Published at 1st of July 2024 05:26:22 AM

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 The Wounded Woman_1

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Chapter 3 The Wounded Woman_1

Translator: 549690339
Greg Jensen was confused. What was this all about?

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But Lindsey Wolfe didnt care, and she pushed him down on the bed, reaching to take off her clothes.

Greg Jensen panicked. This was not okay. He struggled to his feet, about to voice his refusal, when he heard someone outside calling:

Freya, have you found Greg?

Lindsey Wolfe was startled and quickly stopped what she was doing. Seeing that Greg Jensen was still undressed, she hurried him, Put your clothes on, quick.

After speaking, she straightened up her own clothes and rushed out, Found him, found him! He ran off to play in the cave.

Outside stood an old man with white hair and beard, his face wrinkled but his back ramrod straight, his voice still full of vigor.

How did Greg end up there? Such nonsense!

He complained as he entered the house, Why on earth is the door closed in broad daylight?

Lindsey Wolfe said unnaturally, Silly Greg is taking a bath.

The old man saw Greg Jensen and scolded, Greg, how many times have I told you not to go into that cave? Why wont you listen?

Greg Jensen didnt know what to say and could only give a silly chuckle.

This old man was named Jules Jensen, his grandfathers younger brother, ranked second, whom everyone called Uncle Two.

He was also one of the oldest among the village elders, and among the few who truly cared for him.

Uncle Two berated Greg Jensen, repeatedly admonishing and warning him never to go into the cave again.

Greg Jensen still wore a silly smile as he brushed it off. Yet, in his heart, he was thinking that he would have to go back there after some time, maybe he would find some treasure.

Gradually, more and more people arrived, all having heard that Greg Jensen hadnt returned home overnight and came to see how he was doing.

At first, the talk was all about Greg Jensen, but somehow it shifted to Lindsey Wolfe.

Freya, now that youve come around, its good. That way, nobody has a reason to take over Gregs family land anymore.

Exactly, lets see how they dare to snatch it now when we old folks are still around!

Lindsey Wolfe nodded, Thanks to Uncle Two, Uncle Three, Uncle Five. Without your help, I wouldnt have been able to carry on living here.

Whats there to thank for? Greg is a son of the Jensen Family, and youve looked after him so well, we should be thanking you!

Indeed! Poor Greg, his parents died just a few years ago, and then he got beaten to this state

The crowd sighed and lamented, which left Greg Jensen with a bitter taste in his mouth, but he felt more grateful than anything, and thought that he would have to repay them in the future.

Uncle Two knocked the dottle from his pipe on the sole of his shoe, stood up, and announced, Well, its settled then. If anyone dares to cause trouble, just come and get me.

After speaking, he led the rest away.

After they left, Lindsey Wolfe let out a sigh of relief. She had almost been discovered just now; it had been too close a call.

But with the matter settled, she couldnt help feeling an inexplicable joy.

Silly Greg, did you hear that? Your Uncle Two agrees with us!

As Lindsey Wolfe spoke, she chuckled, I really didnt expect this, me, an older woman with a younger man

Tsk tsk tsk, Im only twenty-nine, not old yet.

As she talked, it seemed she remembered something and her eyes reddened, she murmured to herself:

So what if its with a fool?

I, Lindsey Wolfe, dont rely on any man, and I can make something of myself. Ill have to show those people!

She lifted her head, Silly Greg, from now on you have to listen to me, okay!

Greg Jensen was hesitant just a second ago about whether or not to confess, but seeing his aunts serious expression, he could only give a silly smile and nod his head.

The matter of becoming smarter could wait until later; telling her now would definitely make her feel deceived by him.

His aunt was a woman who had been hurt; at eighteen, she had defied her familys wishes to be with a man who still lived in a thatched cottage.

The couple endured hardships and struggled for seven or eight years before they were finally able to build a house and buy a car.

But unexpectedly, the moment her ex-husband came into some money, he changed, leading to frequent quarrels and fights between them.

Later, when his aunt gave birth to a daughter, her ex-husband became even more displeased, and his family started to pick on her and bully her.

Their conflicts deepened, and eventually, his aunt discovered her ex-husband had found another woman. Thats when she gave up hope and divorced him, the child not even a month old.

Greg knew that his aunts ex-husband owed much of his fortune to his aunts efforts.

Yet, just as things started to look up, he abandoned his wife and child for another woman, which was simply inhumane.

When Lindsey Wolfe saw Greg nod, she smiled happily and hugged him tightly, saying:

Dont worry, I will never abandon you, and you wont abandon me, right?

Gregs nose tingled, and he nodded vigorously: Aunt, you can rest assured, I will never abandon you!

Lindsey Wolfe didnt notice anything odd about Greg; she was completely immersed in her own inner world.

After who knows how long, Lindsey Wolfe suddenly laughed, Why am I even telling you all this? I should be focusing on having babies instead.

After saying that, she grabbed Greg by his clothes and pulled him inside.

Greg panicked and quickly said, No No, that cant happen! Youre my aunt!

Lindsey Wolfe chuckled: Silly man, you were just saying youd listen to me, and now you wont! Im not your real aunt, what are you afraid of?

Greg was dumbfounded. His aunt wasnt his real aunt?

What was going on?

Yet, he felt lighter, as if hed shed some heavy burden.

No wonder the Jensen Family didnt oppose; it really didnt go against common human ethics.

To speak the truth, facing his aunt, a stunning and charming beauty, and often engaging in intimate contact with her it would be a lie to say he wasnt tempted.

However, hed always thought his aunt was his mothers sister. How could he commit such a beastly act?

He had never expected that she wasnt actually his real aunt, which meant he could possibly

When Greg reached that thought, he shivered; he was such a beast!

Even though she wasnt his real aunt, he still shouldnt

But his aunt was too beautiful and tempting, and he needed to practice the Yin Yang Harmony Sutra which required finding an excellent cauldron to advance his cultivation.

His aunt perfectly met these conditions, and she was even willing to be with him. What was he still hesitating or conflicted about?

Suddenly, two figurines appeared in Gregs mind, engaging in a fierce mental struggle.

Unaware of his turmoil, Lindsey Wolfe went about her day, a continuous temptation to Greg.

But in reality, having him always aroundoften shirtlesswas a temptation to her as well, wasnt it?

As the saying goes, At thirty a man is like a wolf, at forty a tiger, and at fifty he can absorb the earth while sitting down.

Lindsey Wolfe was at an age where she was quite needy, and since becoming pregnant, she had not had intimate contact with a man. She could hardly contain herself any longer.

And there was Greg, always around her with his handsome face and fine physique; who wouldnt be moved? Who could resist?

Now that it was justified, and they could be together openly, Lindsey Wolfe cast aside all restraints. She pulled Greg into the inner room, unable to wait even a moment longer.

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