Published at 28th of June 2024 05:57:46 AM

Chapter 87: SpaceTime Teleporter?

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Chapter 87: Space-Time Teleporter?

This time, Su Chen used the power of luck for the first time to draw a prize. During this period, he had only drawn Soldiers or Hounds. He had not drawn any special units that he was looking forward to, not even a glimpse of them.

Helpless, he could only try again.

Taking a chance, he hoped for the best!

After some experience, Su Chen found that the duration of the luck boost was three seconds. However, only in the last second would his luck reach its peak, which meant he had to draw the prize at the exact moment when the luck boost ended, giving him the best chance of getting something good.

"Give me a Spy Satellite or a Nuclear Reactor, anything will do. It would be even better if I got a super weapon." Su Chen closed his eyes and kept muttering to himself, silently counting the time in his head.

One second, two seconds, the third second was about to arrive!

"Draw!" Su Chen suddenly opened his eyes. "Stop!"

Almost as soon as the wheel stopped spinning, he shouted to stop it. The wheel quickly came to a halt, and the pointer landed somewhere.nôvel binz was the first platform to present this chapter.

Su Chen didn't see anything else. He only saw the words "Super Weapon," and he burst into laughter three times, feeling like he was the luckiest person alive.

However, after a few seconds, he didn't hear any sound, which was not right.

"System, what's going on? Where's my super weapon?"

"Master, there was a bug in the draw just now, and the pointer stopped in the middle of two areas, which means you didn't get a super weapon. At most, you can only get half of a super weapon."

Su Chen's mouth twitched. Half a super weapon?

"How does that work?"

"Only limited to the super weapons in Red Alert. Only when the master unlocks level 9 permissions can Red Alert related units be built."

Su Chen nodded. He knew that his Red Alert units were more powerful than Red Alert game.

Having two chances to use super weapons was good news for Su Chen. He now had three chances to use super weapons, except that the space-time teleporter was a fixed opportunity.

With the other two chances, he could use two Weather Control Devices or nuclear missile silos. Just imagine, who could survive two Lightning Storms or nuclear missiles? Even an eighth-order Transcendent wouldn't be able to do it.

Thinking of this, Su Chen smirked. Voldemort was indeed the way to go!

Su Chen was very satisfied with the results of this draw. It was no wonder that the European luck boost could only be used once a week. It was amazing.

Su Chen leaned back on his chair, feeling content. Base development had entered a stable phase, and he didn't need to worry about it for the time being.

But a few days later, while Su Chen was watching the snow outside, he suddenly heard an alarm. "A mutant beast over a hundred meters in size is moving towards the base. Commander, should we eliminate it?"

"What the hell? A mutant beast over a hundred meters tall? Do you think this is a small monster that Ultraman fights? Is there really such a big mutant beast in this world?"

Soon, Su Chen saw the reality on the interface. Yes, there was a mutant beast that was so big.

It was a monster that looked like a giant lizard, but it was standing up. It was a hundred meters tall, dragging a tens of meters long tail, and covered in scales that were obviously very thick. It was moving towards the base.

Su Chen frowned. The mutant beast was coming from outside the Radar detection range, which meant it came from five hundred kilometers away. Why was it aiming for the base? This wasn't right.

He carefully looked at the Radar interface and found three moving dots in front of the mutant beast.

"That's strange. They weren't there before. Did they only appear after upgrading the Radar?"

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