Published at 28th of June 2024 05:57:30 AM

Chapter 98: Research Results

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Chapter 98: Research Results

"Is this range fixed?"nôvel binz was the first platform to present this chapter.

"The range was smaller at the beginning, but it gradually increases as the Commander's authority rises."

Su Chen immediately understood that a range of 300 kilometers was enough.

At this moment, Su Chen suddenly received a communication from an Engineer at the Sub-base: "Commander, we have made a major breakthrough in our research on the small grass."

Su Chen stood up from his chair in excitement.

He remembered clearly that these small grasses were found above an underground research facility and could shield the Radar's detection. They could be said to be another type of Rift Generator.

"Can we use the small grass to directly manufacture a new Rift Generator?" Su Chen asked.

"It's a bit difficult to achieve the original effect completely, but we can imitate about sixty to seventy percent of the effect," the Engineer replied.

Su Chen made a quick calculation and felt that sixty to seventy percent of the effect should be enough to shield the satellites in this world. When he could build a real Rift Generator, nothing could see his base clearly.

"Okay, start building the new Rift Generator immediately. To avoid confusion, let's call it a pseudo Rift Generator."

"Yes, Commander."

At Su Chen's command, all the Engineers at the Sub-base worked tirelessly and managed to produce the pseudo Rift Generator in just half an hour.

Compared to the real thing, this thing was much smaller, looking like a toy. When Su Chen saw it for the first time, he thought he was seeing things.

"How do I use this thing?"

"Commander, just place the pseudo Rift Generator anywhere in the base, and it will start operating automatically."

It was no wonder that the researcher was a level-one researcher of Base City. He was not just someone who ate for free. He could guess the truth based on some clues.

This was because they had seen the layout of the military base, which would have some defensive weapons around it, with the city defense cannon being the most common.

The minister looked carefully at the black clouds, his eyes somewhat strange. Was there such a coincidence that black clouds appeared above that military base and around Wangchang City? When did a military base appear?

"Are you saying that the original target of the eighth-order Mutant Beast was this military base, and then something happened, and it changed its target to Wangchang City?"

Seeing the researcher nod, the minister's brow furrowed into a "川" character. This matter might be very important, as it was related to why an eighth-order Mutant Beast would take the initiative.

After the war, humans and eighth-order Mutant Beasts agreed not to take the initiative to attack each other. Was this eighth-order Mutant Beast tearing up the agreement?

Suddenly, the minister thought of a possibility. Someone had done something to the eighth-order Mutant Beast, making it cross over eight hundred kilometers to attack Wangchang City.

The minister sighed. He had originally wanted to tell the Supreme Controller about this, but he suddenly realized that even if he did, the Supreme Controller would not let the eighth-order Mutant Beast go. The battle would start again, affecting not only a few Base Cities but possibly the future of humanity!

"Next, there's nothing we can do. We can only hope that the Supreme Controller can arrive as soon as possible."

"Minister, do you think the Supreme Controller will use that?" the researcher asked in a low voice.

The minister raised his eyebrows, "You know about that? Well, to use that, a lot of energy is required. Who knows..."

Just then, the power in the entire research room suddenly went out. At that moment, the minister understood that the Supreme Controller had used that thing.

"It looks like Wangchang City will be saved."

The eighth-order Mutant Beast was getting closer and closer to Wangchang City. In half an hour, it would arrive at the edge of Wangchang City. At this time, the ten major household heads of Wangchang City and a middle-aged man stood on the city wall, looking into the distance.

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