Published at 1st of July 2024 05:26:16 AM

Chapter 14: Chapter 14 Massaging My Sister_1

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Chapter 14 Massaging My Sister_1

Translator: 549690339
Greg Jensen glanced at her, Do I have to carry them just because Im a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner? Who said that Chinese doctors must carry silver needles when they go out?

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Heather Crowe was choked up and couldnt speak, her face flushed red, and her chest heaved up and down.

Greg Jensen couldnt be bothered with her and asked Lois Abbott for paper and pen, then he wrote down a prescription.

Lois Abbott didnt think much of it and took the list to go buy silver needles and medicine.

Greg Jensen stood up and went outside, with Alfred Webb following behind and asked, Brother, how are you so awesome?

Ah, its alright, I guess.

It was the first time Greg Jensen had been watched so intently; he felt proud and yet somewhat embarrassed.

Adeline Conner seemed to think of something, and a few strands of red crept up her adorable little face.

She bashfully lowered her head, fiddled with the hem of her clothes, and asked quietly, Brother, can I ask you a question?

What question?

Why, when I get my period, does my stomach always hurt?

Greg Jensen was startled and said blankly, Which it?

Oh, you know, it.

Adeline Conner explained with a red face, Its the few days every girl has.

Hearing this, Greg Jensen immediately understood and a hint of embarrassment flashed across his face: Uh, that could be caused by coldness in the uterus leading to cramps.

You can adjust it with traditional Chinese medicine, and you should pay attention to your diet, trying to eat fewer spicy and cold foods.

Of course, if the pain is really unbearable, you could take some painkillers.

However, I suggest you could try massage, it works well and has no side effects.

Hearing his words, Adeline Conners eyes gradually lit up as she whispered:

Brother, my stomach hurts right now, could you give me a massage?

Greg Jensen hesitated for a moment and then nodded, Uh, okay.

Lets go to my room then.

Adeline Conner smiled happily, took Greg Jensens arm, and led him to her room.

Upon entering, Greg Jensen immediately smelled the young girls fragrance and subconsciously glanced at her, realising this young girl might not look old, but she had a really nice figure.

Hey, brother, what are you looking at?

Im not looking at anything.

Greg Jensen quickly averted his gaze and laughed awkwardly.

Far from being angry, Adeline Conner actually seemed a bit proud as she puffed out her chest and said coyly:

Youre so bad, how can you stare there?

Feeling embarrassed, Greg Jensen tried to appear calm, Who can help it when you are so beautiful? Anyone would want to take a good look.

Adeline Conner playfully retorted, Brother, youre such a pervert!

Greg Jensen didnt dare to keep bantering and said directly, Alright then, lie down on the bed, and Ill give you a massage.


Adeline Conner smiled, hopped to the bed, and obediently lay down.

Greg Jensen pulled up a chair and sat beside her, feeling somewhat awkward as he said, Well you need to lift your clothes and expose your stomach.

Mmm, okay.

Without a second thought, Adeline Conner lifted up her clothes, and then she slightly pulled down her sweatpants.

Her fair and smooth abdomen was immediately exposed, making Greg Jensens heartbeat race, and his breathing grew heavier.

Brother, you can start.


Greg Jensen rubbed his hands together to warm them and then gently placed them on Adeline Conners lower abdomen, slowly massaging.

At the same time, his True Qi also flowed from his hands, slowly entering Adeline Conners body.

Adeline Conner only felt a warm sensation coming from her lower abdomen, followed by a warm current entering her body.

The warmth flowed through her like a gentle, soothing spring breeze, melting the ice and snow wherever it went, and within moments, a layer of fine sweat beads covered her body.

The feeling of extreme comfort made her let out a light moan, as if in a dream.


Lois could feel her cheeks burning as if they were on fire.

This is terrible

Lois wanted Greg to stop, but when she opened her mouth, the sounds that came out only added to her embarrassment.

So she could only purse her lips tightly and clench her teeth to prevent herself from making any noise.

However, the sensation was simply too pleasurable, like a seed buried deep within her soul, urging her to let out light moan after moan.

After purchasing the silver needle and grabbing the medicine, Lois quickly rushed back home.

When she passed by her sisters room, she suddenly widened her eyes in disbelief, as there seemed to be a movie playing inside

Is my sister watching a movie?

Lois quickly realized something was off, for the sounds she had heard were unmistakably from her sister.

Considering the only male at home was Greg, and knowing what a lecher he was, her face turned cold as ice.

Damn it, how dare you touch my sister

With anger, Lois pushed open the door, but the scene inside made her freeze on the spot.

Greg was just getting up from the chair, and his clothes were neatly worn, not at all like he had just been moving around.

Her sister Lois lay on the bed with her eyes closed, already breathing evenly.

What is going on here


Greg quickly gestured to her, signaling for her to discuss outside.

Though bewildered, Lois saw that her sister was alright and followed Greg out of the room.

Once outside, her expression darkened again as she coldly asked, What did you do to my sister?

I didnt do anything, Greg replied, somewhat confused.

If you didnt do anything, then why did she

Lois wanted to question him about the embarrassing noises her sister had made, but she found herself struggling to finish her sentence.

We really didnt do anything.

Although Greg didnt understand her implication, he explained, Your sister had menstrual cramps, and I simply massaged her to alleviate the pain.

Loiss eyes widened, You can even treat menstrual cramps?

Uh, traditional Chinese medicine isnt so precise in its specializations, most traditional doctors handle a wide range of issues, just with different focuses.

Fearing she wouldnt believe him, Greg quickly offered, If you have cramps next time, I could give it a try for you too.

Forget it, I dont have menstrual cramps!

Loiss cheeks turned a light shade of red, and she quickly entered her fathers room.

Did you get the silver needle?

Heather glanced at Lois then at Greg, her voice cold, Just so were clear, if you cant heal Alfred, you wont get a penny.

At that, Greg couldnt help but scoff, Sorry, but I never planned on taking your money. Do you think everyone is as money-minded as you?

Lois, look at what your boyfriend

Look at what? Is anything Greg said wrong?

Lois gave her a stern look and handed the items to Greg, Greg, ignore her, just do the acupuncture for my father first.


Greg nodded, disinfected the silver needles with alcohol, and began performing acupuncture on Alfred Webb.

The room fell silent instantly. Even Heather, full of anger, tightly pursed her lips for fear of disturbing Greg.

As the silver needles were inserted into Alfreds body, both were so tense they hardly dared to breathe.

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