The Lure from Ex-husband - Chapter 117

Published at 8th of March 2023 06:49:34 AM

Chapter 117

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She didn't know how long she had been squatting by the roadside. Liu Xixi tried to prop herself up, but she felt dizzy. No matter what, she couldn't do anything.

She staggered a few steps, then fell back uncontrollably, as if someone was slapping her in the face.

Liu Xixi really wanted to tell the people around her not to touch her anymore, to let her have a good rest. She was too tired.

The end of the world seemed to have arrived. Otherwise, why would she feel so helpless? If she could, she would rather never wake up and just sleep like this.

She had a long dream, in which she had many wonderful memories of herself and Shen Jingchen, who had spent a fortune on The Twins as a treasured treasure, who had promised her that he would protect her for the rest of her life, who had taken her to Hawaii to do all the most romantic things she could imagine.

The camera turned, and Shen Mo Chen turned into a devil, chasing after her with his long teeth, as if he wanted to eat her flesh and drink her blood.

The tears on her face had not dried yet, and the dream was so real that it made her feel as if she had walked through life again, but if she could walk through life again, she would rather not know Shen.

The smell of disinfectant assaulted his nostrils. Liuxi frowned, not expecting himself to be in the hospital again.

She struggled to get out of bed. She probably didn't know who had seen her faint on the way, so she brought her to the hospital.

A female doctor in a professional uniform walked in from outside the ward, stopping her from continuing to prop herself up, "The child doesn't want it anymore, right? Did he make it so that he had to come to the hospital with hypoglycemia? You don't even know how to supplement your nutrition when you're pregnant? "I don't know what you youngsters are thinking now, playing around like this."

The female doctor, who was in her early fifties, was more than enough to be Liu Xixi's mother. Seeing that Liu Xixi had been sent to the hospital in such a sorry state, she felt that this girl was a little too out of place. She said in a resentful tone, "When you're pregnant, you have to pay attention to your emotions. Otherwise, when the child is gone, I'll see where you go to cry."

Liuxi was stunned. She took a long time to digest what the doctor had said. Her eyes suddenly widened as she looked at the doctor in disbelief and repeated, "Doctor, you said that I'm pregnant?"

"It's already been over a month. Do I not even know if my period is normal or not?" Because Liuxi was not very old, and because of her excellent skin, she looked like a high school student. From the bottom of his heart, the doctor believed that Liuxi was the kind of woman who had had her private life disturbed at such a young age, and that she didn't have a good attitude towards Liuxi.

"Thank you, Doctor." Liu Xixi's body went limp. She sat on the bed without saying a word.

The doctor spoke of a bunch of precautions with an expression as if there was no medicine for regret in this world before he left. She had seen many women like this in this society, and it was not worth pity at all.

After the doctor had left, she covered her head with a pillow. She would never have guessed that she had a child with Shen Jingchen under such circumstances.

She had only just reached the end of her relationship with Shen Mo Chen when an unexpected child appeared out of nowhere, caressing her belly. If she were to be more careful, she would be able to feel the slight swelling.

The door of the ward was quietly pushed open, and a familiar figure walked in. Seeing who it was, Liu Xixi was stunned, "Chen Xiao? Why are you here? "

This was the boy who sat behind her in class. Liu Xixi remembered that when she had quarrelled with Zhang Yi, only Lin Weiwei and he had been standing behind her.

"I happened to pass that place today. I saw you faint there, so I sent you to the hospital." Chen Xiao placed the heat preservation box on the bedside, which contained the congee he had just bought from outside.

"Oh, thank you." Liu Xixi lowered her head. She was actually seen by her classmate, and did not know whether she should be happy or sad.

Chen Xiao didn't say anything. He didn't ask Liu Xixi why she had fainted on the street. He placed a bowl of porridge in front of Liu Xixi and indicated for her to take it.

She had been waiting for Shen Jingchen for hours, and she had not had time to eat lunch or dinner.

"You know about it?" Liu Xixi suddenly thought of something and lowered her head to ask.

"Yes." Only now did Chen Xiao have an expression on his face. "The doctors and nurses think that I'm your boyfriend, so they blamed me for being irresponsible."

Liu Xi Xi Xi didn't know how to respond. She awkwardly smiled and said, "I already thank you for sending me to the hospital. I didn't expect that I would cause you so much trouble. I'm really sorry."

CHAPTER XLVI: Sending her off with money

"It's fine, aren't we classmates?" Chen Xiao smiled faintly. He didn't tell Liu Xixi that he happened to be there today because he was about to leave the country to meet with some of his best friends in the country for the last time.

Liu Xixi finished the porridge, then handed the small bowl to Chen Xiao. "Chen Xiao, you can go back first. I can stay here by myself."

She looked at her classmate, who was not good at socializing but took care of her in every possible way. She wanted to thank him, but she couldn't express her gratitude no matter how hard she tried.

"I'm fine too …" Chen Xiao didn't have any intentions of leaving. Just now, when Liu Xixi was unconscious, he asked her if he should inform her family, but he rejected him subconsciously. It was probably because he didn't want her family to know that she was pregnant.

"But …" Liu Xixi's mind was in a mess right now. She couldn't tell what kind of state of mind she was in. The shock of getting pregnant had not yet recovered her composure. This series of events was too troublesome for her.

"You can stay here and rest in peace. If you don't want to see me, I'll wait outside the ward. If you need anything, just call me. I'm worried about you staying here alone in this situation." Chen Xiao didn't change his mind and walked out of the ward after he finished speaking.

"Thank you." Liu Xixi held back for a long time, only able to say these few words from her own mouth.

On the other side, in the Shen family's villa, Liu Mu Xin took the freshly squeezed juice from the nanny's hand, her face full of pride.

The weather was not bad. She was enjoying the shade of a tree. It was unknown if it was because she was in a good mood that she always felt that even the wind was mixed with a hint of sweetness today.

She had found a private detective to follow her every move, and when the detective had sent in a team not long ago to find her crying and bedraggled by the side of the road, she knew that she had made the right bet, and that the relationship between Shen Mo Chen and Liu Xi was now over.

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