Chapter 86: Comparing Quantity with Me? Heh heh

The configuration of Umbrella Paratrooper Team Five consisted of individuals with peak fourth-tier strength. The strength of these apes and monkeys was mostly fourth-tier as well, which allowed Umbrella Paratrooper Team Five to hold out for a while. However, as time went on, even Umbrella Paratrooper Team Five could not hold on.

After all, there were too many apes and monkeys, nearly two hundred of them, while Umbrella Paratrooper Team Five only had one person. How could they fight back?

Faced with this situation, most people would probably feel hopeless. The surrounding area was covered in white snow, and they could not run fast. If they fought, they would not win, and they could only wait for death.

But they were Red Alert soldiers. Fear of death was not a concept in their minds. If Su Chen needed it, they could charge in for a suicide attack.

Umbrella Paratrooper Team Five knew that the Commander had discovered the situation here, and they did not request support. They would obey the Commander's orders.

Of course, Su Chen would not just watch his soldiers die here. They were the ones who helped him find the Great River. How could they die easily?

"Hmm, that place is too far away from here, over a thousand kilometers. Even if we use the Black Hawk aircraft for the superunit to fly over, it won't be in time. Is there any way to make other units get there quickly?" Su Chen thought for a moment, then suddenly clapped his hands.

"Oh, why did I forget? Umbrella Paratroopers can instantly appear at any designated location, right?"

Su Chen thought of a good way. Since there were too many apes and monkeys, he would make the number of Umbrella Paratroopers exceed that of the apes and monkeys!

"Create Umbrella Paratrooper Group 0, land them where Umbrella Paratrooper Team Five is and put Umbrella Paratrooper Team Five in deployment mode."

With Su Chen's command, Umbrella Paratrooper Team Five immediately entered deployment mode, while Umbrella Paratrooper Group 0 was built in an instant. With energy points, they could do anything they wanted.This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

Su Chen now had five mines in his hands and was mining ore at full capacity every day, so the speed of energy point acquisition was very fast.

The apes and monkeys who were fighting with Umbrella Paratrooper Team Five did not see the more than two hundred figures suddenly appearing in the sky above them, descending from the sky.

"Kill them!"

Su Chen shouted, and the Umbrella Paratroopers who landed on the ground immediately joined forces with Umbrella Paratrooper Team Five to begin their counterattack. The AK-47 had been strengthened several times, and its power was enough to threaten fourth-tier Mutant Beasts. Their bullets formed a barrage of rain, enveloping all the rushing apes and monkeys. For a while, the only sound heard was the miserable cries of the apes and monkeys.

This place was estimated to be a town with not many Mutant Beasts inside, probably less than five hundred. With one charge from the Red Alert soldiers, at least more than a hundred Mutant Beasts were killed.

After being attacked, the Mutant Beasts immediately began to counterattack, and Su Chen witnessed the Mutant Beasts' method of attack for the first time.

Most of the Mutant Beasts walked slowly like zombies, but some of them suddenly grew in size, expanding several times and becoming a big fat man, rushing towards the Red Alert soldiers.

The bullets kept shooting at these fat Mutant Beasts, but Su Chen found that the bullets seemed to not penetrate their bodies. The defense of the fat Mutant Beasts suddenly increased a lot, becoming a meat tank!

"Are you bullying my subordinates?" Guangtou Qiang sneered and appeared next to the fat Mutant Beast in an instant, punching it.

With a sound like a deflating balloon, the fat Mutant Beast's body quickly shrank, eventually turning into a piece of skin.

"Hmph, not even worth a blow. Let's flatten this place and go to the next Gathering Place."

The situations of the other three teams were similar, almost solving the Mutant Beasts there in a very straightforward way.

With Radar, they wouldn't miss any Mutant Beasts, and they obtained a lot of Energy Crystals.

Su Chen stared at the energy points increasing visibly to the naked eye, his face breaking into a smile.

"At this rate, it shouldn't take long to accumulate the one million energy points required for Level 7 authorization. By then, I can complete the Level 7 authorization task and upgrade to Level 7 authorization. With Level 7 authorization, even without those super weapons, I should be able to build the Spy Satellite I most want."

What Su Chen most wanted was the Spy Satellite. With it, he wouldn't need to go around lighting up the map and could see whatever he wanted to see.

"There haven't been any useful units in the lottery recently. Could it be that I've become unlucky? This won't do. It looks like it's time to show my real skills." Su Chen stood in the command room with a serious expression.

"Luck be with me, lottery!"

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