Published at 1st of July 2024 05:26:09 AM

Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Chapter 24 Sucking Out Sister-in-laws Snake Poison__i

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Chapter 24: Chapter 24 Sucking Out Sister-in-laws Snake Poison__i

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Greg Jensen asked anxiously, Sister-in-law, where exactly were you bitten?

Amber Hall gritted her teeth, On the thigh.

As she spoke, she suddenly spread her legs, revealing two distinctly visible red and black bite marks.

Greg Jensen was immediately struck dumb.

Seeing Gregs dumbfounded look, Amber quickly said, Stop staring, hurry up and suck the poison out for your sister-in-law, will you?

Oh, right right.

Greg hurriedly bent down to suck out the snake venom.

Peach Blossom Village was remote, and the villagers didnt have much money, so everyone used soap for bathing.

However, this soap wasnt purchased; they made it themselves using pig pancreas.

The method of making it was generally the same from family to family, but each added different fragrances.

For instance, the pig pancreas soap Amber Hall used definitely contained orchid.

Having just bathed, her body was faintly scented with orchid, bewitching Greg

Jensen, who couldnt help showing a mesmerized expression.

After a while, Ambers thigh gradually regained feeling, and she reminded him,

Greg, thats enough, its okay now.


Greg suddenly came to his senses and quickly stood up.

He steadied his breathing and asked innocently, Sister-in-law, are you okay now?

Im okay now. Silly Greg, thank you.

Amber Hall looked at Greg with a smiling face, her beautiful eyes exuding a hint of spring warmth.

No need to thank me!

Greg hurriedly squeezed out a naive smile.

Now was definitely the time to play dumb. If Amber ever found out that he had become smarter, that would truly be a social death.

Amber Hall kept her eyes fixed on him, her gaze brazenly sweeping over his abs, and with a flirtatious look, she asked:

Silly Greg, tell your sister-in-law the truth, do you want to continue?


Greg kept on foolishly smiling, wondering what this woman was getting at. Amber Hall wasnt in a rush. As she dressed, she asked, Silly Greg, you dont think that snake will come back, do you?

I guess not? Greg gave a noncommittal answer.

Amber changed the subject with a distressed look, Silly Greg, theres been some noise at your sister-in-laws house these past few days. Could it be a snake?

Why dont you come over to my place tonight to check? Youre so strong, with you there your sister-in-law wont be scared at all.

As she spoke, she even took the opportunity to feel Gregs abs, unable to resist exclaiming, Sohard!

Greg turned awkwardly, adjusted his clothes, and then picked up Amber Hall to walk back to the village.

When they reached the entrance of the village, Amber got down from his back and said, Silly Greg, arent you really coming over to help your sister-in-law catch the snake tonight?


Greg continued to foolishly laugh.

You big fool!

Amber Hall saw his reaction and snorted coldly before turning around and leaving.

Greg Jensen chuckled to himself, thinking that this woman was quite interesting.

For the following days, Greg Jensen was focused on Qi Refinement, living a very fulfilling life.

During this time, Lois Abbott also came to Peach Blossom Village several times under the guise of inspecting.

Lindsey Wolfe was very grateful to her, and so she put forth her best effort to host her.

Lois Abbott didnt put on airs and often accompanied Lindsey Wolfe to the vegetable fields to take a look, sometimes even offering her own suggestions. Their ideas often coincided, so it didnt take long for them to become good friends.

With Lois Abbotts help, Lindsey Wolfe rented a storefront in town and opened a small vegetable store.

Although the vegetables they grew could all be sold to Reverie Inn, Lindsey Wolfe felt that supplying the inn exclusively was not a long-term strategy and that having her own sales channel was crucial.

To everyones surprise, the vegetable store did unexpectedly well after opening. Lindsey Wolfe immediately gained confidence and decided to expand the planting scale right away.

She shared her thoughts with Uncle Third and Uncle Fifth, who readily agreed and planted vegetables all over their fields.

Lindsey Wolfe was still not satisfied and went to Greg Jensens great-aunts house, hoping to have her family plant some vegetables as well.

But as soon as Lindsey Wolfe broached the subject, Greg Jensens great-aunt Gillian Lampe chased her out.

If its such a good deal, why would you think of us? If you want to do business, either cough up Gregs familys land to me, or how about we plant using Gregs familys land?

Gillian Lampe stood in the doorway with her arms crossed, looking down at Lindsey Wolfe with a sneer.

Lindsey Wolfe was furious. She had initially thought of keeping the benefits within the community, which is why she came to them for a partnership. However, she didnt expect Gillian Lampe to be so shameless, not only insulting her but also wanting to seize Gregs familys land.

Marcus Jensen pulled Gillian Lampes arm and whispered, Guilan, let it be. Freya is well-intentioned.

Well-intentioned my ass, shes just trying to scam us out of our money. Gillian Lampe pushed Marcus Jensen away and pointed at Lindsey Wolfe, berating, Get lost and dont come to our house anymore, you disgraceful thing!

After she finished speaking, she slammed the door shut with a bang.

Lindsey Wolfe trembled with rage, unable to believe that such people existed. She returned to Second Uncles house with a gloomy face.

When Second Uncle heard about this incident, he advised, Freya, let it go. If it really doesnt work out, collect a little from someone elses harvest. You could earn more, so why cause yourself so much trouble?

Uncle Third followed up, Yes, if they dont want to cooperate, leave them be. Theyll regret it.

Lindsey Wolfe nodded emphatically, thinking to herself that she had to work hard to ensure the villagers who partnered with her made money, and make the others regret their decision deeply.

In the days that followed, Lindsey Wolfe worked from dawn till dusk, running the business efficiently and effectively.

And Lois Abbott, seizing the opportunity, visited Peach Blossom Village every day, becoming bolder with each visit, even daring to sneak into Greg Jensens room during the nights she spent there.

Sometimes, Greg Jensen even wondered what Lindsey Wolfes reaction would be if she knew about this.

After tasting the flavor of love, Lois Abbott decided to stay at Second Uncles house, and as a result, Greg Jensens cultivation improved by leaps and bounds. What would have taken five or six months to reach the second level of Qi Refinement, with their relentless efforts, was close to a breakthrough, only one step away.

That day, Lois Abbott came to Peach Blossom Village again. After accompanying Lindsey Wolfe on an inspection of the vegetable fields during the day, she retired to bed early after dinner.

Once she was sure Lindsey Wolfe and Second Uncle and Second Aunt were asleep, she quietly slipped out and ran to Greg Jensens room.

After locking the door, she crawled directly into Greg Jensens bed.

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