The Lure from Ex-husband - Chapter 411

Published at 8th of March 2023 06:40:34 AM

Chapter 411

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The group boarded the plane.

Seeing that An Yunshi still hadn't left, Si Yi walked up to her and said in a soft voice, "They've already left. I can't see them anymore!"

"I know!" She nodded, disagreeing. "Cissy really cares about me, I haven't made such a pure friend in a long time. Oh right, I want to bring Sophia to France!"

"Hmm, I've already prepared it for you. I've already told Sophia about it a few days ago. I know you can't leave her!"

An Yunshi did not say anything else. The two of them were speechless as they went straight to Su Tian's Natural Ranch.

When Xiao Fu arrived at the island, it was already three days after Liuxi left Toronto. Knowing that his good brother might have some other ideas, he couldn't be at ease. Thus, he decided to come.

His condition was pretty good, probably because he had a few people accompanying him. It seemed quite normal.

Seeing Xiao Fu come, Chen Xiao said to the person: "What's wrong? Afraid of my suicide? Or are you afraid I'll go crazy? " Chen Xiao had a mocking expression on his face. Naturally, he would not forget that Xiao Fu had taken Liu Xi Xi Xi away.

Josiah, who was absent, followed Louise to see the island. Chen Xiao put down what he was holding in his hands, smiled at Chen Xiao, and said softly, "To be honest, sometimes, I really do hate you, but sometimes, I also really appreciate you. I know that if you didn't take Xi Xi Xi away with you, perhaps this place would have already been razed to the ground by Shen Mo Chen. I know how powerful that man is, and I just don't want to believe it. I don't want Cissy to leave me, even though I know she doesn't love me! "

"Time to give up!" Xiao Fu couldn't bear to see his good brother trapped by his emotions. "Speaking of which, you've already endured for so long. Isn't it time to give up?"

"I don't know!" He shook his head, looking at a loss. The distance between giving up and not giving up is only a little, it's all because of my own heart. Cissy would not care about this, I know it, I understand it, but I can't do it with a damn! "

"Perhaps I have forgotten about it after a long time. Right, our company, don't you want to take it over? "It's better to think about it carefully. Don't give up on what you originally possessed!"

"What are you thinking about?" Chen Xiao was at a loss!

To him, these things weren't that important anymore. Seeing Xiao Fu so earnest, he couldn't help but find it funny.

"The company has already given it to you, don't worry about me. You can do whatever you want, I don't care!"

It was really true!

Xiao Fu was speechless.

They had fought together in the beginning, but now, such a person actually didn't care about anything else. "Ridiculous." Don't be like this, I didn't think of going to the company, and now that I see how well you manage the company, I'm even less needed! "

"The original idea was clearly that we should work together to make the company bigger and stronger. But now, you don't care about it anymore?"

"Un, I don't care!" He nodded without hesitation. There was a hint of a sneer on his face. There were many things that were more important than that. He was already used to this.

Chen Xiao knew that he was not lacking in money, nor in manpower. What he lacked was love.

However, no one could give him such pure love. In the end, Shen Mo Chen was still the final winner.

It was just like those six years where he was still helping others to get married.

This was what he had always been unwilling to accept. Why, also is the deep love, in the end, Liuxi still chose Shen Mo Chen. Could it really be because of so many years of love? He did not understand this very well. He just felt a little dissatisfied. He thought about how he had given so much to Shen Mo Chen, and how he had even taken advantage of Shen Mo Chen. This kind of thinking was as if he wanted to kill him.

"Don't think about all those useless things, they will all pass by. Moreover, where on earth is there no grass in this world?!" You told me that, too, and I've said too much, and you don't listen to it anymore, do you? It's true! "

Seeing how frantic Xiao Fu was, Chen Xiao found it laughable. He walked up and patted Xiao Fu's shoulder.

"Don't think too much into it. I don't care about this sort of thing!"

"You don't care?"

Heh, that's ridiculous.

Xiao Fu shot a glance at him and continued, "The best thing to do is not care, I've never seen it before. If you don't care, you can still collapse to this state, the best way is for you to quickly come out and fight with me!"

"Forget it, forget it!"

As he was speaking, he saw Joseph and Yossi enter the room.

They were all smiling.

It could be seen that these two siblings both liked the environment of the island. The climate here was the best. It was very suitable for sightseeing. Living here could be considered a great fortune.

Yossi had wanted to live on this island for a long time, but he had never been able to do so. Now that he was enjoying this and thought about how pitiful that man was, he felt more or less uncomfortable with his brother's embarrassed smile.

Joseph was very happy to see Xiao Fu.

"I haven't really thanked you for what happened last time!"

"It doesn't matter!" Xiao Fu shook his head. "If you don't tell me, I won't tell you too much about your relationship with Chen Xiao!"

"I know that!" Joseph nodded. He understood this very well. If he were to casually say it out loud, he would actually doubt whether it was true or false. This was the strange thing about people. They would always be filled with complicated emotions, making people feel helpless.

"When are we going back?" Yossi suddenly thought of his own studio in the country. Now they were in a situation where there was no leader. It was not easy to make a name for herself in the country, and she did not want to let it go for nothing.

Hearing this, Joseph could not help but laugh. "Didn't you say that you liked it here today? Why are you thinking about going back now? "

"I like it, but I can't just ignore it. I don't know how many things are waiting for me to take care of!"

He knew Yossi was a busy man. Chen Xiao nodded his head and said, "Okay, let's go to sea with Xiao Fu today!"

"What about you?" "The person Joseph was most worried about was someone who was emotionally unstable. It was not a fun thing to be so confused and longing for Liussi." Do you want to go? "

"Me?" He laughed and shook his head. If I don't leave, I won't be able to leave either. I'm afraid that after I head out to sea, I might be unable to control myself and go find Cissy.

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