Published at 1st of July 2024 05:26:14 AM

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Chapter 16 Righting Wrongs i

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Chapter 16: Chapter 16 Righting Wrongs i

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Lois Abbotts face instantly turned red, and she stuttered, Greg, please, give me a few more days. My dad just woke up, and I want to spend tonight with him.

Greg frowned, Are you trying to wriggle out of this?

No, I didnt mean that.

Lois pleaded, Tomorrow, Ill be with you tomorrow night

Greg looked at her for a while before saying, Fine, Ill trust you this time! But remember, this is the last time!

Lois quickly nodded, Dont worry, I will definitely be with you tomorrow night.

Greg got into his car in silence, and Lois didnt dare say much more, driving him straight back to Peach Blossom Village.

Greg felt somewhat frustrated; he thought he could make it happen with Lois tonight but unexpectedly had to wait until tomorrow.

But since Lois had said so, he didnt want to push her too much. Tomorrow it would be, then.

After getting out of the car, Greg finally said to Lois, Come find me tomorrow and bring the Dragon fish back.


Lois nodded and was about to offer some words of thanks when she saw that Greg had already walked away.

As Greg entered the village and looked up, he suddenly saw a red glow on the mountain. At first, he was stunned, then his face turned ugly at once.

He broke into a run, sprinting all the way until he reached halfway up the mountain, confirming that it was indeed his own house burning.

Greg was unable to contain his rage as the courtyard that had been intact during the day was now ablaze with fire, billowing smoke reaching for the sky and turning half of the mountain red.

Greg continued running toward his house and, nearing it, suddenly spotted Uncle Hall along with a bunch of people standing not too far away, enjoying the spectacle.

Second Uncle and Third Uncle, among others, were carrying basins and buckets, desperately trying to put out the fire.

Burn, bum it all down! Aiden Clark, lets see who dares to cross me now! Uncle Hall laughed maniacally.

Uncles right, if anyone else dares to oppose you, well set their house on fire, too, and see how many heads they grow.

Hey, Uncle, didnt you say there was a good-looking woman in this house? Where is she? Dont let her get burned to death inside.

Uncle Hall laughed heartily, Dont worry, I already inquired about it, Lindsey Wolfe has gone back to her maiden home, shes not here.

When I have time tomorrow, Ill take you guys over to her place, and let you have a go first.

Haha, then I must thank Uncle in advance.

Were brothers, why be so polite?

Greg, upon hearing these words, clenched his teeth so hard they made a grinding sound, and his eyes flashed with an uncontrollable rage, like an enraged lion!

He was about to rush over and kill Uncle Hall right then but suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Charging forward now and killing Uncle Hall would not resolve anything and might even bring trouble upon Second Uncle and the others.

He would kill him later in the night when there was no one around!

Greg made up his mind in an instant; Uncle Hall had to die tonight!

The fire blazed for over an hour, reducing Gregs house to rubble, sparing nothing.

Second Uncle and the others were deeply grieved but powerless.

Ah, to think a good house just got burned like that!

That bastard Uncle Hall, sooner or later, hell be taken by Yan Wang.

Right now, we just hope that Greg, that foolish kid, doesnt show up; otherwise, Uncle Hall will definitely not let him off.


The crowd shook their heads and sighed; no one saw a lonely figure slowly walking away.

The sky gradually darkened, and clouds concealed the bright moon.

The oppressive heat didnt last too long before it began to drizzle.

On a night with a dark moon and howling wind, it was time for killing and arson.

Greg Jensen hid in the large tree outside Uncle Halls house, closely watching every move he made.

Uncle Halls house was bustling with activity, as several people gathered around the hot pot, eating and drinking.

Come on, have a drink, Im grateful to my brothers for giving face and coming to help!

Uncle, youre too polite.

Uncle Hall urged everyone to drink, then said, You guys dont leave tomorrow. Look for that idiot in the village for me.

If you find him, dont waste words, just bring him straight back to me. Aiden, I must kill him this time!

Uncle, is it really necessary to kill him?

Uncle Hall glanced at the speaker and cursed, The bugger disrupted me when I was with my girl, almost scared me half to death.

If he blabs about it, itll cause me a bit of trouble, so its better to just kill him off; only the dead can keep a secret.

In Peach Blossom Village, is there anyone you, Uncle, are afraid of? Uncle, dont tell me you slept with the village chiefs wife?


The man had meant it as a joke, but Uncle Halls face changed instantly upon hearing it, and he angrily retorted:

Aiden, dont fucking spout nonsense, the village chief is my older brother.

Air, sorry, Ill punish myself with a drink.

Uncle, lets have some fun with a woman later, shall we?

Where the hell am I supposed to find a woman in these mountains and wilds?

Uncle Hall smacked his lips and said, If Lindsey Wolfe were home, that would be perfect. Her figure drives me wild.

Then lets go look for her tomorrow?

Sure, Ill take you guys tomorrow night. Well just say Greg owes us money, and if she doesnt come back, well break Gregs legs!

Uncle Halls face was sleazily smiling as he said, Well all play together tomorrow night; itll be so good itll blow that womans mind

Greg, seething with anger, still hid in the tree without stirring, waiting for the group to drink into the night and fall asleep before he quietly slipped into the house.

The house was filled with the smell of alcohol and snoring sounds echoed all around. With the dim moonlight, one could see the men sprawled across the beds, empty bottles everywhere, in complete disarray.

Greg carefully identified his target and finally found Uncle Hall in an inner room. He tiptoed over and slapped his palm onto Uncle Halls chest.

True Qi surged!

Uncle Halls heart meridian was shattered in an instant, and he died silently.

Greg breathed rapidly, but soon calmed himself.

Even though this was his first time killing someone, there was no unease, only the satisfaction of revenge. Uncle Hall had bullied him time and again, now even burning down his house; death a hundred times over wouldnt make up for it!

Killing him like this was letting him off easy. If not for the fear of being discovered, Greg would have tortured him mercilessly.

Greg waited a moment, seeing no movement or breath from Uncle Hall, before he left the inner room.

He then channeled a stream of True Qi into each of Uncle Halls henchmen before leaving silently.

From beginning to end, he disturbed no one, left no traces.

The Divine Doctor could save lives but also take them, causing death unseen; even if someone were to suspect, there would be no proof.

Just like Uncle Halls henchmen, whose meridians had been shattered by his True Qi, they would suffer various discomforts over time, and it would be more than they could bear.

Good is repaid with good, and evil with evil. Since heaven is unjust, he would take justice into his own hands!

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