Published at 28th of June 2024 05:57:45 AM

Chapter 89: Military Base is Doomed!

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Chapter 89: Military Base is Doomed!

A normal voice suddenly stirred the hearts of everyone in the home.

The head of the Wang family took out an ordinary-looking communicator and a fragmented voice came out from it: "Family... we have completed the mission... and will soon arrive at the designated location... it won't be long before... Military Base is doomed!"

The other words were unclear, but all the family heads heard the last sentence.

"Hahaha, son, daddy will finally avenge you. I will make those people die a miserable death one by one!" The head of the Wang family laughed maniacally while the other family heads turned a blind eye.

Ever since the confirmation of Controller's death, the head of the Wang family had been like a madman, studying how to take down the Military Base.

But even with the entire Base City's power, they probably wouldn't be a match for the Seventh Order peak Controller, let alone the fact that not all family heads agreed with this method. In truth, only the Wang and Qi families held the greatest grudge against the Military Base while the other families just followed the flow.

Even if one day the owner of the Military Base broke through the Base City and became the new Controller, they believed that they would not be in any danger, but the Wang and Qi families might be.

Knowing this, the heads of the Wang and Qi families were the most eager to see the downfall of the Military Base, but they had thought of many ways, none of which were feasible.

The biggest problem was that to deal with the Military Base, they had to use the power of the Eighth Order, but no one in the world who had reached the Eighth Order, whether human or Mutant Beast, was something they could control.

On the human side, each Eighth Order Transcendent was the highest level among humans, and it was impossible for anyone to give them orders.Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

That left only one option: Eighth Order Mutant Beasts!

Wangchang City had long known about the existence of an Eighth Order Mutant Beast, but this Mutant Beast had never attacked any nearby Base City, so Wangchang City had not acted.

But this time, to deal with Su Chen, they spared no expense and dispatched a large number of elite warriors, even a Transcendent who might break through to the Sixth Order peak was sent out.

Their price was that as long as the Sixth Order peak Transcendent could return safely, they would pay any price to help him reach the Seventh Order Transcendent and become the Controller of Wangchang City!

Faced with such temptation, the Sixth Order peak Transcendent could not refuse and agreed on the spot.

The difference between the Seventh Order initial stage and the Seventh Order peak was too vast.

However, Lu Yong didn't notice the strange look in the eyes of the person next to him.

Su Chen, who was in the base, had just called back the four super soldiers who were hunting the mutants outside when he received an unexpected communication. The person contacting him was someone he had never expected.

"Commander, I have infiltrated the three-person egg thief group. Should I take action now and kill these two people?"

Su Chen was confused and almost blurted out, "Who are you?"

Soon he realized that the voice sounded like... Spy?

Since successfully using Spy's ability to save himself last time, Su Chen had almost forgotten about Spy's existence. He had only given Spy one task, to climb up to the high levels of Base City.

But in just a short time, how did Spy end up here and even stealing eggs?

Wait, what did Spy just say? Three-person egg thief group?

Su Chen silently looked at the radar interface. If what Spy said was true, then one of these three people was Spy?

Damn, Spy's disguise was too good. Even his own radar couldn't identify him?

If he marked Spy as a blue dot on the radar, he would know it was his own Spy. Why did he need to use his four super soldiers?

Su Chen immediately abandoned the idea of calling back the four super soldiers. With Spy here, this matter was stable!

He had already upgraded Spy's strength to the Sixth Order peak, and only Transcendents above the Seventh Order had a certain chance of seeing through his disguise. Were there any Transcendents above the Seventh Order in Base City now?

In other words, Spy could do whatever he wanted in Base City!

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