Published at 28th of June 2024 05:57:42 AM

Chapter 91: Dragonheart City

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Chapter 91: Dragonheart City

Spy immediately understood that this ability was bestowed by the Commander, and it made his loyalty to Su Chen even stronger.

The two people next to him had no idea that they were originally Su Chen's men.

In this world, satellites existed, but on the day when animals mutated, almost all satellites lost control. Only a few could still barely function, but with some limitations.

Every time a satellite was used, it meant that something very big had happened.

At this moment, in a Base City thousands of miles away, the size of which was more than twice that of Wangchang City and with a population of nearly ten million, even Eight-Stage Transcendents could be found here.

This was the first-level Base City, Dragonheart City, and also one of the few first-level Base Cities with relatively advanced strength.

Satellites were not used lightly, but they sent back photos at regular intervals. There was a department in this Base City specifically responsible for studying these photos, to see if there were any abnormal phenomena.

This time, they had really found something.

"Minister, after my research and that of others, we can almost confirm that this is an Eight-Stage Mutant Beast. Only Mutant Beasts with a strength exceeding the Eighth Stage would have a body size exceeding a hundred meters, and there is no room for error," a young researcher confidently said to his minister.

The minister was a young man who looked no more than thirty years old, and he emitted the aura of a Five-Stage Transcendent, showing that he was a promising young talent.

He carefully examined the photo in the young researcher's hand. On the blurry image, a figure stood tall on the ground, and many snowflakes floated in the air, affecting the clarity of the satellite.

This was a satellite photo, and a fairly large black spot could be seen on it, which was also a moving black spot, which was not right.

"Bring all the subsequent photos."Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

Several of the following photos were more or less the same, with the only difference being that the black spot was moving.

A huge black spot that could move. No wonder the researcher believed that this thing was an Eight-Stage Mutant Beast.

Soon, the message from Longxin City reached Wangchang City, and the heads of the top ten families of Wangchang City immediately knew about it.

"I didn't expect Longxin City to discover the trace of the eighth-order Mutant Beast. Satellites are really convenient." The head of the Wang family sighed.

If their Base City had control of a satellite, they would probably be able to know the situation of the Military Base in advance and not rush in blindly every time without knowing anything.

"Longxin City has been monitoring the movements of various eighth-order Mutant Beasts with their satellite. It's not surprising that they found it this time. But we need to do something that Base Cities should do."

"You mean, send some people to investigate?"


After thinking about it, the other heads of the families realized that Longxin City did not know that they had caused the eighth-order Mutant Beast to appear. If they did nothing after receiving the message from Longxin City, it would be very strange.

Thinking of this, they sent a team of Transcendents to pretend to investigate, but in fact, these bigwigs were instructed not to get too close to the eighth-order Mutant Beast, just to keep an eye on it from a distance.

The trio of egg thieves ran as fast as they could. They couldn't afford to slow down, or they would really be targeted by the eighth-order Mutant Beast.

Lu Yong quickly calculated the distance and felt that they were not far from the Military Base. He said, "With our strength, it shouldn't be a problem to approach their vicinity. We just need to hide the giant egg near the Military Base. The eighth-order Mutant Beast will definitely not let go of the Military Base. We just need to go back in advance, and everything will be fine."

The idea was good, but only if Spy was not among them.

"If we are discovered by the Military Base, what should we do? With the strength of the Military Base to take down Controllers, I'm afraid if we're caught, we might..." One of them expressed concern.

Actually, Lu Yong knew that this was very dangerous, but for the sake of their future, they had to take a gamble!

Just then, Spy spoke up.

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