Published at 16th of May 2024 05:22:59 AM

Chapter 154

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Chapter 154

The atmosphere inside YM Entertainments Visions dorm was grim. It was inevitable because this year was the fourth year since Vision debuted. The group should have been experiencing a career high by this time, but the group was already showing signs of doom. As frequent scandals broke out, fans dropped out and the initial album sales and attendees of fan signings were noticeably decreasing. Thus, it was natural that the atmosphere of the dorm was bleak. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Perhaps because of this bleak atmosphere, the Vision members were unable to concentrate on their activities and kept turning their attention to other places like women, making unnecessary scandals, and frequently visiting clubs where sightings of them in clubs were spread across the internet. Furthermore, some of them even came into the dorm half-dead and only slept.

Vision was a group that was slowly decaying both on the outside and inside. Moreover, the members, Hwang Jun-Kyul and Yoon Dong-Hyuk did not like each other. However, apart from that, their personality matched well so their conversation went on smoothly.

Hey, Jun-Kyul.


Did you call Lee Woon?


What did he say?

What did you expect? He just hung up without saying anything. Did you call Kang Do-Seung?

I texted him.

Shithead, I told you to call.

Why dont you try calling him? Lee Woon is a pushover, but Kang Do-Seung turns batshit crazy if he gets angry.

Fuck, so what youre going to do about it? We need to straighten things with them somehow.

I know, so just shut up and let me do my work.

Hwang Jun-Kyul and Yoon Dong-Hyuk each owed Lee Woon and Kang Do-Seung a debt respectively. Hwang Jun-Kyul debuted thanks to breaking Lee Woons ankle, and Yoon Dong-Hyuk made his debut by plagiarizing a song by Kang Do-Seung.

If those guys go crazy and spill the beans about our past, its really over for us.

I told you I also know that. Stop fucking whining.

Thus, they planned to cover up their past somehow and straighten things up with Woon and Kang Do-Seung. If they were people with common sense, they would sincerely apologize and ask for forgiveness. No, rather than apologize, they committed crimes that they needed to beg for forgiveness. However, these two werent able to do that. It was because they had always felt a sense of inferiority towards Woon and Kang Do-Seung.

Fuck, is it possible for you to apologize to those bastards?

It feels like absolute shit.

I thought they shot themselves on their feet when they went into a cruddy, no-name place called WD Entertainment or something, but who knew theyd shoot up to fame like this.

They thought they had finally managed to overcome their inferiority complex by removing those two from the debut group, but Woon and Do-Seung stepped back into the limelight by appearing in The Showcase 2 as Siren members, and Siren was showing signs of becoming a huge hit. Thus, their inferiority complex was currently much stronger than before, and they werent able to ask for forgiveness even more.

We need to make up somehow and take away some of their popularity so that we can release an album or whatever.

Hwang Jun-Kyul and Yoon Dong-Hyuk had quite a lot of reasons to ask Lee Woon and Kang Do-Seung for forgiveness. It was to cover up their past but also to light up the last embers of their dying group. But even this didnt stem from a commendable desire to save the group but a desire to save themselves.

Lets drop those druggies and womanizers when we renew our contracts and try to survive on our own.

If they somehow maintained their current popularity and proved their value, they might be able to aim for a second chance in life after renewing their contract. In short, this was a desperate struggle to extend their lives as celebrities.

And I told you not to talk crap about Lee Woon in your v-live. Fuck, arent the private accounts already saying youre a bit shady?

I know.

I told you to pretend to be close, not secretly bring him down.

Hey, why the fuck are you just yelling at me? Youve also been talking shit about Do-Seung?

Me too?

Dont just search my name but search yours too, you dumbass. Are you worried about reading your plagiarism controversy if you search your name?

Shut up.

Anyway, lets stop subtly putting them down. Haaeven if I try to be all buddies with them, its really hard. They tried to ride on Sirens fame by pretending to be close to Lee Woon and Kang Do-Seung in their v-lives, but strangely, they ended up speaking ill of them. It was probably due to their long inferiority complex, but they both pretended to be oblivious of this fact until the very end.

The members seemed glad to do this live broadcast. Since everyone seemed down because of Hwang Jun-Kyul and Yoon Dong-Hyuk these days, I thought this could be a good turning point.

Oh, but youre telling us to send you guys the contents and special reveal well do on the live broadcast?

Of course, we couldnt just enjoy ourselves and play, and this was also an extension of our work. The live broadcast will be this Friday evening, right? The same time as when The Showcase aired? Ah, yes. Ill tell the others~

It seemed we had to finish preparing for the live broadcast by this Friday evening.

Guys! Lets briefly talk about this live broadcast! Yeon-Hoon said, and we briefly organized the album meeting, which had been heading towards chaos.

We quickly organized and typed our main ideas and immediately moved on to the live broadcast meeting.

What kind of reveal should we do for the first time?

Theyre telling us to give spoilers for the album, right?

I said, Thats right, but I personally want to add something extra besides the album spoiler too.


The members and I threw ideas around this time as well. Brainstorming like this had long been solidified as our main conference method.

Then shall we give some spoilers on the album concept and announce the fandom name?

Ah, and give a slight hint for our debut date?

Got it. But we cant reveal too much.

Yes, sir~

To sum up the results after the meeting: it was to give a little spoiler for the album, announce our fandom name, and give a hint of our debut date. Since we had thought of a fandom name in our previous meeting, we planned to announce it soon. Perhaps this live broadcast would be the perfect opportunity.

At the same time, I personally hoped for something else as well. If we do wellmaybe we can get revenge on Hwang Jun-Kyul and Yoon Dong-Hyuk.

Starting surprise v-live~

Vision: Cheese cat is here hehe

The notification that I set to monitor them rang just in time. I pushed the notification aside and silently deleted it.


In a four-year campus university in Seoul, a man wearing a university jacket and bag was staring at his phones screen. He was so engrossed with his phone screen that he looked like he would bump into someone at any moment, but he narrowly avoided all obstacles.

Hyun-Joong! Then a group of people ran towards the man from afar. They were students wearing the same class jacket as him.

Oh, what? Arent you guys on break? Why did you come to school?

Huh? What are you talking about? Today is our majors midterm exam.


Wow. Why are you so out of it these days? Did you seriously forget the exam today?

Uh, damn it. I think I have to retake that course, The man sighed and hid his phone screen behind him.

What were you looking at?

Its nothing. He said and stuffed the phone into his pocket. Then he said, Im just going to roll with it since Im doomed anyway.

Woow, you got guts.

Well, I faced bigger challenges in my life~, the man said and walked together with his classmates toward the campus.

What he had been watching on his phone was a live broadcast of the idol group, Vision. Was it because he was a Visions fan? No, it was rather the opposite. He hated Vision.

The mans name was Kim Hyun-Joong. He was a former YM Entertainment trainee and one of the final members of the debut group Vision, who left at the very end.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!