The Lure from Ex-husband - Chapter 106

Published at 8th of March 2023 06:49:57 AM

Chapter 106

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Liu Xixi felt even more remorseful when she saw his sister's pitiful appearance. "Sis, I'm sorry. It's all my fault …"

"It's not your fault, it's because I've been lying in bed for too long. Now that I've woken up, my nerves are a little weak, so I always think too much for no reason. Don't you hate your sister."

"Of course not, Sis. Next time, I won't leave you alone at home anymore." Liu Xi Xi promised with all his heart.

"Thank you …" Liu Muxin said, laughing lightly, she pretended to inadvertently bring it up, "Xixi, us two sisters haven't slept together for a long time, didn't you say that A'Chen wouldn't be back tonight? "Why don't you sleep in my room tonight, and we can talk about ourselves."

It had been a long time since she had slept with her sister. She didn't think that her sister liked it when she went to her room.

In the past, no matter how much her sister spoiled her, she would never be allowed to stay in her room for the night.

Seeing Liu Xi Xi's expression, Liu Mu Xin's originally better expression instantly became gloomy, "Xi Xi, are you unwilling to get along with your sister?"

"Sis, what are you saying? I'm afraid you're not used to... Then I'll go to the second floor to take a bath. I'll come find you in your room later, okay? "

"Yes, yes." She looked after him as he walked toward the stairs, and the corner of her mouth curved into a smile as she carried out her plan.

After Liu Xixi finished showering, for some reason, she felt a bit uncomfortable in her heart. She suppressed the discomfort and directly went to Liu Muxin's room. Her elder sister was already lying on the bed and upon seeing Liu Xixi come in, she flipped the blanket over, "Xissy, quickly come up."

Liu Xiya quickly crawled into the blanket, a smile spreading across his face. This feeling of being with his sister was really good.

Liu Muxin handed a cup of warm milk to Liu Xixi, "Here, I just made it. Drink it while it's still warm …" I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep well at night. "

"Thank you big sister …" Lucie drank the milk, and not a drop was left.

They hadn't even chatted for two minutes when a wave of sleepiness hit Liu Xixi. She could feel her eyelids fighting and unknowingly fell into a deep sleep.

Liu Mu Xin felt the regular breathing of the person beside her, and carefully called out, "Sissy? Cissy? "

The glass of milk she had just drunk was loaded with sleeping pills.

Everything that happened today was just Liu Muxin's plan. She accidentally overheard Uncle Zhao calling Shen Mo Chen and knew that he wouldn't be home tonight, so she brought forward her original plan.

Liu Muxin picked up the phone that Liu Xixi left at the side and walked to the balcony. She dialed Qin Xuan's number. She didn't need to worry that Liu Xixi would wake up midway.

"Cissy? Why did you call me so late? " Qin Xuan's surprised voice, mixed with a hint of curiosity, came over the phone.

"Young Master Qin, long time no see …" Liu Muxin's single sentence broke Qin Xuan's question.

"You are not Sissy... You are Liu Muxin? " Qin Xuan's voice was the same as before, but it lacked the previous happiness.

"Smart. I called you this time to help you. You know that Shen Mo Chen has joined up with the Ji Family to deal with your family's company, right? " Liu Muxin also didn't intend to hide anything, so she freely admitted it.

"So?" No matter how good-natured Qin Xuan was, his tone was laced with a touch of disgust. He thought back to last time at the Southern Court's birthday banquet, when Liu Muxin purposely threw Liu Xi's gift into the fountain, and didn't have the slightest bit of good will towards this woman.

"I'm here to help you. I have all the documents of their plan. I've already sent them to you …"

"As far as I know, you are deeply in love with Shen Jingchen, and Cissy is your younger sister. Why are you doing this to your own people?" He naturally knew that she wanted to break up the relationship between Liu Xixi and Shen Mo Chen, but he didn't expect her to go all out like this.

"I won't trouble you to worry about that. If I help you, you'll naturally get what I want. We can be considered to be living together in mutual benefit."

"Thank you for thinking so highly of me. Have you looked for a partner …?" I'm not the least bit interested in this paper you're talking about. "Also, I don't know how Liu Xixi will feel when she learns that her elder sister, who she treats with all her heart, will stab her in the back like this."

"Hehe …" "No one is more noble than you. In any case, I've already given you the thing. Whether or not you need it, it's up to you." After Liu Muxin finished speaking, she hung up the phone. She believed that Qin Xuan would eventually open that document.

In the face of true benefits, that kind of pitiful unrequited love was simply not worth mentioning.

Liu Muxin erased the recording of her conversation. She knew that on the day that happened, Shen Mo Chen would definitely send someone to investigate if Liuxi had any contact with Qin Xuan. That way, even if Liuxi jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to wash it away.

This was also the reason why she had to lead the show on her own tonight.

The next day, Liussi opened her eyes from her soft bed. She slept very well and did not wake up once during the night.

His elder sister had already changed her clothes and was putting on makeup in front of the dressing table. She seemed to be in a good mood and would occasionally hum a song in a low voice.

Liu Muxin had always lived better than Liu Xixi. When Liu Xixi ran around with a doll in her arms, she was already determined to wear famous brand clothes.

In Jiang Manwei's words, Liu Xixi was like a wild child who had no one to raise, and Liu Muxin was more like a little princess held in the palm of her hands by her parents.

She knew that what her stepmother said was true, but she didn't mind at all. Her big sister was the type that people couldn't help but want to protect when they saw her. As for her, she just needed to protect her sister.

"Sis, why are you so happy?" A smile appeared on Liussi's face. Happiness can indeed infect people.

Liu Muxin turned her head, looking at Liu Xixi with a calculating gaze, but it quickly disappeared. Liu Xixi didn't catch it, "I'm very happy, it feels like when I was young and you pestered me for lollipops.

"Sis …" Hearing Liu Muxin's mocking, Liu Xixi seemed to feign anger.

"Are you kidding me... "Hurry up and wash up. Hurry up and go to school, otherwise, you'll be late." Liu Mu Xin changed the subject and urged Liu Xi Xi Xi to get up.

Liuxi stretched, got up from the bed, and began his usual life.

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