Published at 28th of June 2024 05:57:43 AM

Chapter 90: I Have a Bold Idea

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Chapter 90: I Have a Bold Idea

Spy was the only unit that Su Chen had allowed to develop on his own, without any interference. If Spy had the ability to kill a House Lord and take over as the new leader, Su Chen wouldn't find it strange at all.

But he never expected that Spy would participate in the egg-stealing mission and actually come back alive. This guy was really lucky.

A while ago, Su Chen gained permission to build Spies and had planned to establish multiple Spies to completely replace the top leadership of Base City. However, he was informed by the System that he could only build one Spy for now. This highlighted the importance of Spies, as only super units were given this privilege.

True to his name, Spy was like a fish in water in Base City and had never been discovered. When he disguised himself as a weakling, it was no problem, but when he pretended to be a powerful Transcendent, he had to understand their personalities and relationships with others, or he would be exposed.

He could imitate appearances, but understanding these things took time.

This time, Spy was impersonating a mid-Sixth Order Transcendent who was a relatively unknown figure in Base City and was therefore perfect for Spy's situation.

What Spy didn't expect was that shortly after taking over this person's identity, he was selected for this mission. Spy almost wanted to run away when he heard that the mission was targeting the base.

But when he learned that the mission was targeting the base, Spy immediately participated in the operation without hesitation. He planned to crush the enemy's hope at the critical moment!

Spy's true strength was at the peak of the Sixth Order, equivalent to the early Seventh Order. This was his confidence.

During the operation, he was pretending to be a mid-Sixth Order Transcendent and didn't attract any attention. He was able to survive until the end, which was no surprise.

The reason why Spy hadn't killed those two people on the other side was because he was considering whether to ask Commander to take action and deal with the Eighth Order Mutant Beast.

After all, such a large Mutant Beast would yield a lot of energy and meat, as well as the possibility of a giant Energy Crystal. These were all valuable resources.nôvel binz was the first platform to present this chapter.

When Su Chen learned of Spy's idea, he couldn't help but laugh and cry. "You think too highly of me. If I had a large number of super weapons, I would definitely go for it without hesitation. But I only have two chances to use a super weapon, and if I can't kill the Eighth Order Mutant Beast, it might come after the main base. So for now, don't reveal your identity and wait for the right moment. Are you confident you can make a one-hit kill?"

"Don't worry, Commander. If I can't make a one-hit kill, then I don't deserve to be called Spy!"

Su Chen never expected that by simply trusting Spy to handle this sudden event, something like this would happen.

"At birth, all Red Alert Soldiers have full loyalty. However, in some special situations, loyalty may exceed the limit and they will have the opportunity to be rewarded with an ability. This reward ability must be chosen by the Master personally."

"The rewarded ability can only be selected from among the various units under the Master's command. The Master's own authority cannot be used as a reward. Would the Master like to select a reward ability now?"

"Go ahead."

Su Chen nodded, and then a large pile of text appeared before his eyes, describing various abilities possessed by each unit, ranging from big to small, depending on how he chose.

For example, his Soldiers all had one ability, "Tenacity," which greatly enhanced their physical fitness. Although it couldn't compare with Guangtou Qiang, there weren't many units that could match Soldiers in this area.

Of course, there were some special Soldiers like Su Yi, who were among Su Chen's earliest Soldiers and had led multiple Soldiers in battle. They naturally had another ability, "Command."

This ability could command other Soldiers and give them a certain bonus, making it a good ability.

"Tenacity won't work, and giving Spy Command would be useless. He usually works alone, so should I let him command the people in Base City?"

Su Chen immediately ruled out the Soldier's ability options one by one. He carefully selected, but found that no matter what ability appeared on Spy, it wasn't particularly useful.

What Spy needed wasn't combat ability, but survival ability. As a Spy, his greatest role was to impersonate others. Once his identity was exposed, he needed an ability to escape.

And then, Su Chen saw an ability and his mouth curved into a smile. He selected this ability directly.

At that moment, hundreds of kilometers away, Spy's body trembled slightly. He felt that he had gained another ability in addition to his disguise ability.

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