Published at 28th of June 2024 05:57:33 AM

Chapter 96: Request for Reinforcements!

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Chapter 96: Request for Reinforcements!

Longxin City has been keeping track of the Eighth Order Mutant Beast, and when they discovered that the direction in which the beast was moving was towards Wangchang City, they became anxious.

"Minister, at this rate, the Eighth Order Mutant Beast will reach Wangchang City in no time. Given their strength, they won't be able to withstand it," someone exclaimed.

The minister furrowed his brows, knowing that this was a serious matter.

Although Wangchang City is only a third-level Base City, it has a population of two to three million people. If it is attacked and breached by the Eighth Order Mutant Beast, it would result in significant losses of elite members of humanity, which would be a major blow.

"Report this immediately to the higher-ups." The minister gave the order, but he knew that even if the Almighty Controller himself were to intervene, it might not be in time.

After all, Longxin City is too far from Wangchang City, and even if the Almighty Controller could fly, the distance is too great to cover.

"Do we have to use that thing?"

The leaders of Wangchang City were unaware of Longxin City's actions. They only had one option now: to seek help from Longxin City.

Their base had no Controller, and the strongest person they had was only a Sixth Order peak. The second strongest, a Transcendent at the Sixth Order peak, had just gone insane, leaving them with no options.

Seeing the panic of these leaders, Spy cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention to himself before saying, "Lords, it seems you have forgotten something very important. The reason why the Eighth Order Mutant Beast is moving towards the Base City is because of these eggshells. If we take the eggshells out of the Base City and throw them into the wilderness, the Eighth Order Mutant Beast will naturally leave."

The many lords suddenly realized they had forgotten this.

"Someone, take these two backpacks and take them as far away from the Base City as possible. As long as you do it well, you will be rewarded handsomely upon your return!" The head of the Wang family called upon a guard to do this task.

At this moment, a heavy atmosphere once again enveloped the main hall. "We need to request support. We have no chance of winning against an eighth-order Mutant Beast," said the head of the Wang family helplessly. At this moment, he looked like an ordinary old man.

"But even if we send a message, by the time it reaches Longxin City, the meaning will have completely changed, won't it?" Another head of the family thought of a certain incident that had occurred and smiled bitterly.

That incident had spread throughout all the Base Cities and was still widely circulated today.

"Sending a message won't work, so we'll have to resort to the second plan and send a distress signal to the nearby Base Cities. Their controllers must come over openly. If they do not come, it would be a betrayal of humanity, and they would have no choice!" The head of the Wang family was truly a sly old fox and immediately seized on their weak spot.

The nearby Base City controllers should know that an eighth-order Mutant Beast had attacked Wangchang City, and they would probably curse the old fox, but they had no choice but to come.

When Base Cities were established, it was said that if a nearby Base City was in danger of destruction, the surrounding Base Cities must dispatch strong controllers at the controller level, unless they also faced a crisis.

It was impossible to transmit the signal to Longxin City, but it was still possible to transmit it to nearby Base Cities. Since it was a single transmission, the message would not change much, and it was believed that as long as the nearby Base Cities saw it, they would send controllers over.

Soon, the message was sent to three nearby Base Cities. When the three Base Cities learned of the trouble in Wangchang City, they all exclaimed, "What the hell!"

"Damn it, how could those bastards in Wangchang City provoke an eighth-order Mutant Beast? And now they want us to clean up their mess?" A controller cursed. He really wanted to give the controllers in Wangchang City a piece of his mind.

As controllers, they all knew how powerful an eighth-order Mutant Beast was. It was an existence that had reached the pinnacle of this world. Even if they, as seventh-order controllers, went over, they could only hold on for a while. It was almost impossible to truly defeat an eighth-order Mutant Beast.

"Now we can only hope that a first-order Base City will discover our situation and let the Supreme Controller intervene."

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