Published at 16th of May 2024 05:22:54 AM

Chapter 157

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Chapter 157

Our preparation to reveal our fandom name was completed. It was nothing grand since all we did was get up from our sofa and each lift up a sketchbook. Then, after lining up side by side, we looked forward to the camera.

“What are you all doing?” The broadcast’s host shouted in surprise, and I calmly answered, “This is an event we sort of prepared.”

Because we didn’t give a heads-up to the host, the host appeared to be taken aback. We didn’t tell the host what we were planning to do because it could become boring otherwise. We only told the host and producers that we prepared something to reveal our fandom name, and they simply told us that was fine as long as it was nothing weird. And now that we were officially starting our surprise, their shocked reactions were quite a scene to see.

“Then, should we start?” I asked.

“Ah, yes, yes. You can start.” The host said a bit baffledly.

Do-Seung was the one who held up his sketch book first and took a step forward. He looked like he still couldn’t accept or understand what he was doing. Do-Seung had been the one to passionately oppose when Yeon-Hoon first proposed the idea and said he didn’t want to participate in something so cringey.

Yet, in the end, Yeon-Hoon managed to persuade Do-Seung after relentlessly trying. Do-Seung raised his sketchbook, turned a page, and began the story. In the sketchbook, there was a drawing of five merman princes in the ocean.

“Long, long time ago, there were five handsome merman princes in the deep ocean. Bored of their life in the ocean, they talked about going on an adventure,” Do-Seung spoke softly like he was reading a storybook and it was then, the host and the producers seemed to have caught what we were trying to do.

We didn’t want to reveal our fandom name blandly just like that. We wanted a story behind it and the best method appeared to personally relate it to our audience. After Do-Seung went back, Woon came out next while holding a sketchbook. Do-Seung’s face looked bright red like it was going to burst any moment, but Woon’s face was perfectly at peace. This was the part about Woon that so many of his fans loved to joke about.

“According to a legend that had been passed down in the kingdom, one could enter a different world if they pierced through the sparkling blue sky. After learning this legend, the five princes began to plan while looking up at the sky.” In contrast to Do-Seung who struggled to go through his lines, Woon read his lines smoothly.

Thus, the producers who had been stifling their laughter until now began to become more immersed in the story and cheered.

The next person to come out was me. I spoke while turning the sketchbook’s page. “One dark night, when everyone was sleeping, the five princes headed out of the castle after thoroughly completing their plan to go on an adventure. Then, they swam with all their might towards the sparkling sky. They put great force into their tails and burst into the sky and then—”

From this point, the storytelling and continuity was important. The moment I said, ‘and then—‘, Dong-Jun turned his sketchbook and took a step forward.

“Wow! You guys! The legends were really true! This is really a new place!” Dong-Jun came out and smoothly completed the most cringe-worthy part of this story. He showed not an ounce of shame or embarrassment and continued his lines as if the stage had been set up for him.

“Ohh~? But what about our tails? And cool fins? Why did our tail suddenly become two legs?” On Dong-Jun’s sketchbook, five princes, whose merman tails changed to legs, stood. They underwent a physical transformation after coming out of the water.

Soon afterward, Dong-Jun moved back, and Yeon-Hoon came forward while holding the sketchbook.

“Though these princes had gone on an adventure because they were bored of their life in the waters, their life on land wasn’t easy like it was in the ocean. Walking was cumbersome while finding a place to sleep wasn’t easy and they were always lacking in food.” On Yeon-Hoon’s sketchbook, there was a picture of five princes starving and suffering.

This was an inevitable part since all stories needed conflict and hardship.

“Yet, they didn’t only suffer. They soon heard a rumor circulating around the village that there was a land of dreams where wishes were granted, happiness overflowed, and only love existed. Thus, they gained a goal for their adventure!” Yeon-Hoon passionately added hand and foot gestures to emphasize parts and looked like a preschool teacher who was reading a storybook to his students. nove(l)bi(n.)com

I let him be because I thought he would look cute to the fans.

“And the land of the dreams was...!” At that perfect timing when Yeon-Hoon said these lines, Dong-Jun turned a page from his sketchbook while standing next to him.

Flip! There was a drawing of a castle and the words:


“It was the Sailing Kingdom!” This part could be considered the highlight of our sketchbook show.

“The five princes began to walk towards the Sailing Kingdom.” Perhaps, it was because we were working so hard, the producers, who had looked at us baffled, now stared at us in curiosity on what would happen next.

“The people in the Sailing Kingdom were called Sailors, and the five princes now had a dream. It was to meet these Sailors and share happiness and love with them.”

We were almost there. It was time to put an end to this corny but cute story.

“Though the path to their goal could be rough and difficult, the merman princess would not give up until they meet the Sailors!” Yeon-Hoon said and turned to the last page of the sketchbook.

“Even today, the merman princes walk eagerly to meet the Sailors!”


“Haa...damn, these guys are hella cringey,” Jun-Kyul murmured. Then, while he was eating his chicken and pizza, his eyes turned towards Woon.

He looked intently at Woon’s body and murmured, “That bastard never gains weight. He’s seriously lucky. It’s like he was naturally born thin.”

Hwang Jun-Kyul had never seen Woon put on weight. Thinking this instantly dampened his appetite, but he still couldn’t stop eating somehow. Soon afterward, the broadcast began to show legendary clips from The Showcase 2 and the members gave their commentaries. Then, they made some small talk until the host announced.

—Everyone watching this broadcast! This is your opportunity! If you have anything you want to ask Siren, please write them on the chat box!

Perhaps, Hwang Jun-Kyul felt a sugar high after eating all that food, but he stopped gulping down his cola and raised his phone. Then, he wrote a comment without intending to.

—I heard that you were close to Vision’s Hwang Jun-Kyul and practiced with him! Could you tell us some stories of you and Jun-Kyul! I want to see you guys do a collaboration~

Since this was a separate account from the one he usually used, he thought he could write a comment down like this. He thought his comment would just be buried beneath the thousands of comments pouring into the chatting box.


Yet, Siren members saw the comment he made, and he clearly noticed their faces falter.


We were doing a good job on our live broadcast. Following the format of the script that the producers gave us beforehand, we made a lot of good content for the show. The last content of the script was for us to answer the fans’ questions. All sorts of questions poured into the monitor, and we just needed to pick one at a time and read it.

“Everyone watching this broadcast! This is your opportunity! If you have anything you want to ask Siren, please write them on the chat box!” the host said.

These were the sorts of questions we got: ‘What did you all have for breakfast?’ ‘What’s your daily routine?’ ‘What are each of your hobbies?’ ‘So, what happened to Benchy in the end?’

We answered according to the questions we saw.

‘Huh?’ Perhaps, it was because too many chats were coming up at once, there was a lag in the chatting box and the monitor screen froze for about three seconds. Yet, of all the questions, the comment in the center was:

—I heard that you were close to Vision’s Hwang Jun-Kyul and practiced with him! Could you tell us some stories of you and Jun-Kyul! I want to see you guys do a collaboration~

‘The hell?’ The comment was about Hwang Jun-Kyul. I pretended not to notice it since our plan was already to remain silent about this topic. Yet, it seemed Woon’s mentality wavered at this time.

His face became blank as he read the comment out loud without meaning to, “My memory with...Hwang Jun-Kyul...?”

Hearing this, Do-Seung stared at Woon in surprise first, and Yeon-Hoon and Dong-Jun stared at Do-Seung. Our oath of silence broke completely, and it seemed it wasn’t only us who felt the uncomfortable atmosphere.

“Ah, hahaha! Memories with other group members are nice, but~ Won’t it be better to share memories with just the Siren members right now?” The host intervened and tried to wrap up the situation.


—??? What

—What’s with Woon’s expression?

Yet, idol fans were sharp and didn’t miss that short moment. My members quickly realized what they were doing and changed their expressions.

“Ah, memories with our members?”

“Should we talk about that? You know the time we went to the lake at night and chatted?”

We returned to our normal conversation and the broadcast went back to its safe zone.

‘I should keep monitoring the comments after this,’ I thought. I needed to check what that momentary mistake had given to people and what sorts of conspiracy theories could come about as a result.

‘Perhaps...that could be the breakthrough...’

Though we had taken a vow of silence about our group’s connection with Vision members, I didn’t think that was the best choice we could take. Would this short happening work against us?

‘I have to watch and see, but I don’t think it will.’

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!