Published at 28th of June 2024 05:57:31 AM

Chapter 97: Hell Laser Cannon

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Chapter 97: Hell Laser Cannon

The Controllers of the three Base Cities set off towards Wangchang City with all their might. In such a situation, no one dared to go against their orders. There had been Controllers who did so in the past, but their fate was tragic.

Not long after, Wangchang City sounded the highest level of alarm again. This time, the people of the Base City were calm, at least not as panicked as the last time.

"What's going on? Did the Military Base send troops over again?" someone said casually.

"Who cares? Even if something goes wrong, we won't be the first to suffer. I say just let the big shot from the Military Base come in and take control of the Base City. Maybe our lives will be better that way."

"Shh! Don't talk nonsense like that. Walls have ears."

"Hmph, it's just the two of us here. Who's going to know? Don't you feel the same way? The Controllers are all gone, and without new ones to protect us, this Base City is doomed. Compared to that, I'd rather have the big shot from the Military Base come over. At least I'll feel a bit safer."

It wasn't just him who had such thoughts. In fact, since the fall of the Controllers, the entire Base City had been in panic. Without the Controllers, they were worried about how they would defend themselves against Seventh Order Mutant Beasts if they attacked.

Every Controller was the ultimate guarantee of the Base City's safety. That was why they had all fought to get into the Base City - for the protection of the Controllers' power.

Now that the Base City had no Controllers, their ideas were starting to change. Some people were even convinced that it would be better to let the owner of the Military Base become the new Controller.nôvel binz was the first platform to present this chapter.

No matter what means that person used to kill the Controllers, it had nothing to do with them. They only needed a powerful Controller.

They knew that there were ten major families controlling the Base City now. If they were to openly speak out, their fate would be tragic. So they carried out their activities secretly and contacted Transcendents with certain abilities who agreed to let that person become the Controller.

Nobody knew that they were doing this because they were being encouraged by a Spy!

In order to let Su Chen take control of the Base City, Spy had made a lot of efforts in secret. His ability to disguise himself was so convenient in the Base City that no one suspected his identity.

Su Chen was unaware of what Spy had done so far. He was waiting for the most critical moment to provide his Commander with assistance.

"System, you said before that there's no nuclear power in this world, but that other weapons have been developed. Is the Hell Laser Cannon one of them?"

System had told him before that there were no nuclear bombs in this world, but there were some weapons that were only slightly less powerful than nuclear bombs. He could finally see one of them with his own eyes.

"That's right, the Hell Laser Cannon can fire a powerful beam that has strong killing power against Mutant Beasts and humans below the eighth order. However, its power can only be considered average against an eighth order Mutant Beast or human and can only cause some injuries. The drawback is that this weapon consumes a tremendous amount of energy and, in terms of the base, it would take at least five power plants to supply the energy needed for one firing."

Su Chen was astonished. He knew that his power plants produced a tremendous amount of electricity, and one power plant could easily supply a small city's electricity needs. Yet, a single laser cannon required five power plants. What a power-hungry device!

"Does that mean that if they fire one cannon, all of Wangchang City's electrical equipment will shut down?"

"In theory, yes."

Su Chen squinted his eyes. He was already considering whether or not to profit from this situation.

Spy had already reported to him that the operation to attract the eighth order Mutant Beast to the eggshell had failed, and now the beast had set its sights on Wangchang City.

Unless they could drive away the eighth order Mutant Beast, it would surely devour everyone in Base City!

Although Su Chen didn't like some of the people in Base City, he didn't want all of them to perish.

"The eighth order Mutant Beast is quite powerful," Su Chen rubbed his chin and thought of something. "System, how far away from the main base can I place my new building units?"

He clearly remembered that in Red Alert, new building units could not be placed everywhere, but only near the base. He didn't know if there were any restrictions here.

"The main base has fewer restrictions. As long as it's within a 300-kilometer radius of the main base, you can build new building units. The sub-base has a range of only 150 kilometers."

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