Published at 8th of March 2023 06:52:33 AM

Chapter 28

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What had happened to him? This was the woman who had hurt Mu Xin. He mustn't be fooled by her false appearance. Shen Mo Chen reminded himself as he got off the bed and walked out of the guest room without looking back.

Sunlight passed through the gaps between the curtains and spilled onto the woman on the bed. Her long eyelashes trembled as if she was having a nightmare. Even in her sleep, she was restless.

Liu Xi woke up, opened her sleepy eyes, and felt as if her entire body was falling apart. The pain she felt from her body was unbearable.

Remembering Shen Jingchen's madness last night, bitterness filled her heart. If she could, she would rather have been injured in the car accident and become a vegetable than suffer such inhuman torture.

She knew that she was just a target for Shen Jingchen to vent his beast desires on. This man had completely blamed her for the accident.

He picked up the phone on the bedside table and looked at the time. It was about time he washed up and went to school.

She threw back the covers and walked barefoot to the bathroom. She looked down at the deep, shallow kiss marks all over her body, and her heart was filled with mixed feelings.

Seriously, Liussi really didn't understand such a painful and deadly thing. Why would so many people be willing to go through with it? Could it be that all the men in the world rely on their lower body to think?

After she finished bathing, she picked out a turtleneck sweater to hide the strawberries on her neck. It was already the early autumn in Ping City, so this kind of dressing wouldn't be too sudden.

If the students discovered the imprint on their bodies, it might cause some sort of trouble.

He had already suffered much ridicule and ridicule at school when he publicly challenged Shen Jingchen. She could be considered a good girl and would never want anything to happen to him again.

When Liuxi arrived at the classroom, she realized that her classmates were looking at her through tinted glasses, which made her feel a little guilty. She subconsciously covered her neck, which was covered up tightly. Could it be that other people saw through it?

Lin Weiwei hurriedly walked to her seat. "Yiyi, why did you just arrive?" Do you know why the principal sent someone to ask you to come to the principal's office? "

Liuxi shook her head. She didn't know why the principal wanted to see her, but Director Chen had already explained the matter of the credits so she didn't need to see him personally.

Thinking about the incident with Qin Shiyu yesterday, her heart skipped a beat. Could it be that after offending Shen Mo Chen yesterday, this man wanted to help her wear a pair of small shoes?

"Did you do something that would shock the world again?" Lin Weiwei looked at Liu Xixi with concern. She didn't want any more mishaps to happen to her. "Hurry up and go. Be careful …"

Liu Xixi nodded, and under the gloating gazes of the crowd, she walked to the door of the principal's office.

"Dong Dong Dong …" Liu Xixi was a little perturbed by the polite knocking on the door. If Shen Jingchen had gone crazy and attacked her, she really didn't know what to do.

"Come in." A voice sounded from inside, making it difficult for one to discern his or her mood.

The headmaster and Chief Chen were sitting on the sofa, drinking tea. They were sizing her up with something akin to gentleness in their eyes.

"Principal, why are you looking for me?" Liuxi resisted the urge to run away and obediently opened his mouth.

"Cissy, you're here …" Come, come, sit down and talk to the headmaster. " The principal waved towards Liu Yiyi, indicating that she should sit on the sofa.

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