The Lure from Ex-husband - Chapter 179

Published at 8th of March 2023 06:48:05 AM

Chapter 179

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"You're not interested in going down to have a look? "Maybe Liuxi is meeting a lover downstairs." Ji Ling Chen smiled as he looked at Shen Mo Chen.

"…" Shen Mo Chen ignored Ji Ling Chen's words, and after less than two seconds, he said, "I think it's about time, let's go downstairs to eat, I'll treat you."

Finishing his words, he walked out of the meeting room in large strides. Ji Ling looked at Shen Mo Chen's upright figure and sighed to himself. This man was obviously curious to the point of death, yet he still pretended to be indifferent.

When the door was opened, she saw the figure of a small child at the front desk. The older sister was fighting passionately, and she didn't know what kind of joke she was making, but it was a joke that made the girls laugh.

Liu Xixi sighed. After this son of his grew up, he would grow up to be the same kind of love as his father. It seemed that when the time came, he would have to properly teach this An Ran a lesson.

She was walking on high heels and was discovered by An An before she could take two steps. An An's young and tender face was fleshy, and the flesh on it was squeezed into a ball, making her look extremely adorable. He crawled into Liu Xi's embrace, sweetly calling out, "Godmother."

Black lines appeared on Liu Xixi's face. It would be a pity if this little rascal didn't want him to be an actress in the future. If she didn't know that An An was acting, she would have suspected him.

The front desk and Liuxi can be considered not bad, seeing that Liuxi has such a cute dry son, even the heart was envious, "Director, you picked up a treasure right? You don't have to give birth to your own child, and yet you have such a cute child. "

Liuxi looked embarrassed. Who said he wasn't born himself? It was obviously born in October, okay?

She pulled An An into a corner of the hall. "Darling, why did you come out alone?"

"I miss my mother …" An'an lowered her head. She obviously still had something on her mind, but she didn't make it clear.

"Don't lie to mom, if there's anything, you have to tell mom, okay?" Liu Xixi saw that An'an's face was obviously hiding something, so she squatted down to face her, and said this in a patient tone.

"Actually... "Grandma Chen forgot to cook for me today. I called Zeng Yi's godmother, but she didn't answer, so I had no choice but to come and find you." An Xin said with a serious expression, but there was a hint of embarrassment on her face.

Liu Xixi didn't know whether to laugh or cry because of this reason. Last night, Grandma Chen had applied for leave from her, but she was too busy arranging the blueprints that she forgot about such an important matter.

Liu Xixi's tone softened when she thought about how she had been blaming her son. "Darling, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you last night. Are you starving my precious son? "

"Then … Just a little hungry. " An'an waved her hand, seemingly indifferent. However, the rumbling sounds coming from her stomach betrayed him.

While the children were growing, Liussi was so hungry that she ate nothing, let alone a five-year-old child.

A wave of guilt enveloped her heart. This mother of hers was too incompetent. She hadn't even arranged for her son's living arrangements.

Liu Xixi looked at her watch. It was almost half past one. She did not expect that after such a long meeting, An Xin must be starving.

She stood up and was about to take Anthea to a nearby restaurant for a meal. She was about to take Anthea's hand when Anthea's face changed to a strange expression and she looked behind her.

Liuxi followed An An's line of sight and saw Shen Mo Chen and Ji Ling walking side by side towards them.

Her first reaction was to pick An Xin up in her arms and run away. However, she still forcibly stopped herself from doing such a strange thing in front of the crowd.

She forced herself to pretend that nothing had happened. She pulled An An to leave, but An An didn't want to leave. "This uncle is so familiar."

Liu Xixi was shocked, while she was in a daze, Shen Mo Chen and Ji Ling Chen had already walked to her side. Seeing the child beside Liu Xi, Ji Ling was also shocked, "Aren't you … The kid who begged me to bring him back in Toronto? "

An An An nodded. "Thank you, uncle."

Liu Xi Xi Xi's head became two heads, he never thought that An An and Ji Ling would have such a strange story between them. The strange man who brought Anthea back to the country was actually Ji Ling Chen?

Liu Xixi was still afraid when she thought about it, thinking that if she really met this kind-hearted person, she would treat him to a meal to express her gratitude. But now that she realised that this kind-hearted person was Ji Ling Chen, she instantly fell into disarray.

The man who had been so aggressive in the meeting room just now, how come he was the kind person who brought An An back?

"Tsk tsk tsk, I never thought that this world would become so small …" Ji Ling Chen sighed, "Little friend, didn't you say that you came to China to look for your mother? Did you find it? "

When Liuxi heard this question from Ji Ling Chen, his hairs immediately stood up, his own son is too careless right? Why did he expose all of his background on their first meeting?

"This is my friend's child. I thank you on her behalf."

Ji Ling Chen was skeptical, "Could it be that you gave birth to your child abroad?"

After all, according to the age of this child, it was normal for Liu Xixi to give birth to this child.

"My friend's child. My friend has gone abroad and has been following me recently."

Shen Jingchen had always been looking at this child. He didn't know why, but he felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy towards this child that he had just met. He didn't like children before, but this child didn't make her feel any distance between them.

Ji Ling Chen was just speaking casually, he did not expect Liu Xixi to have such an obvious reaction, he did not take it to heart, and squatted down to talk to the child, "Kid, what is your name? You actually went to the airport by yourself. That's quite the bravery. "

"My name is An'an." Because he had been with Ji Ling for a while, An An was not afraid of Ji Ling at all.

"Then it's safe. Since uncle met you again today, can I treat you to a meal with your aunt? "

"…" An An wanted to agree, but he was stopped by a burst of force from Liu Xixi's small hand. An An looked suspiciously at Liu Xixi and found that her mother was using her eyes to indicate that she would reject him.

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