Published at 1st of July 2024 05:26:17 AM

Chapter 12: Chapter 12 Another Little Fan Girl_1

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Chapter 12 Another Little Fan Girl_1

Translator: 549690339

Continue reading 0n 0XN0VEL.M

The car quickly arrived at the county town, and after several turns, it stopped in front of a western-style house facing the street.

The doors to the western-style house were wide open, lights blazing inside, and from within came a faint noise of commotion.

Lois Abbott parked the car and was about to rush in, but Greg Jensen held her hand, Dont panic, Im here for everything.

Somehow, Lois suddenly didnt feel so anxious anymore, and let Greg Jensen lead her inside.

In the living room stood several people, talking to a girl at the foot of the stairs.

The girl had a youthful face and a slender figure, holding a kitchen knife in her hand. Although her expression was somewhat panicked, her eyes were filled with determination and resolve.

Upon seeing Lois, she almost cried out in excitement, Sis, youve finally come back!

Lois let go of Gregs hand and rushed over, Yes, Im back. Its okay now its okay

The girl burst into tears, throwing herself into Loiss arms, Sis, theyre bullying me! Theyre all bullying me!!

Loiss eyes also reddened, and she glared at a short, pudgy youth with a face full of acne marks, gritting her teeth.

Brandon Brent, who let you into my house? My family doesnt welcome you, get out!

At hearing this, Brandon Brent immediately became furious, Lois Abbott, how dare you talk to me like that! Do you really think Ive shown you some kindness, and now you can be disrespectful to me?

A woman wearing heavy makeup, who looked quite respectable, also said, Lois, how can you talk to Brandon like that? Apologize to him right now!

Lois could not contain her anger, Heather Crowe, youre supposed to be my dads wife, and now youre helping an outsider harm him! Do you want him dead too?

Heather Crowes face turned ugly at once, Lois, dont talk nonsense! How have I helped an outsider harm him?

Lois snorted coldly, Dont you know what Brandon Brent is up to? How dare you let the doctor he brought treat my dad, arent you afraid of killing him?

She said this, turning to a white-bearded old man, How much money did Brandon Brent give you, or what promise did he make, for you to kill my dad?

No theres no such thing, what are you talking about?

Panic flickered in the old mans eyes, but under Brandon Brents intimidating gaze, he quickly resumed composure.

He spoke in a stern but frightened tone, Doctors are bound by benevolence, I only treat patients to get them better, how could I treat them to death?

Brandon Brent suddenly smiled, feigning gentleness, Iris, trust me, he is my would-be father-in-law, why would I harm him?

My dad has no relationship with you, so please mind your language. Besides

Lois said, glancing at Greg Jensen, she spoke indifferently, Ive already found a doctor, so we wont trouble you with your presence.

Greg Jensen was taken aback; he had never told Lois that he knew medicine, how did she know?

He looked over and saw Lois desperately giving him signals with her eyes.

He immediately understood: she must have wanted to get rid of Brandon Brent by claiming he knew how to treat illnesses.

Brandon Brent turned to glance at Greg Jensen, his face darkened instantly, glaring at him with an ominous look:

Kid, I dont care who you are, get out now, this instant, or Ill have you crawling out of here today!

Greg Jensen initially didnt want to provoke Brandon Brent, considering his father was the Chief Inspector.

However, burning with anger upon hearing Brandon Brents words, he couldnt help but retort:

Are you a dog or something? Used to crawling yourself, you want others to crawl out too?

Are you freaking seeking death?

Brandon Brents face was fearsomely dark, his narrow eyes gleaming coldly as he fixed his gaze on Greg Jensen.

Ever since his father became the Chief Inspector, everyone who saw him bowed and scraped.

And this country bumpkin who knew not where he came from, actually dared to speak to him this way!


Just looking for death!

Before Brandon Brent could lose his temper, the muscular young man next to him couldnt hold back.

Why bother talking to him, Mr. Brent, just hit him!

Will Harrison approached Greg Jensen with a cold sneer on his face, Kid, youre really courting death, daring to offend Mr. Brent.

Ill give you a chance, kneel down and kowtow three times to Mr. Brent right now, or dont blame me for crippling you!

Lois Abbott anxiously tugged at Greg Jensens arm, whispering, Hes from the provincial Sanda team, and its said he once chased down more than ten people by himself to fight, hes really formidable.

Greg Jensen looked at him with interest. The man was lean, with long arms and legs, obviously good at fighting. Greg wondered if he could withstand even one of his punches.

He had just entered the first level of Qi Refinement and felt several times more powerful than before. He had been looking for someone to spar with, and now someone had offered himself up.

Have you competed in any competitions? Have you ever won any rankings?

Will Harrison was slightly taken aback, not understanding why Greg Jensen was asking these questions, What are you blathering about? Will you kneel or not?

Greg Jensen sighed, Youre bragging about being on the provincial team without even having ranked? How shameless can you be?

That hit a nerve for Will Harrison; indeed, he had never won any rankings and hadnt even participated in a major competition.

This was his sore point!

And this kid had the gall to publicly pick at his scab!

Fine, since youre courting death, Ill oblige you!

With that, he stepped forward with the force of a charging bull, throwing a punch.


Lois screamed in fright, while Iris quickly grabbed her hand, her own heart so tense it seemed to have reached her throat, her breath nearly stopping.

She didnt know whether Greg Jensen could win the fight; if he couldnt, they would be doomed.

Greg Jensen saw the fierce attack coming, sidestepped to dodge, then clenched his right fist, power surging from the ground, hips and back aligning as one, and he threw a fierce punch out!




Almost simultaneously, three sounds rang out, and Will Harrison fell to the ground.

Everyone in the living room was stunned; how had it ended just as it began?

Looking from the fallen Will Harrison to Greg Jensen, who stood calm and unruffled, their faces were filled with disbelief.

Especially Lois Abbott, who thought Greg Jensen was just well-built. She hadnt expected him to be so skilled in fighting that he would defeat Will Harrison with a single punch, a truly unexpected outcome.

Iris couldnt help but shout, Brother, youre so amazing!

Her eyes sparkled, thinking her brother looked so cool, had such a great physique, and was so capable in a fight, a hundred times better than her idol!

No, a thousand times better!!

Greg Jensen glanced at her and saw little stars in the girls eyes, wondering if he had just gained a little fan.

Brandon Brent was also dumbfounded; he had recruited Will Harrison as a bodyguard precisely because of the latters impressive fighting skills.

Others might not be aware of Will Harrisons strength, but Brandon Brent was all too familiar with it.

Recently, Will had gotten into a fight at a bar, single-handedly chasing down more than a dozen people and beating several to the ground.

Yet, to think he would be defeated by Greg Jensen like this!

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