Published at 1st of July 2024 05:26:13 AM

Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Chapter 18 The Fool Has Fools Luck l

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Chapter 18: Chapter 18 The Fool Has Fools Luck l

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The preliminary judgment is that excessive drinking induced a heart attack, but well have to wait for the autopsy report to know the specifics.

Brian Hall, though a senior relative to Uncle Hall, took a very humble stance, reporting everything he knew as if delivering a work report.

Uncle Hall frowned and said directly, Impossible! How could I not know about my brothers health? How could he possibly have a heart attack?


Brian Hall was also puzzled, but since the coroner had said so, he could only bite the bullet and explain,

Maybe it was because he drank too much. You know what those guys are like, guzzling baijiu and beer as if their lives depended on it.

Uncle Halls face darkened, and he waved over the friends of Uncle Hall.

They did not dare to delay, walking over to Uncle Hall with trepidation.

How much did you drink last night?

The men looked at each other, none daring to speak first.

Uncle Halls face grew darker as he said coldly, Speak up, or 111 toss all of you into the river to feed the fish!

Uncle Hall seemed to have drunk quite a bit, over a liter of baijiu and a few bottles of beer.

Uncle Hall must have drunk more than a liter. 1 saw it looked like more than two liters

The men spoke in a panic, but Uncle Halls face grew increasingly grim.

He looked at them coldly and said in an icy tone, Are you trying to get yourselves killed? Im telling you, Uncle Halls death is not unrelated to you! Thud!

At Uncle Halls words, one of them was so frightened that he immediately knelt on the ground, pleading,

Big brother, this has nothing to do with me, we didnt urge him to drink, Uncle Hall wanted to drink himself.

Yes, big brother, this has nothing to do with us.

The others quickly started to defend themselves.

They had no choice; Uncle Hall was not some street thug.

Uncle Hall not only had legitimate businesses but also several dozen employees. It would be like childs play for him to deal with them.

Watching their cowardly display, Uncle Hall felt even more irritable. He was about to go inside to take a look when he suddenly felt something was amiss. He stopped in his tracks, staring at them motionlessly.

The men were scared into silence, not even daring to breathe heavily, trembling as they hung their heads low.

What time did you guys arrive at Peach Blossom Village yesterday? Uncle Hall asked.

Yeah, Uncle Hall brought us here. We heard he had some conflict with a fool a few days ago. He called us over this time to take care of that fool.

Thats right, we even set that fools house on fire yesterday.

Brian Hall listened on the side, his face stretching long with anger, cursing inwardly,

How could these brainless idiots so casually speak about setting someones house on fire?

Uncle Hall looked thoughtfully at Brian Hall and said solemnly, Uncle, this cant be a coincidence, can it?

Burn someones house down and then have an accident happen?


Brian Hall hesitated and didnt speak.

He knew what Uncle Hall meant, but how could a fool commit murder?

And even if the fool did kill someone, he couldnt have made it look like the victim died of a heart attack, could he?

Uncle Hall understood this as well, but since Uncle Hall was his closest brother, whose death had been sudden, he was just unwilling to let it go.

Brian Hall said, Lets wait for the autopsy results.

Uncle Hall was silent for a moment, then slowly nodded. He then looked coldly at the men and said sternly,

Twenty thousand each for handling Uncle Halls funeral. Do you have any objections?

No objections.

It should

Brian Hall was furious at the moment, and nobody dared to contradict him; if they did, the ramifications would extend well beyond twenty thousand yuan.

Brian Hall glanced at them once more, then turned around and looked toward the middle of the hillside where Greg Jensens home was located.

The news of Uncle Halls sudden death after drinking spread rapidly throughout Peach Blossom Village.

Over the years, he had committed many wrongdoings in Peach Blossom Village, and the villagers all clapped their hands in joy when they heard the news.

Bullying even an idiot and burning down his house, he truly got what he deserved!

Uncle and his companions were helping clear the rubble when they learned of Uncle Halls death; a weight was finally lifted from their hearts.

Uncle Hall did many evil things; even the heavens couldnt stand it anymore.

Fools have their own kind of fortune, it seems Greg is finally out of trouble now.

The Jensen Family was very happy; they no longer had to worry about Uncle Hall bullying Greg.

At that moment, Greg Jensen came down from the mountain.

Uncle hurried over to him, looked him up and down, and, upon seeing he was uninjured, sighed with relief and couldnt help but scold:

You fool, where did you run off to now?

Greg Jensen pointed up the mountain and chuckled, I went up there to play.

All you ever think about is playing, your house has been burned down!

The house is gone!

Greg Jensen stared blankly at the ruins.

Seeing his expression, Uncle felt a pang of pity and comforted him, Dont worry, you can stay at Uncles house for now, and well find a way to build you a new house later.

Right, build a house, Greg Jensen nodded in agreement.

Under the blazing sun, Lindsey Wolfe, who had received the news, also hurried back.

Seeing her home reduced to ruins, she was suddenly overcome with grief, and tears streamed down her cheeks.

Greg Jensen quickly comforted her, Dont be afraid, well rebuild.

Uncle also came over and consoled her, Freya, dont worry, lets clear out the courtyard first, and as soon as we have the money, we can start construction.

In the meantime, you can stay at my place; its just the two of us old folks, having a few more people around will make it livelier.

Greg Jensen stood by, joining in with a foolish grin.

Right, thank you, Uncle, she said.

Watching Greg Jensens simple appearance, Lindsey Wolfe managed to hold back her tears and joined in cleaning up as well.

On a hot summer day, with the scorching heat bearing down, Greg Jensen grew sweaty after a while and simply took off his tank top, working bare-chested.

The crystal sweat beads slowly rolled down his well-defined muscles, and his wheat-colored skin, under the sunlight, looked exceptionally dazzling.

This scene immediately caught the attention of all the young ladies and wives in the village, especially Widow Liu and Lindsey Wolfe.

Their eyes seemed fixed on Greg Jensen.

Lindsey Wolfe, seeing Greg Jensens robust frame, felt a lot more reassured, but her face still bore the furrows of worry.

Greg Jensen saw all this, knowing why his aunt was troubled.

His aunt was a woman with a strong sense of enterprise; she had planted many vegetables and raised lots of chickens and ducks, aiming to make something of herself.

But now, the chicken coops and duck houses had been burned, the chickens and ducks had died or scattered, and his aunts hopes were dashed.

After some thought, Greg Jensen sneaked to the side and made a phone call to Lois Abbott.

Didnt you say you were coming to see me today? Why havent you arrived yet?

Lois Abbott was somewhat flustered as she replied, Ill be there soon.

Greg Jensen then said, Can you do me a favor when you get here?

What favor?

Greg Jensen confessed how he used to be a fool but wasnt anymore, then shared his plans and asked Lois Abbott to do as he had instructed when she arrived..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!