The Legend of Ice - Chapter 11

Published at 24th of August 2019 10:02:30 PM

Chapter 11

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In the blink of an eye, a year passed since I became a cultivator.

I continued to take charms, care for creatures, meditation, law study, potions, and sword play with Richard.

At this moment, I was having a training lesson with the lord. The two of us were standing at the surface of water of the lake. Have I mentioned that Richard also studied the four elements? Yep, we were having a duel at that time. Richard believes that this will help me reach a faster way through cultivation. His 'faster' was different from my 'faster'.

You may be surprised, but I reached the peak saint level over this year - Tulip keeps slapping her face to assure herself that this was a dream and not reality, and I won't lie, I was pleased with this.

I prepared myself by raising up two columns of water, Richard did the same. At the same time, we slashed toward the other by sending the water at each other and maintaining its power. He used offense tactics in a swift and agile manner. He sent a powerful wave toward me. I crossed my hands on my chest and instantly, the water surrounded me and formed a shield.

I preserved for 10 min, though by each minute, Richard was increasing the intensity of the water, but my defense was growing stronger and stronger by the time, and my understanding of the laws of water were going deeper. However, after the 10 min, I was sent underwater and crashed through the floor and created a hole. I came rushing upward, this time flying.

"Is that all you've got?!", shouted Richard, also soaring through the air. We charged and our fists collided. A strong blast sent me crashing through the training grounds, while Richard retreated a step. Blood covered my body, but a strong gest of wind healed all my wounds.

I laid on the ground waiting to heal my injuries. Richard came over flying and helped me get up.

"Not bad", he praised, "you even made move a step backwards. And I can sense that you have deepened your knowledge of the laws".

"Oh shut up", I taunted.

Though my body was healed and no injury remained, I collapsed on the ground, blood flowing from my mouth. The last thing I remember was Richard frowning as he knelt to examine me. Then, I passed out.

When I opened my eyes, I was at Freya's hospital room. I tried to move my hands, but no such luck. Even thinking of it filled my body with intense pain.

"If I were you I wouldn't even try to move a finger, less than the whole body", a feminine voice came from behind me. The norse diety of healing came to the side of the bed.

"What the hell happened to me?", I cracked the sentence out of my mouth.

She looked at me helplessly and said, "I really don't know. I think Richard is the only one that knows what's happening with you".

"But why did he have to cast the Freezing charm on me?"

"Believe me, if you try to move a single finger, your body will crumble to dust. It was best to immobilize you in order to save your life".

The door of the room opened and Richard came in. He nodded toward Freya, who looked at me in concern and left, leaving me alone with my true self.

"How do you feel?", he asked.

"Mostly, pain. But all the other senses were freezed thanks to you".

He sighed and said, "You just don't understand what's going on with your body

"Then enlighten me, Lord. What the hell is happening?"

"You know that I am a phoenix right? I was born like that because of a transformation that happened before I was even born. You, Hasan, are also undergoing a transformation".

"And what kind of transformation?"

"No one can know until it ends".

"But why did I faint that time? And why I am feeling pain all over my body?"

"Your muscles and bones are degenerating and regenerate at the same instant. The process is done every minute".

"Ohh... How much I will be staying like this?"

"That depends on how strong the transformation is"

"You knew all of this would happen, didn't you?"

He nodded calmly and said, "I had my doubts. But I didn't expect that it would happen so early".

I nodded. At least now I knew what was happening with me.

"Rest for now while you can. This pain is only the first stage of it".

With these optimistic words, he left me to plunge in a deep sleep.

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