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Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Chapter 0025: What is the Quality of a Knight

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Chapter 25: Chapter 0025: What is the Quality of a Knight

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Translator:Henyee TranslationsEditor:Henyee Translations


In the center of Fresh Flower Farm, the Tulip Great Elf, together with a Tulip Lesser Spirit and six Tulip Spirit Bugs, surrounded the Black Tulip to absorb its aura and undergo assimilation.

Li Si Te (Liszt) stood by, watching the Tulip Great Elf intently.

In the memories of his previous life, the Great Elf named Xiangxiang was estimated to be over sixty years old; it was just a Little Minor Elf more than two decades ago and had evolved into a Greater Elf during his fathers generation. With Xiangxiangs help, the Tulip Family rapidly developed, and a vast amount of tulips brought innumerable wealth.

With that wealth, they built a capable and battle-ready Knight Order, and it was not long before Li Weiliam was titled Earl for his military exploits.

Coral Island became the familys domain.

Elves Although I have the memories of my previous life and grew up watching Xiangxiang, no matter how many times I look, its never enough. Elves are definitely wondrous things that shouldnt exist in this world Unfortunately, it isnt mine. I have only five Elf Bugs, no, soon there will be six.

He wrote to the Earl, hoping to trade for an Elf Bug, and the Earl clearly agreed, as Levis brought with him an additional Little Wheat Elf Bug.

My dear brother, the Little Wheat Bug Father asked me to pass on to you as a reward for discovering the Tulip Magic Potion, Levis said, taking out a Jade Box and handing it to Liszt.

Is this a reward outside of our trade, or within it?

Outside of it, haha, Liszt, dont view us as outsiders. Levis smiled gently, his noble demeanor not much inferior to Liszts, No matter what, we share the Tulip Familys blood, and whether its a Magic Potion or the importance of Tulips, the benefit to the family is immense. Father was very pleased when he heard about it.

Then I will accept it, and thank Father for me.

Why not thank him in person?


Li Vera (Li Weiliam) approached, Grandfather is ill and has been confined to bed. Father is preparing for all three of us siblings to visit him. So, once things are settled here, you will need to go back to Coral City with us tomorrow.

Is that so, Liszt nodded, with no reason to refuse.

Lets save our catch-up for lunch then. We should finish the formal business first. Li Vera, you start the negotiation with Liszt. Im going to take in the scene of Fresh Flower Town its my first visit to this small town, said Levis, as he mounted his steed, accompanied by his Retainer Knights and Layden, who was there to ensure his safety, and rode off.

They watched Levis leave.

Suddenly, Li Vera said, Are you really unwilling to part with that black horse?

Im very sorry, sister.

It is quite extraordinary; have you noticed?


Absolutely not selling?

Not selling.

Alright, it seems not only has your luck improved but so has your temper, Li Vera narrowed her eyes; she used to beat Liszt quite a bit when they were youngthe previous Liszt was a failure, often beaten by his brother and sister over toys.

Liszt didnt want to reminisce about past events; they werent his experiences: What have you brought for me, sister? Business is business; you cant hoodwink me.

I wont intervene in the sale of the Tulip Magic Potion; Im just here to assimilate once, with one Little Minor Elf and two Elf Bugs. The payment Im offering is five hundred jin of wheat, eight hundred jin of millet, one hundred jin of pig iron, and fifty jin of wrought iron, along with a packet of Falcon Towns specialty, sweetheart cabbage seeds No sweetheart bugs, whether you can cultivate it or not, thats not my concern.

Its less than I expected, but it will do.

Dont be greedy; I would only be willing to offer half if it were Lidun.

Lidun is the youngest son of the Earl, and his mother is the current Earless, who comes from a small noble family. A childs status is dependent on the mothers nobility; Liszt and his siblings mother is the daughter of a Marquis, far exceeding what Lidun could compare toin assessing a nobles status, the rank and connections of both the paternal and maternal houses are key.

It seems dissatisfied with Liszts current attitude, once the deal was settled, Li Vera challenged him to a competition.

What is your Dou Qi attribute?



What secret book did you practice?

Fire Dragon Drill.

Lets have a fight, let me see your current strength, Li Vera took the spear carried by the Retainer Knight, Its been a long time since I sparred with you after advancing to an Earth Knight.

Sparring was just an excuse.

The real purpose was to teach Liszt a lesson.

But the Liszt of today was no longer the nodding Liszt of old; he simply smiled, Sorry, I havent completed the training of my secret book yet, lets have a match another day.

Li Veras eyes were sharp, Are you avoiding it? Thats not a quality a knight should have.

A knights quality includes fairness. Sister, why not wait until Ive finished training the Fire Dragon Drill? Liszt gently defused the verbal joust.

Raising her eyebrows slightly, Li Vera put down the spear, You are as cowardly as youve always been.

This is called being prudent.

You really know how to flatter yourself.

Li Vera was nineteen and had not yet married, still a vibrant young adult. Liszts mental age had long passed the adolescent phase, and he wouldnt get angry over a word or two.

He dealt with the boredom with a few perfunctory remarks.

Levis had already strolled around and come back.

Dirty, messy, and poor, he shook his head incessantly, Liszt, Ive come to understand your need for food Fresh Flower Town is more hard-pressed than any other town I have seen.

Indeed, but I will make it prosperous, Liszt affirmed.

With the Black Tulip? Then lets talk about that starting with assimilation. Greater Elf, Little Minor Elf, and the six Elf Bugs. Tulip Castle will pay three thousand jin of wheat, two thousand jin of barley, five hundred jin of wheat flour, a thousand jin of pig iron, thirty barrels of beer, and seeds of various crops, Levis laid out the deal.

After a thorough inventory, Liszt didnt haggle and accepted the trade.

Load after load of supplies were carried into the castles warehouse, quickly filling up what had been a somewhat desolate space. The grain alone was enough to feed the castle for half a year, while the pig iron and wrought iron could be used to forge tools and armor. The seeds were specifically requested by Liszt for planting in Fresh Flower Town.

Without Elf Bugs, the barren land could only be fertilized with manure, hoping it would be effective.

As for now, the small town was actually not that dirty anymore feces were collected daily and then sold to the castle. Liszt had the manure distributed to the hamlets for fertilizing the fields. With little time and quantity, besides Peanut Hamlet, other places had not seen any noticeable effects yet.

The atmosphere at lunch was good, with Goltai providing an excellent banquet mood, full of laughter and conversation.

After the meal, Levis and Liszt discussed the cultivation and sale of the Black Tulip, Fathers intention is to buy out the cultivation and sale of the Black Tulip in one go. As a reward, you could receive a thousand Gold Coins. At the same time, you can also plant them in Fresh Flower Town and sell them to Tulip Castle.

That wont do, the Black Tulip is the cornerstone of Fresh Flower Towns development. I wont give up a continuous source of revenue for a mere thousand Gold Coins.

Its a thousand Gold Coins, not a small sum. I dont know if Fresh Flower Town could make that much in fifty years of taxes.

If I mass-produce Magic Potions, perhaps in a few years, just with the Black Tulip, I could make over a thousand Gold Coins annually. Magic Potions are scarce, and theres never a surplus in the market.

You should know, without the familys channels, you couldnt transport Black Tulip out of Thorn Ridge.

Thats why I want to talk to father, or to you, brother, about cultivation and sales I can provide seeds for Tulip Castle, but I must take a certain percentage of the profits from all Black Tulips grown.

You mean, we do the planting and you sit in the castle counting Gold Coins?

Liszt picked up the tea cup, responding at a leisurely pace, Essentially, yes.

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